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Posts posted by willyshoot

  1. What I really love is the uber elite ops who post "I never die to any class. I am god" yet NEVER... EVER..back up their claims with rotation.. Build.. Gear... Countermeasure.


    So with that in mind I am going to post a reply to them.. All women love me.. All of them.. I make brad Pitt look like a horse. Fact.

  2. What I have found is as a healer I was trying to survive.. i.e. if some one was on me I had to get away... zero chance of standing toe to toe out healing them or killing them.. or even surviving. So the tools I used as a healer to get away I have them as dps.


    What i have found is tho when you are pressuring someone they do less dps to you.. the dps of a healer is laughable, so instead of stunning and doing damage I always kept those skills up to get away.


    I thought when I went dps I'd die so much more. I don't. Now when some one kills me I can go back and get some revenge... as a healer.. well.... no.

  3. So you sneak up and your prey.... get behind..pop that acid blade... hidden strike...


    absorb.. zero damage. You know there and then you're not killing them. nice...


    I have changed from healing to dps and I actually stay alive longer as dps!!! Op healing is by far the worst class mechanic I have ever played.


    I honestly think BW really have no time for Ops in pvp... If there was open world pvp I think they'd be half decent :(

  4. and well.. all I can say is. Don't.


    Well not for pvp.. yes I know I am going to get "l2p" and "you're in cack gear" etc etc But I posted previously asking if I should stick with healing the and the resounding response was "no".


    I thought I would give it a go just to make sure and my opinion is an Op healer lacks any serious burst hps so you simply just try to get away.. and if your instas are down.. you ain't getting away.


    Previous mmo's healing is generally slightly stronger then damage.. so you may not be able to kill the person beating on you but well played heals will keep you alive. I do not get that feeling at all in SW.


    If there are no TA's popping I am toast. Yes I know I am a fresh 50 but if I stand still to cast a 2s heal A. The damage I take in 2s > than the heal I get off B. I nearly always get interrupted.


    I have played gimp classes in War/Rift/Aion but I always felt that played well you could make the class not as useless as it was. Some were even fun to play like the squid herder, I do not get that feeling for the Op healer. It's hide.. run... stun.. run... pop a heal.. hide... at no stage do I feel you change the game by healing :(


    /rant over.


    Needed to get that off my chest!!

  5. Cheers for the answers guys... as I suspected the Op is sort of just not quite good enough. I always feel like I am working at 100% to just get by in pvp... nothing spectacular.


    My numbers are ok but in honesty I think that is because people tend to fight the person who is fighting them.. it is rare for me to be healing someone and the opposition leaves him alone and comes after me. Just bad people at pvp. I think if you come up against decent people your life as an Op is painful.


    I'll get the dude to 50 and use him now and then in raids.. and reroll something else. I enjoy the game and the story line will keep me interested for another.. I didn't want to as when I chose an Op I was hoping they'd be different but not in a bad way!


    It's just a shame that Op seem to be the kid BW picked last for their team.

  6. I am level 47 op healer and "feel" the the class is just not there as a healer. This isn't some mega rant but I just feel like my hps is about 20% lower than it should be to be effective. 1v1 I literally have to pop every single thing I have against jedi's and run for the hills and if I am very lucky I will get away as they will get bored or not want to leave the objective.


    If any instas are down I know I am toast.. and if I get a debuff I am gonna snap like a twig. Maybe it's me as I am 24med 14leth and haven't gone full heals. Would going full med help dramatically? Or should I just park healing for a bit of just go dps?


    I'd say my mainn gripe is no real big heals to burst through that huge dps - especially after being stunned. If I have to cast a 1.5/2s heal I WILL be interrupted.. pointless even standing still to try it.. so if my TA's aren't popping it's game over.


    Also.. I'll be low on health.. debuffed and my heals are 0.. 0... 0...1.... 2... dead. I try a toxic scan but it makes no difference. is there a trick to this bit?


    So... should I go med or switch full dps?

  7. Three times in a row now... in the queue.. wait 30+ mins... get to around 20 in the queue.. 1003.. connection. Restart game.. back of the queue.. now 488 in queue..


    This really is beyond a joke. This game is nearly a month after realease yet there are HUGE bugs in it. Sort the f*****g login at least.... sort it out BW... how freaking tough can it be???? 1003 .. *** is that??? I don't speak numbers...


    and let me back in the queue where I was.. I restarted the game and was back in in under a min....

  8. Please BW give us some indication of if this dc - back of queue instantly is EVER going to be resolved. I have just dc'd for merer seconds.. as soon as I am at the server select screen I hit play... oooh... 420th in the queue..


    A joke.. sort it out.. how is this still happening so long after release?

  9. For the love of God dive us a decent amount of time to reconnect... dc again today... restart game.. back in 820th in the queue.. and that's if I get back in with out staring at repeated 1002... 1002... 1002...


    honestly this is just getting boring.. weeks after release I am still queuing for longer than I am actually able to play the game. This is a spectular failure of a release. And for all those saying it's been a good release.. well it takes me hours to get in a game the servers may aswell be down. It's pathetic.. how many people this is driving away?!?!

  10. 7.5hours to get in yesterday due to one disco... an absolute joke. Queue time says 2 hours... have not got in under 4 hours in 3 days.


    Had access for 3 days.. have played no more than 5 mins due to long queues.... this is just pathetic.


    What gets me is this is early access.. Bioware know full well the amount of people who are going to log in yet can't handle it... God only knows what is going to happen on go live day.:confused::confused::confused:

  11. Reconnect..... oooh back at 2000+ in the queue... is this some sort of joke at my expense???? Early access??? Access to what exactly? The queue?


    Then I come on the forums to see some very helpful advice from Bioware "Join another server".. talk me through that exactly? Maybe I should just leave my 80 guildies??


    /rant over.

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