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Posts posted by dontbeswg

  1. So its the "elite few" who push themselves to Raid, but Raids are desired by "the masses"?


    You are not very good at this "joined up thinking" are you?


    All The Best


    You just understand what makes a game popular it seems, nobody is clawing to watch people stream that are horrible at games and the less competitive elite play a game the less likely you will see it being streamed.


    Ultimately, you're just bitter that you decide to play the route that is less acclaimed. I'm not being rude by saying you don't matter but what if you continue to deny that this game was more popular when it had a thriving raiding community you are just going to look foolish.

  2. Across the MMORPG industry only 20-25% of players Raid. and only 20-25% of players PvP regularly - and there is approx 50% crossover between those two groups.


    All The Best


    That's the eyeballs, only .0000000000001% of the people on the planet play professional sports and that is the allure of it. These exceptional people pushing themselves to the limits is exciting to watch and aspire to. When this game had content that challenged people it was thriving, when that went away the vibe of the game left with it.


    This is the concept people that don't raid don't understand, the content you are playing is a side dish to what makes these games desirable to the masses.


    But please feel free to continue asserting that the game has lost 80% of its playerbase because of the lack of a type of content only ever played by 20% of the playerbase.


    That player base left for wow and final fantasy, those games don't have story but they do have raids... MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER.


    If you want to enjoy the single player that's fine, but this is a multiplayer game and to ignore MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER content is to invite death.


    Even looking back on 2.0 and 3.0 with rose tinted glasses, I don't recall them getting everything right. I remember the obligatory posts by various members of the dev team promising more communication, I recall a period when after little or no content a promise of content every 6 weeks, resulting in the last update to PvE space combat, re-branding as new content every 2 months much of which was less involved than chapters and alerts; then giving up on the idea. I kind of recall new area's like section x being predominately text box missions that basically said the Dreadmasters minions go kill kill. .


    Ever game receives forum criticism, however this is the undisputed truth: The game was never more healthy than it was in 2.0. All aspects of the game were populated with players and all contents of the game were approachable on virtually all servers.


    The reason for this is simple, this was the only time in the game when 3 competent operations were released. If you argue that 1.0 had that then you still support that 1.0 also had a healthy player base on all servers. 3.0 discontinued that trend, and when it was completed stopped in 4.0 the game started to rot.


    I'm tired of arguing this because those that disagree are not willing to see the truth or they just weren't there, so feel free to disagree wrongly.

  5. at least a keith's answer about it would be nice.


    it's an important part of a MMO : to renew interest for old players AND give interest to new players to begin a class in same time as other players.


    Keith is really trying, I think most people appreciate that.




    Can you please give a statement about how the game developers plan to address operation in the roadmap? To clarify, do you plan to release operations in installments, and if you do what is the time-table going to be? Do you plan on releasing less than two operations per expansion? Etc...



    Since speaking out about the course of the game is apparently illegal these days, I personally would like to know the plan of the game in statement so I can decide whether to leave it behind or stick with it.

  6. As per usual you miss the point Ben isn't part of the team anymore but those guys above him that approved the bad choices are see the problem?


    that's a good point, ultimately EA is the problem. They decided to run this game on a skeleton crew. Go look at the dev tracker at the launch of this game, it was highly staffed... I hated the decisions of Ben but it is guided by EA who has put this game on the backburner since 3.0 launch.

  7. @Eshvara: (F going through all my quotes and yours :p)


    I respect your opinions, I think we both skew on the key element of time. Ultimately we are splitting hairs, but I will say this your issue of AFK can effect pvp just as badly as impact-fully as PvE. It's more about quality of players to the task, which is where I'm frustrated at myself, i can't play the game because people are so trashy and I refuse to PvP because players with minimal skill don't make my mammary glands hard :rak_03:


    In terms of raiding only, I never said that, but let's make a fun analogy here...


    you're an average looking lady but you have huge ****, and you're going on your first date (didn't say what gender the date is so I don't get SJW'd:mad::mad::mad: ...fine she is dating vette everyone happy!?). If you're average lady with ***** going on first date with vette the twilek you're not wearing a down jacket that hides your best asset, you're wearing something that allows your date to know you have spectacular ****! and you will need to buy the cow vette.


