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Everything posted by SebastiaanZ

  1. I am not seeing Darth Hexid or Raina Temple mentioned in the patch notes, I assume they are still coming tomorrow right?
  2. You do realize that particular heroic has two bonus missions right? One outside where you need to loot a passkey and one inside. The one outside ends the moment you click the console.
  3. Seriously, you said you fixed the respawn timer, but its still way way way to long. You know what heroic I am talking about, the Face Merchants heroic on Coruscant. Definitely now with the new servers heroics NEED to be addressed IMMEDIATELY. Now even the easy ones are unbearable. Fix it ASAP please.
  4. And that folks is why it was a good idea to empty the Legacy Banks
  5. Anyone wanna bet that either the update gets pushed another week or we going to get an extended downtime? Not that the EU playerbase is affected, after all it will take the entire EU day! Not that Bioware cares.
  6. Yeah not taking chances either. Also took out everything from the Legacy Bank.
  7. Why can't it run from November 8 till November 15? Or November 7 till November 14? Now we only get 5 days of Double XP/CXP, that is if everything goes right this wednesday. We lose an entire day of chance on Double XP/CXP. Please consider extending or changing the starting time!
  8. Any advice on how to currently get to the vendor in Bugtown that is at the other side of the lake that sells a certain item you need for a datacron? I keep getting killed because of some crappy exhaustion zone.
  9. Well thats a start, but the dailies itself and the heroics need to give way more CXP as well. 75 without boosts is still absurd. So please make that happen.
  10. I can confirm that the pings are really bad, even at the EU servers. I don't know what they did, but it didn't get better.
  11. I stand corrected, apparently they did choose a different date.
  12. So why haven’t you considered moving the move a week early so that the EU players can enjoy their day off? No word on that? I distinctly remember that you would seriously consider it but sofar no word on it.
  13. It always is with them. "Oversights", things that players like MUST GET NERFED! Cause players cannot have to much fun in SWTOR. At least not without getting more money out of them. Cause Cartel Market is all they care about.
  14. You know what would've been nicer? Keep the dailies bug until 5.6 when new rates would be introduced as "promised" by Keith and Eric. Well since tuesday we all know how much a promise by them is really worth. October has literally NO NEW CONTENT, it's the least they should do if they don't wanna run this game into the ground.
  15. Simple question, when can we expect to get some fixes for the mess you made with CXP in 5.5? Because you really really really cannot afford to stay silent on this. People are leaving the game even quicker now. And we don't trust your metrics that undoubtly say otherwise. They need to fix this mess. You have screwed over your playerbase to many times now. It is time to face it. Either fix it to acceptable rates or kill this game. Once again october has no real new content, the least you could have done is keep the bugged CXP around until 5.6 or 5.5.1. 75 CXP is absurd and unacceptable. And technical difficulties is just BS, we all know this was intentional and Keith did not "forget". You just kept us hoping for better and then screw us over the day after the patch!
  16. I assume Eric or Keith, this will be looked at seriously, because you really cannot afford to ignore this issue.
  17. I really hope they change this soon ... not that I am to bothered by it, but it does piss me off. I have an Assassin, a Sentinel and a Mercenary at rank 300, I was at 203 for a Juggernaut ... so thats 75%. I hoped that I would just benefit from this week to get my Jug to 300 and get the full boost, but this is an UNACCEPTABLE announcement and needs to be changed ASAP. I don't ask this I demand this this time. If this was intended from the moment Keith said something, you knew and you had the obligation to tell us this beforehand not after the patch was delivered. This is bad management Eric, once again. First the CXP reduced now this BS, are you deliberately trying to piss off the playerbase?
  18. No offense Eric but this is ******** and I demand that you change this immediately. You lied to us. So that is why you did not upload the patch notes, because you knew you would get negative backlash on this lackluster change!
  19. Remove this limitation ASAP. Lots of people like playing one class. This limitation should NEVER EVER have been put in place. Another slap in the face. Do they want this game to die?
  20. What do you mean? It was a scheduled maintenance for a new patch. If they only would reverse the stupid absurd CXP issue, now that would change things.
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