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10 Good
  1. It's interesting to see so many people posting about their pre-50 Jugg's. Juggernaut's scale with gear more then any other class in the game in my experience. Yes, they tend to be weak while leveling because of the motley assortment of orange, blue, and green quest items you're rocking. Once you hit 50.. It's a whole new world. Rage Juggernauts absolutely wreck in pvp. As an Assassin they're by far the scariest class to fight. Their burst is huge, they're probably the hardest class in the game to kite, and they still have all of their nice little cool downs even as a dps spec. Plus.. Did no one bother to see the picture linked earlier in this thread? Juggernaut with 700k+ damage and 12 medals. lol, squishy and bad damage for sure.
  2. 1v1 I don't find Sorc's very threatening as a Guardian Tank. Trinket the correct stun and save up your charges so you can stick on them and its very possible to win. Not 100%, but nothing in pvp should be. I never felt like a particular ability they had gave them an advantage that I couldn't deal with through judicious use of CC, defensive cool downs and gap closers. The real problem with Sorc's is the overpopulation. The sheer number of them is overwhelming, add to the fact that they are a *strong* class (Didn't say OP) means that they can dominate the battlefield. This seems to be unique to the class as well, cause I have yet to run into a situation where a large force of *insert other class* makes such a profound difference. As others have said I think it comes down to their utility. They preform all of their tasks well, be it off healing, dps, or control. When multiple sorcs are present they can split these roles and be all the stronger for it. Now I don't think a nerf is necessarily in order, but something needs to be addressed.
  3. I still feel that Guardian's are no where near as underpowered as people seem to think. I win 1v1 the majority of the time with only healers giving me any real problems (Can't kill them and they can just wear me down). The issue with heavy armor is noted, and I do agree. Any additional mitigation would be greatly appreciated, because outside of our cool downs it can get a little hairy. In pvp I try to have a defensive cool down up when I can't control my opponent with Hilt Strike, Force Stasis, or Force Push. That being said, *** is up with Sith Advisors?? I ran into one on Belsavis. Not only does it spam spells (I consider myself good at interrupting considering it was my raid role for 4 years lol), but when one does manage to get through it crit me for 2.8k at level 42! That is 25% of my health on a very short cool down. In the end I had to prioritize interrupting lightning storm and thundering blast and just soak the other spells in order to kill it. Sith Advisor was by far the most difficult mob I've run into thus far. It makes Harrowers look like babies.
  4. Agreed, http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-Immortal-Defense-Compendium-A-Tank-s-Guide-To-The-Galaxy Sith Warrior gives excellent insight into the proper stats for a Jugg/Guard. That being said if you don't feel like reading all of that it comes down to 2 points of shield rating for every 1 point of absorb rating you have. That's the optimal stats for a guard.
  5. The idea that Guardian's are under powered is an absolute myth. Of all the classes I played in beta and live (many to the mid to high 40's) the Defense Guardian is one of the best duelist's i've ever played. 1v1 in open world pvp I can wear down any opponent with the exception of pure healers. Between my high mitigation and numerous cool downs its easy to laugh in the face of DPS classes, especially Mercenaries and Sorc's who seem to melt under the numerous CC's Defense Guardian's have. Last night I soloed a 47 merc when I was 43 and he got the jump on me. Maybe he was just awful (In fact I'm kind of betting that is the case) but there was a 4 level difference. The key to playing a Defense Guardian is to not worry about the big numbers or how long it takes to kill something, everything dies in the end unless they have a higher sustain then you.
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