    If that made no g'dam sense (whatever you're lame) raiding is the best foot of MMO games, so you have to make sure that element of the game is not neglected and its showcases....


    SHOCKER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  8. I just keep my mounts on the qwerty part and save the numbers for my emotes...


    But I feel the same about raiding. I like to try it sort of like I like traveling to new places. But I've no interest in repeated visits. Plus, I only learn by doing so lets wipe and try that again. I also leave the keyboard for five to ten minutes every thirty minutes. I actually need a pause. Lets face it, lots of us have done this already in different games. Its not going to be any better here. Like most games we've played, raiding require the time devotion, the scheduling and some times getting everyone geared up properly. And after all that work, the rewards are... well, getting to do all that is probably it.


    Not saying I'd never raid again just that its not really something I'm planning now. I remember doing that with 40 peaople then 25 and its now what, 16? 8? It seems the games are adjusting for the fact that raiding isn't something that's attractive to most. Shoot, I'd be fine if raiders got their entire gear set when done or close. A chance at a drop that you may or may not need is the norm. Always thought raiders should get proper level rewards even if casuals protest. It a lot of work just to play and not a very good time investment to me. That's not even considering the bosses can be boring and the trash too deadly (don't know about this game, maybe different).


    Maybe I'll start raiding again when its Raid 2+ :D


    It's very interesting for me to see the cycle of gaming in terms of trends. When I started playing MMOs Eq2, dark age of camelot, and SWG sandbox games were all we had basically because they were cheap to develop and limits of the game implements, now it is the fad of all games because people like me tell war stories about how fun games like SWG were.


    I would really love to see a hybrid, a true well made hybrid where these games (mmos) no longer do anything instanced BUT RAIDING! It would be nice to get my enjoyment from interacting with the world and I'm sorry folks actually fighting wars and battles... remember when this game launched and we thought we were going to have a faction fight and plot... well games use to do that. you use to have consequences for the side you picked and it would effect the world (slightly but more than this *********** game).


    Ultimately MMOs no longer feel organic, and until they get that feeling back this genre is dead in the water. The other part, and something star wars has, is we have to give a S^&* about the world we occupy. SWG was an amazing game solely because everyone cared about the planets, heroes, and classes they played with... this game doesn't have that: i don't give a S&*( about these worlds, ships, etc...


    I'm rambling... enjoy or don't.

  9. So far I'm quite enjoying myself with PvP, apart from how they merged PvP gearing with PvE, I have nothing to complain about. Should it be neccesary to bail out on PvP, it'll upset a lot less people than it would in PvE, pug or not.

    I'll stick with that.


    I hear you, but I would think a Ranked team might disagree.



    I think you are your own problem. You can't seem to understand that people just don't like what you like. You can stomp your feet and cry about how people aren't playing the game how it's supposed to be played and demand whatever you want, but you're only shooting yourself in the foot. Nobody or very few people will take you seriously and you'll still go nowhere trying to prove your pointless point. Most people here with the exception of a couple or a few agree with you. Shouldn't this ring a bell? Whatever you're trying to achieve here isn't exactly working out.


    Listen baby cakes, I'll be just fine when this game is turned off next year, I've seen it happen to about 10 games I've played and it only ever hurt when SWG's lights went out. When this game finally rots into dust I won't bat an eye.


    I do however like this game and wish to play it, but like what I'm saying or not here is the gdam truth... WoW is still king and that's because it is actively making FULL MMO content that is highlighted by new and frequent raids. All you people ever say is well we can play what we want, well I can't because this game isn't creating the content anymore and like it or raiding content IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OTHER CONTENT.


