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Everything posted by JHawx

  1. Ok, so we can download mobile security key applicator (but not for symbian ^5 systems) for pretty much any other phone than on NOKIA phones, which pisses me off so i had to buy real physical verifyer, thats not the issue here. What i am asking, is that are there other fanmade applications for symbian systems out there? all i can see is android that android this, win7 phone and IScat (i quite dislike mac systems). But i saw several applications, like mobile application for companion skills, companion quide, skilltreel calculator... quite free to download for previously mentioned systems, but not a single one for symbian phones??? Does anybody know where to get these apps for my nokia C6-00???
  2. i got an adhd, i wont focus on 1 screen only, i got 3 of em, and in windowed mode it works just fine. When you dont focus on 1 thing on 1 screen, while i play the game i can also monitor my facebook, and messenger at same time. Trouble is, when something important happens in the game, i wont receve the important sound that notifies me of this from the game, bringing my focus back to the second monitor the game is running.
  3. This is what i have told all along... lol. Well, i live next to russia, so i can cuss in it fluently allready, took years to claim independence out of em and lost a lot of land also. but not a bad idea either. Anyways, i have given my 2 cents on this matter, taking subscription offline and hoping solution is made (and soon enough)
  4. migration laws inside russia are pretty tight. and the country itself has 5-6 different russianic accents, depending how close they are to the west, midland or asia. Being largest country out there, you must think big in solutions and problems.
  5. Well it is not ideal solution, it does separate people from eachother, but it does solve the problem. Common language players societies can co-exist in same servers without annoying eachother out. Thing is, if you cant understand half of the text people are speaking, that is a problem. Mainly, there will be 5-6 societies living on same server, but why it is a good idea? ECONOMICS! People are still producing items on auchtion house, that requires no verbal trading. Stuff gets still sold. Everybody do understand shorts: Only disadvantage is that those players wont help eac hother around as much, but thats dual edged sword. They will be finding company more easily that will understand eachother, making co-op easier. But as a reminder, you are joining to a server that has designated english/german/etch. as main language for the realm, if you dont understand the server native language, it tends to leave to trouble. I understand that, i really do, you dont understand what others are saying. But when you start to speak your own native, WE dont either understand you. When you create and join channel for your native, you are being courteus and show us respect. Not all russian players are russian only, they do know how to speak in both channels and keep it respectaple. I only got trouble on people who join server, know english but REFUSES to use it... Now thats ignorance and inpoliteness towards others. By creating theyr own channel, they dont force theyr uncomprehendable language to us, again, problem solved. ability to make your own channel ability to join or not show channels encouraging players to use custom channels and not flood major realmspecific channels, to keep those in official business.
  6. Well, that i do not know, all i can give is my experience on similar matter and how it was dealth with. How would you suggest solving this problem? I gave you my solution, and initial solution is to guide players to make custom channel and migate players who wants to use it to use it. Now there is nothing encouraging players to do so, neither there are guides or guiding people to do it. again, 3 steps: 1, give players knowledge how to do it, 2. guide people to it, 3. make good enough reason why players should do it (trigger being, if i dont, i wont speak at all) so simple, rather than converting whole realm to russian, hiring several russion GMs, needing to apply almost definetly acwardly working translation program that suggest us to "visit out hotel, have hapy stay, at end, hung yourself and give us all your money, welcome back again"... translation, you get working enviroment, where people wont get harrassed because they dont know english, and we who speak english but not russia, can co-exist. Custom channels are not limited to specific languages, you can make your owns for all languages youll be needing u know, and they dont harass eachother. you can join to channels, an leave. lets be honest: we the players are like a donkey driven cart. * your the donkey that only knows to do 1 thing and its to walk with the cart hang to y... play the game. * Somehow theres in front of you a carrot on a stick and you want the carrot. * ofc, you dont understand the guy yelling from the cart, but you want the carrot, it kinda looks yummy. * At the end of the walk, the loud guy usually gives me the carrot, but if i go see some sexy donkey or go to watering hole, the guy slaps my behind with a whip. game is the walking, when i do something i should not be, im punished & when i do well, im rewarded from the experience. You dont need language to grasp the concept.
