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Everything posted by xAyahuaskax

  1. The music that starts when you enter The Foundry and start fighting trash. Same track is when you enter Boarding Party too.
  2. I am looking for the soundtrack that plays in Empire flashpoint The Foundry, if anyone know link please post it, as download or on YouTube. Please help, this is one of my favorites from SWTOR soundtrack, I would like to set it as ringtone for my mobile phone and stuff
  3. See recruit gear cost was only excuse for ppl to show up in greens on lvl 50 bracket with 0 expertise! Now that is free people wont use it again, cus "creds are better, ima leech until BM gear!" (sorry mate)
  4. Being the best is fun, winning is fun, what else could be fun in PvP? Point is people with highest rank will be acknowledged ofcourse as the best on server and get respect etc etc. Lowbies will play between themselves and won't get in the way of already accomplished ppl. While they work on their gear or practice their skills they can slowly build ranking and when their skills are improved enough they can face PvP elite! Some posters made analogy, that in PvP here, u reach 50, you have to enter nightmare mode immidiately (compared to PvE where you have progression). It is true, but Ranked Warzone can change that, if utilized properly by the community and not be seen as exclusivity for top geared people.
  5. I don't like how people with low expertise/skill get discouraged to play Ranked Warzone. Purpose was to stratify players according to this, so recruit ppl can play vs recruit and have fun, bm vs bm, wh vs wh, and ofcourse depending on skill: casual, average, decent or PvP god. So it would be good if everyone play at least 10 matches to gain some rank, after that system will match you with people of your class, and imho will be more fun for everyone if playing against roughly equaly geared/skilled players. 10 matches may be a lot for someone to be ganked constantly, but pls pls don't let that discourage you. Precisely matching you with balanced opponent makes Ranked Warzone superior to regular, thus more enjoyable, besides being able to queue with 8 ppl and pick composition of classes that are actualy needed in well formed PvP group.
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