    If EA wants to keep on making story content and force me to play other aspects of the game that aren't raiding here is what happens (and im not alone on this)


    PvP- I'm playing overwatch or PUBG because that is actually fun and doesn't feel as old as my dead grandmother


    GSF- Well I'd rather play Battlefront or WaR Thunder where they execute flying in a manner that isn't horrible


    Story- 100 million other games with better story content because the game is designed solely for it!


    My point is I can get a better experience with these aspects of the game elsewhere, but you can't get raiding anywhere else but an MMO hence WHY YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON IT FIRST!


  10. All SM stuff absolutely. Most HM stuff needs to be somewhat pug'able (2-3 PuGs) and maybe one PuG for NiM. Our playerbase has dwindled so much that the game needs to accommodate new players who haven't progressed the same way that many of us have.


    2.0 Harbinger was pugging all of the HMs, it was the best time this game ever had. Not shocking that the expansion released three ops!!!! (SnV, DF, DP, and remember TFB was an active ops during 2.0 with most players still working on completion).

  11. I guess you just don't understand PvP.


    I understand PvP enough to say that this game doesn't offer any decent PvP since it doesn't have open world. I also played dark age of camelot buddy!



    I don't really feel like pugging content I'm already not interested in honestly. As a parent of a toddler and doing work on the side, my time is already quite limited. The last thing I want to do when I have time for myself is pug raids with a bunch of randoms which ultimately leads to more frustration. No thanks.

    If that's what you enjoy more power to you. I however do not. That ship has sailed a long time ago.


    I understand MMOs to know this was your reason, which is fine but sitting there doing unranked or ranked pvp is going to run you into the same issues...


    Ultimately, the player base is the problem, and I don't enjoy the fact that lazy, arrogant people are killing this genre of gaming.

  12. Sad but true. We have too high of an attrition rate for the games current difficulty.


    I'm not talking about leveling quests, I'm talking end game Ops. I believe 90% of the players should be able to complete SM Ops, with 10% being carried by 2-3 players. 50% should be able to complete HM Ops with 50% being carried by 4-5 good players. NiM needs to be able to be completed by 15% of the players, with 6-7 good players carrying up to 2 who aren't.


    Couldn't agree more, this is the weakest group of players i've ever seen in this game. The fact that storymode is augmented so all you need to do is hit your buttons on the dam keyboard and players can't do that means that they have little interest in knowing what buttons to put on the bar at the most basic of levels...


    I have a theory that most players have mounts on the 1 through 9 keys...

  13. Because PvE is predictable while PvP is not.


    So the same maps, play styles, and players coming at you with the same class compositions isn't redundant? Coooooooooooooooommmmmmmm'on


    That and I've raided in WoW for years, during BC wrath and cataclysm. I've had enough of it. I also don't like to rely on others players and having a schedule.


    This is the Dogma that must be broke! You should be able to pug ALL content. I'm not sitting here saying you will one shot stuff but you should be able to approach content on a daily basis. Hate me if you must but this is why you demand more out of your player base and shame them till they become competent!

  14. you can edit your comments and respond to more than 1 person per comment


    Perfect teaching moment here kids...


    I'm not going to do this, because I don't want to put in the effort. As a result I will be annoying some and purposely replying in a manner that is inefficient. The fact that lionflash addressed it makes him an elitist in my mind, I'm going to call him a jerk and tell him he doesn't know what he is talking about because I feel his request is F^&*ing absurd!


    Now when you step away from it, I'm being ridiculous... Look at me taking criticism and I'll make a deal Lion, all of harbinger stops running Hardmode EV and KP and starts doing other ops at a veteran level and I will start replying to multiple people in one post.

  15. Actually, given your attitude, I would wager that others are deciding not to play with you, rather than the other way around. Avoiding someone who interacts with others the way you have interacted here would not be a loss to me or my in-game experience in any way, shape or form.


    You have such anger about the way other people enjoy their game - but that isn't any other player's issue to solve or address.


    Yes, tons of people are enjoy this game... hence the declining population.

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