  7. Yes there is and its creating rules in ToS, as mentioned previously. First you tell people how to make theyr own channels, then guide how to make em, then start to enforce it as rule violations. 2 days not able to speak to others will tech em how to go to the channel, where you dont bother others. Sure, in the end it would be great if russians get theyr own language, and realm where they can understand what is happening in the game lorevice, would be great.
  8. Im not gonna repeat myself too much, but i totally agree, and i have whitnessed this phonemanom before, some people tagged specific server i was originally using for certain language for people outside designated server language. In the end, they could not do anything about for it. for now, we can prevent this happening: make notifications on server languages and keeping conversations on general channels as server designated languages. NOTES! generic rule stating using external languages on official channels (/1 /2 & /3), as ToS (minor) violation (world of warcraft learned this hard way, they altered theyr ToU, i accidently spoke within english realm main channel using finnish to my lil bro, and got 2 weeks silence penalty (no speaking in general channels or chat, unless spoken first) Hints on how to create new channel for players who want to join up with theyr language servers. If players want to talk within theyr native languages, do so in UNOFFICIAL channels. if this is not interveined, we the players do not have any means to report illegal actions and terms of rules violations, yes it is our POWER to do so, as GMs cant always see every single violation some aholes do. (sorry language, but those guys ruin our gaming experience) soon may be too late to do anything about it, wow ended up giving free transfers off the server, they could do nothing else. First there was a flood of people, then people started to leave, realm economy died, server died... rules remade, server relaunced. after there are preset rules and guidelines made, then comes reinforcement: tiniest way to correct this is that when you are clearly marked and found guilty in this specific violation, you can be silenced from speaking in generic channels for 2 days. If this violation continues, 2 weeks. If continues, either 2 more weeks or banned for continuosly violating ToS. NOTE: these apply on SERVER SPECIFIC GENERAL CHATS only. If you make your own channel for your language, you are showing us respect and not flooding OUR channel with conversation, we cant understand. We keep off your channel.
  9. allready posted. heres the link http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=315980
  10. Personally i dont get it when you have open windowses, you are FORCED to open other windows when you open AH, and you had character sheet open, why i needed it, was i needed to see what my companion allready had, and i was purhasing better gear. Meanwhile my droid returns from crew task, and both windowses are shut off, because i am rewarded for the tasks. So here is what i suggest: Multiscreen support: you may now assign 2 windowses for the game, where second windows acts like window carrier: you can open map to it ,crew windows, and everything else you dont want on your main screen. Overlapping or tabbed windowses so when new windows open, it wont shut off previously open windowses, crew window can be moved as a new general tab onto inventory tab. When companions return, if you have open windowses, the notification is only shown in the awaiting notifications list, instead of opening the window forcibly. (like it does when you are in space battle) Ability to set backgrounds transparent / solid color.
  11. however it does affect your racial benefite (tlileg dance, companion boost etch) This would have to also reset your abilities in order to purge your selections, so racial skill wont mess em up.
  12. a player with 3 monitors i highly agree to this: every time when a cinematic comes down i look onto internet browser and game goes mute.
  13. no objections eh? Good, well just ask it to be implemented then? A console on the ship that allows you to browse these ships and things...?
  14. I think things got siweways lil offtopic, lol, was not ment to compare both titles against eachother, was mainly a joke.
  15. i am fans to both series, and see no problem with that.
  16. it is not a guestion, its link to an image, as swtor does not allow posting direct links to images. let me rephrase that, swtor does not provide ability to show images on theyr forums, via linking and using phpbb to show it to you.
