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Posts posted by dontbeswg

  1. It's quite sad when the state of the management is that they have no clue on how to improve the game, so they have to make polls about it. It's also not an efficient way, not everyone will see the poll. In fact, the majority of players likely did not see it.


    Reading the forums isn't a good idea, the most vocal on these forums usually are the most destructive to the game...


    I agree, recruit people to work on these games that aren't morons and don't let other morons influence them to make a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE RPG turn into a SINGLE PLAYER RPG!

  2. There was a poll sent out via email last year that asked all kinds of questions like that, maybe ops didn't get as many votes as other things in the game did.


    So we needed two strongholds more than a completed new ops huh? And you people wonder why this game is dead...

  3. So let me get this straight... in one game update you have added two strongholds but in three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  4. The closest we'll likely see to another SW MMO is probably an RPG type of game along the lines of the Unchartered series, maybe with additional MP content tacked on. Either that or they're secretly working on a new MMO with a new game engine, I highly doubt that, and I'd likely avoid both considering BioWare's track record with supporting games in the last few years. They're too busy pushing Anthem forward, allegedly this studio is also working on that game as well (instead of working on the game they're known for, which is probably why we're not seeing the content required for this game to move forward).


    That's what worries me, I would really love to see them do a current movie era Star Wars Galaxies but that won't happen until Anthem is finished and that is like a year and a half away if not 2.5 years.

  5. I agree that it isn't highly populated, and have often talked about the huge drops I've personally noticed since KotET (and GC) and Iokath. As well as how every person in my guild quit the game when Iokath dropped. Whatever their reasons, I cannot be alone in seeing the players leaving.

    I was merely agreeing with the other person that Fleet instance numbers wasn't a good way to judge server population. Never said I hadn't seen huge drops of players. Even the starter planets have far less starter characters on them then I remember from just prior to KotET release.


    So just to disagree you post that when you know as I do this game is a step away from being shutdown...


    I'm not foolish enough to believe the devs will alter the game in a manner that isn't there way based on what's said here but don't give EA outs by providing false hope. This Expansion is a miserable failure and all the way to the top EA needs to keep hearing that.


    two outcomes for this game are needed: 1) it goes back to 2.0 level of production or 2) it gets shutdown and replaced with another star wars mmo in the next 2 years.

  6. If it were like WoW or something similar then sure, but surely you can't have missed the 8 separate single player class stories and 4 single player expansions? In addition you can do all the planetary story quests either alone or in a group. This game has always played like a single player BioWare game(which is why it's the only MMO I've ever liked) with generic MMO content tacked on as an afterthought. I can't imagine why anyone would play SWtOR for the combat and MMO elements.


    WoW is still a thriving game, this one is not... maybe it was a mistake to make an MMO that pandered to single player gamers.

  7. Helpful hint: not everybody that's playing is just idling on Fleet. Ebon Hawk right now (22:40 Server), in <Advanced Class> 70 search:

    • Sentinel: 75
    • Guardian: 75
    • Shadow: 68
    • Sage: 77
    • Commando: 64
    • Vanguard: 32
    • Scoundrel: 25
    • Gunslinger: 35


    451 max-level pubside players on Ebon Hawk right now - impside probably has 600+. 75 people on pubside Fleet instance 1 (instance 2 is depopulating). A sixth or less of the population of Lv70 players alone are just sitting around on boring-*** Fleet. Stop using that dated, pointless metric.


    Whatever helps you sleep at night, you know what's sleeping soundly? This game!

  8. The true next iteration for MMO is themed sandbox.


    As you say, players need specific tailor made content by skilled developer and... sandbox content to let them go further.


    With theme park only people loose their interest as studios can't provide content fast enough.

    With sandbox only player get lost and don't know where to start or can't relate to the game.


    What's good now is the demand for open world with the popularity of PUBG and GTA Online is back, so hopefully a dev will employ a bit of vision.

  9. Nice find there Deewe, and I agree the core problem with the mmo market is they haven't evolved instance content, sandbox content, and found a way to encourage community building through the contents.


    People really like the feeling of freedom in these games, but they also want structure. I think minimizing the amount of instance content and making the sandbox content contain more structured elements would really solve that.


    The tragic thing is people have been asking for immersive worlds since launch, and I think bioware was the wrong group to expect freedom/sandbox from.

  10. It's a shame that EA didn't take more care in valuing the Bioware name, with the production capital EA always brings to the table you would think the creative developers Bioware had would have done a lot but EA didn't allow the group to maintain executive control when they brought them on.


    I will blame Bioware for one thing, they didn't listen to the established MMO design/developer crews they brought in from SOE when they constructed this game. If they did this game would have been stronger at launch and it wouldn't be suffering from the internal pull to try and make this mmo into a mutant of a game.


    Overwatch is a perfect example of how you make a hybrid game. It's a unique take on an FPS, it has interesting characters that don't all play the same way but they didn't take out the FPS in the game. Bioware (when it existed) decided that they wanted to take the Massive Multiplayer out of MMO and it backfired terribly at launch, and somehow those same "thinkers" that remained got into the ear of the executive branch of EA and said, "Remember when we nearly killed the game with a horrible idea, we'd like to try that again!"

  11. Removing passes was the single most stupidest business decision this game has made in the past 12 months imo.



    They wanted to lock in those players from 4.0 who figured out that you could pay as you play, they just overestimated the enjoyment value the new player base had in the game. It's why they changed course quickly.


    I'm kind of surprised EA hasn't put more money into the game development, but people will soon realize they are funneling funds from this game into the development of Anthem.

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