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Everything posted by DragonDai

  1. I am not sure what sort of "awesome" profits other people are seeing, but my "awesome" profits for the last 8 hours of slicing come to a grand total of -4372 credits.... This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all. So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted.
  2. Which means you lose money almost all the time...Green level 6 boxes are almost always a loss.
  3. I'm not sure what the secret is. Maybe you'd care to share. See, I've "gained" -4372 credits over 8 hours of slicing... This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all. So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted. Please, tell your story of slicing misery here.
  4. This is with 3 companions out most of the time, 4 out sometimes, 400 level slicing, doing Rich level 41-49, The Automated Saboteur and Be Careful What You Read whenever available. As of 3 hours into this 8 hour period, The Automated Saboteur disappeared and I haven't seen it since. During this time I also got 3 purple missions and 7 blue missions. That is all. So yes. In 8 hours of grinding Slicing, I have lost over 4k credits. This is not to mention all the crew skill time that was wasted. Please, tell your story of slicing misery here.
  5. ^This! I am so angry that a massive company is launching what may possibly be the biggest MMO launch ever and they didn't think to include me, The Most Important Person In The World in the first launch! I mean, I know I didn't preorder my game till the middle of August, but doesn't EA/Bioware know how important I am? My mom knows how important I am! She tells me so everyday after I get home from middle school! In closing, I should get my game now cause I am super awesome and I'm the only person that matters. And if EA/Bioware doesn't do something about me specifically right this very second, I will like sue or contact my BBB or something...yeah...cause...I'm important.... grow up kiddies...
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