  17. click here ->Picard vs empire <- to see the image
  18. Howcome i have an HOUSEHOLD TASKS capable droid onboard my ship, if he cant handle incomming mails and transfers. Arent flightplans registered usually by some sort of registery in intelliance, where ARMY sends mails? There is seek and destroy droids capable of finding you from planets, how bout a droid mail shuttle capable of sending mail via droidic shuttle? 1 of his tasks could be checking if you are going to receve packages or mails. How hard it is to press button that targets in location delivered package and tractor beams it onboard? I mean camoon, guy allready is in charge of refuelling your ship, yet he cant fetch your mail from port? /agree: mail system console for messages and items (these items can be delivered and fetched while being in the planet or from space locations, can be sent as burst messages across space) /disagree: galactic market console onboard ships (markets change too rapidly to be followed from space)
  19. thanx for correction. Lucas also removed 1 storyline from a book because it stated sith actually destroyed the yodas homeworld, and when the "original sith" were created, first planets they fought, amongst these were enlightened "yodas". This was in the book where they tired to find the infamous library disk ship (was black with many observation decks, somehow i dont recall its name either)
  20. well, in kotr2, the wookies were fighting pouchers and miners in theyr tribalistic states having civil wars amongst themselfs, let me rephrace that, tribal wars, looting technology from the mining corporation. Living in treehuts, i dont see how they could master space flight, not having common as language, i dont think they have means to obtain technology to master or lease ships for services... i can see how they could become bountyhunters, but thats it. Do remember that this happens roughly 300 years after these events. Even in the movies episode 3, they are still using same technology and swinging with vines to battle with yoda when order 66 was given. yodas rarity is clear and theyr attunement to force, this comes clear from in how many books and novels appears yodas kind, theres only 2 known yedi described to yoda. Also not knowing the species name is ovious sign that theres not much of em so its pretty rare and unknown specie... and i am starting to think lucas wants to keep it that way. As for longevity, yoda itself says to skywalker: "live yourself 700 years ... (i forgat the rest, but it was for health issues)" in the movies. and as for the lore between this era and next can be deducted from what they have in the movies. in era between kotor1 to first movie is 3,956 (BBY), so roughly in 4000 years estimating what species appeared in the movie and what appeared in kotr you can tell somewhat how they evolved. Oviosly, tech has not been upgraded that much. javas stole sand crawlers and operates black market trades in the dunes, occasionally making other trade related tasks in spaceports.
  21. What i am suggesting is on a ship, you could access latest information on fleets, mainly on ships. In this archive is all known fighters, fighter types and 3d models you could look at more closely, representing where theyr cockpit, engines, weapon turrets, missle silos etch are. Thus you could look in detail where are turrets on each starship, shield generators... all goodies. How is this helpfull? When you know what ship you are facing, its easier to know where to target, besides giving you good example of this eras universes battling forces, its a great way to learn about machinery of star wars. why 3d holo archive? you could scroll, take closer look, spin and so on to see where everything is located. When you meet new ships, those ships could be then recorded so you can view em later. And this is not only for the ships, but also for the walkers, sandcrawlers etch.
  22. I dont see how neutral wookies (at this time era) would be a good idea to either side. Gungan also were only submersed race of warriors, and preferred to be alone. yodas specie was rare, i mean rare. They lived long but scarse. Ewoks??? they cant even master the spaceflight, neither common language, as a sidekick this would do, but not as a major race. By all these means, we need to eliminate every race that is : exoscentric, tech level is of an bows and arrows, only exists in 1 planet, is not capable as a race to space travel or attaining technology to do so.
  23. Do note this is against the ToS. anything to alter gaming experience by yourself by limiting game server or client is violation of terms of use.
  24. Ditto. How bout making him conversable and within conversation you could ask him to limit chatter to: "feel free to express your worries" : as it is "Notify me of only important news" : Reminds you have hologram message, new emails (which should be accessible from ships intercom btw), if companion wants to talk to you. "minimum chatter from now on" : Only says "goodday sir/mam" when you enter.
  25. New emotions??? How bout adding sounds to em. If you type /silly, you tell a joke... now , where is the joke? i cant hear anything.
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