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Everything posted by mrsrachelm

  1. The stuns/roots/snares etc etc etc do seem to be a bit on the overkill side. Couple that with the players running cheats and it bleeds all the fun out of it.
  2. That really bummed me out, actually. I LIKE being able to dress my companions in ways I find appealing. I mean, don't those clothes ever get dirty and need to be changed?!
  3. I have to admit that trying to do a tactical FP is like walking through mud with the insta-60's. I have never died so much in FP's I know like the back of my hand (sub'd since day one). It's irritating and a repair bill that should not be as high as it is considering. Requiring PvP to get one of the the companions in the expansions and by default I think you have to have that one in order to get a different one is maddening! It's unfair to those of us who loathe PvP (myself) and totally unfair to those who enjoy a good PvP battle but are being forced to deal with all of us PvP newbs dressed in only PvE gear instead. Sure, it may mean some easy kills and easy wins but really...bleh. The shear number of PvP battles one must be forced to endure in order to get the companion is equally maddening for us PvE'rs and for the PvP'rs who have to deal with us. No, I don't HAVE to do it but having my alliance be two strong companions down because of PvP is just dumb. I am doing the PvP...and my apologies to real PvP'rs in my group. I will do my damnedest but really.....just....accept my sincere apology now.
  4. THIS! So much this! I love the story in the expansion. BUT, like many players, I do NOT love that there is zero difference in that story for any of the classes. Now I have a bunch of classes I absolutely loved playing and looking forward to their evolving stories only to sit them all on the shelf except maybe one or two because there is just nothing but tedium in doing the same thing over and over and over with zero variation in the expansion. There is a difference in a single player game like the Dragon Age series, for example, because even in those single players the story can take twists and turns depending on class and choices. I was expecting that flavor in the expansion. I was okay with a single-player flavored MMO with this in mind. The reality is I will likely never play any of my favorite characters again and stick with only one or two. That means, in turn, I will play a couple of days maybe a week for "the grind" and then log off to play other more enjoyable adventures on other games. I keep holding out hope that they will realize the HUGE ERROR of not having class diversification in their story and implement it in further chapters but....I won't hold my breath. Even the companions interactions seem "campy". THe BEST one they gave us...they killed off right away. ***?
  5. Gonna sound like a fan-gurl and don't care, lol. THANK-YOU for making datacrons legacy-wide. As a bit of a completionist as well as someone with a fear of heights, getting those datacrons on every character was ...nerve-wracking. Makeb...nuff said. I appreciate that you made them "once-gotten-always-gotten". My aggrivation levels have subsided greatly, lol. Can you do that with Lore Objects too, though?
  6. Nothing. Nothing would tempt me to PvP. I loathe it. Even not getting a specific companion post-KotFE will get me in PvP. I am here for the PvE story. That is where this game shines. If I wanted PvP, there are a crap-ton of other MMO's and multi-player games out there for it. Not so much truly story-driven MMO's which don't end up focused solely on raiding.
  7. Feel free to go play PvP centered games. Goodness knows there are a TON out there. By comparison having a truly story-driven PvE centered game is harder to come by because invariably they are focused on raiding over actual PvE story. I understand that you enjoy PvP...and that's fine. But then maybe THIS GAME is not for you. Not every game has to cater to PvP contrary to what many (but certainly not all) hard-core PvP'rs might think. Factually speaking, the statistics for this game show that PvE is where it's at. It's where the player base is and where the main source of income. While the PvP player base is extremely vocal...they are also very much in the minority on this game. Sorry. Play on a PvP server.
  8. How about a compromise: Make it a toggle. Those who want to keep them at 2+ as they are can do so and those who want them to be the old way of 4-man can toggle it upon entering the heroic. They do that for the solo vs group modes so I would think this would be possible. The only hitch are those heroics which are not "instanced". But seriously, there will always be people who are happy and those who are not with any changes that are made and both sides have their reasons which are all well and good. A toggle would solve a majority of those issues and (hopefully) keep the majority of players happy. I think the need for the heroics to be made 2+ is sound because it will start to get very difficult to get 4-man groups for planet heroics in the near future as people enter KotFE material with their newly leveled characters.
  9. I remember doing this stupid quest the first time and wondering *** am I doing wrong?!!!! I had to ask others in chat because I just wasn't "getting it". It was embarrassing but a lot of other players said they had the same issue at first with that particular quest. It was maddening!
  10. First: Put said person on ignore so they can no longer speak to you or inadvertently end up in groups with you. This solves the issue of them telling you to go kill yourself, etc. Do NOT respond to them in any way. Second: If they follow you around, ignore them. They are deliberately trying to get you irritated which tells me their likely mental and/or emotional age is in question. They may be adults but they are obviously in need of a mental health evaluation if they are being so dedicated to following you around day after day. Just don't react to them at all. They thrive on your reactions so literally do nothing and deprive them of any satisfaction. Three: Remember that they can go anywhere in the game that you can go (save instanced material) and have the right to do so. It is not a reportable infraction to follow you around. Reporting them for harassment would be for constant emails, whispers, etc. But you solve that faster and easier by simply placing them on ignore. I've had a player do this to me before and I know how annoying it can be. They deliberately try to get to mobs ahead of me, etc. I did exactly what I said above and it solved the issue within a matter of an hour at most. They got bored and moved on to try to harass someone else.
