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Everything posted by Spotlore

  1. Whats bugging me a little bit, is the darker then night black dudes with the Jay-Z hair talking like they should have an eye monocle and a Sherlock Holmes pipe. Flame on.
  2. lol Your not helping the game when you say things like that. But as I learned with WoW, the only thing they will truly pay attention to is why thousands stopped paying subscription fees. But by then, its to late. Those people are gone.
  3. Can't we just take the armor states out and put them into gear we like the look of better?
  4. Its this kind of attitude that will ensure nothing ever changes for the better. Bioware wants feedback on what their player base wants. So here I am letting them know what I want. If you want to play a game where the company dose not listen to its players, then go play a Blizzard/Activision game. I'm sure they are doing quite well with their Pokemon expansion. Troll.
  5. I will do the same as I did with WOW. When it gets impossible to find people to gank, I will quit. Flying mounts were bad enough, but when people started teleporting to the instances from a sanctuary and back.. Well ganking came to a halt and I quit. I have to admit, I think this game was built to make it hard to gank. Like, I can't attack people at quest givers. I can't kill quest givers. I can't attack towns. I can't interrupt outside boss fights. So we will see a few months down the road when everyone is at or close to end game. But bottom line. If I can't gank, I can't find a reason to pay for a subscription.
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