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  1. There are several people doing just that. You can search around for some of these posts that link to some good hard data with proper sample sizes. While I'm not going to bother to post my spreadsheet, here is a quick breakdown of my preliminary findings. Keep in mind that this is not a proper sample size yet and I'm not finished testing. But you can see some clear trends emerging from it. And seeing 50 "OMG slicing useless now" posts is hurting my eyes. Disclaimer: These numbers are based solely on my situation. I'm sure you would see fluctuation with different scenarios. ME=Mako at 5000 aff, and a 0 aff 2V-R8 droid. At a sample size of about 45 missions, from a purely credit +/- standpoint, we're looking at a ROI of about 42%. So yes, this profession still makes a profit. This is fact based on my hard data. It seems (my opinion) that the mission/schematic drop rate has been slightly increased. If you factor in the possible sale of these items at their current market price (we should see this market fluctuate wildly for a while so it's no guarantee on future returns) the ROI jumps to 109%. What stood out to me was when removing all samples that were of the "critical" return our ROI dropped to 14.17%. So the RNG REALLY plays a huge part in making this profession viable for returning a usable profit and negating the negative missions. What is really important to gauge is the Credit per Min. I'm running around 29.78 Crdit/Min on both companions. This is NOT including the bonus items to sell. Oddly, my credit/min data for each companion is almost the same even with Mako have a slicing bonus and 5000 aff. (30.08 vs. 29.44)I'm very curious to see how this number pans out over a much large sample. This profession has become more of a long term investment fund that you constantly need to manage(i.e. sending people out on "yield" missions) then a "push button=make money" one. So, the question we need to be asking Bio is, will around 30 credits per min be comparable to the other gathering professions at L50 over time? Will the market sustain constant purchasing of the missions/schismatics that we find? There are clear trends showing that only certain missions can give a solid ROI. Plenty of other posts have listed them. I won't bother regurgitating that info here. TLDR/Math is hard: This profession yields positive returns over a period of time. You may lose credits with small samples and poor RNGs. The criticals are crucial for negating the losses from negative missions. We now have to sell our finds on the GTN in order to gain up to half of our returns(this is only viable if the market can sustain it long term). Don't bother with the missions that don't give a good ROI.
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