  11. Way way waaaaaay too late in the game for those. Level 15 or even 20 at the latest.
  12. I agree with the OP. I enjoy going back to some content and stomping the crap out of it just for shats and giggles. It gets harder and harder on planets to get groups for heroics etc so there have been many many times when I've had to finish them after over-leveling. As a completionist, I like getting all the material done. I hate not being able to finish something simply because I can't find a group for it at the times I'm playing. Making level scaling optional, like a toggle, would be a perfect solution. Once the expac hits and 12x level perks go poof, it's going to be even harder to find groups for lower level material for those of us who enjoy going through the entire experience. Being able to still complete heroics, FP's etc despite that, is important.
  13. Everyone is entitled to their personal viewpoints I guess. Personally I disagree with the OP. Having played since beta and subbed since day one, I've played both factions. My personal experience is that each faction's abilities are basically the same per class but with different names. Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor, Republic Trooper/Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent/Smuggler. These are the same class but with different names per faction. Their abilities are basically the same too but with different names and maybe some different visuals. Since they are the same for all intents and purposes, how can they be designed for either faction exclusively? That makes zero sense. As far as the player base being higher for Imperial than for Republic, I haven't noticed that on my server. Of course, I'm on a highly populated server so maybe that's why. I've never had difficulty in either faction getting groups vis group finder, etc. Depending on time of day, of course, but that's just normal. Faction merge from the upcoming Xpac? Most likely to a degree but that hasn't exactly been kept a secret. The question that remains is if the player can choose to fight against, or fight with/for, the new "emperor". If we can chose to fight with/for as well as chose to fight against...then factions still exist but are not limited to the stereotypical "imp/Pub. I like that idea because it means less stereotypical division based on class alone. An "agent" is now friend or foe alongside a trooper. That is something I welcome because the "I can only be Imperial" if I'm a BH is unrealistic to me. The same is true for Smugglers too, imo. Some of the classes would be obviously divided by faction (Jedi vs Sith) in the game up until now but having all classes limited by faction seemed a tad unrealistic and confining. I don't know but it seems like there are some people picking a lot of nits.
  14. WHat would the start of a new week be on the forums if there wasn't yet ANOTHER "doom and gloom" whine post. I've seen them since year one and yet...here we are getting ready for a huge expansion.
  15. And...a totally unrelated to topic PvP whine finds it way into the conversation.
  16. Which sure as heck doesn't explain putting all the time, energy, and expense into this expansion if they were simply waiting for an expiration date.
  17. Last time I checked you weren't being forced to do any content, quests, etc. If you dislike seeker droid quests etc the answer is simple, don't ya think? I suspect this is a troll bait post, tbh.
  18. It also "speaks volumes" that you stay on the forums to basically troll by your own admission because it's "more fun than being in game". Seriously? Your life is that sad? Wow. If I don't enjoy a game, I don't play it and I certainly don't bother spending any of my time trolling that game's forums "every other day" for "fun". Get a life, man. Move on.
  19. Oh yay...haven't had a "The game is dead, the game is dying, this is the end!!!" topic in a couple days. I guess we were due. My main server, Ebon Hawk, is busy as all heck. *shrug*. Harbinger is also well populated. I'm not on PvP servers because I don't enjoy PvP and all the chat whine that goes with it.
  20. Go to SWTOR Spy.com and look up each planet's codex. They will list the datacrons. Then go to your character's codex under "datacrons" and compare them. Whatever isn't on your character's list is what you still need to acquire. This, assuming I understand your question.
  21. Corso with my Trooper, my Jedi, my Smuggler (of course), and my LS Imp toons. Tanno Vik with my more mercenary but not quite utterly DS Bounty Hunter and/or Sith Lord Scourge with my DS Sith...nom nom nom! Zenith with my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter Of course, if I can also include a future romance with Theron Shan and Nico...yeah, that would rock too!
  22. Great to be kept informed of this stuff. It sure creates a lot more trust between the community and the staff.
  23. It is! But I will say this, I have been in groups where the "tank" is either new (no fault of their own, of course, because they are still learning) or afraid to get hit or start the encounter (yeah, I know, right?!) so everyone kinda stands there looking at the mobs. At that point, yeah, I force jump and get **** started. Of course, I've been playing since beta and have subbed since day 1 so I know the fights and the classes well now. If I have a good and knowledgeable tank, then I take care of what my position in the group should be...which includes keeping **** off the healer. Now THAT is something I don't see my fellow DPS classes doing enough of.
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