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Posts posted by Akkalevil

  1. It's a bad idea. Very bad idea.


    Players in WOW now are nothing but a number. I've been there .. it was boring. Having other players able to scrutinise your gear score , rotation and talent build = play the current 'hot forum way' or don’t play.

    The problem with your reasoning is that people didn't become "just a number" in WoW until mid-LK, while Recount has been existing in one form or another since mid-Vanilla.


    As I said earlier, it's not Recount which destroyed WoW, it's the facerolling difficulty since 3.0 and the LFG tool. What you describe is how the game has become since Wrath, three full years after Damage Meters started to be used in the game. Hard to link both.

  2. Completely agree.

    The paraphrasing is a pain in this game, with what you answer being only very vaguely linked to what is written on the conversation wheel.

    It's REALLY bad, and makes it a pain to find the actual answer you want to give.


    And the annoying part is, it's not the first time Bioware is called on about the paraphrasing. It's one of the most reccurent topic, but they seem to never learn...

  3. All I can say is that you and I are obviously playing a different game. In my SWTOR the missions are incredibly well written and voice-acted. WHat BW has done here is nothing short of spectacular.

    Most quests in SWTOR are much better written than most quests in other MMO, but it's a long way to "spectacular", unless you're the kind of guy who speak like PR people, with "awesome" and "epic" as his two most (over)used words.


    I enjoy the unexpectedly good storyline FOR A MMO, but it's still nearly not as good as single-player game in this department, and it feels VERY "MMO-ish" for many other fetch quests.


    There is also an overabundance of supposedly "galactic-scale importance" missions that amount to killing a few low-levels guys guarding a supposedly "strategically crucial" item and have absolutely no impact on the world (despite the supposed importance of the mission) and give you some ridiculous amount of money (I remember the "this patent will be so big that it will bring economic changes on the galactic sale, here is you 40 % cut of the benefit, which is 150 credits").


    These kind of missions just break the "storyline-based" experience and remind painfully of the very MMO-ish system of the game...

  4. Recount and the like are very useful tools for common guild efforts and improving oneself.

    People saying you can play at your very best without actual tools for doing objective and real measures, are simply showing their own inadequacies (and, should I dare, they are more than anything afraid to be revealed inadequate by such objective tools).


    People saying it has a risk of polluting the game with e-peen waving have at least a real leg to stand on, though.


    But my opinion is that the attitude problems tied to Recount didn't appear in WoW until the difficulty level was so much lowered that people could focus their entire attention on doing a big score and still manage to faceroll content - if you just tried to top the meter without actually playing well before WotLK, you died like a tool and you actually ended in the bottom, or at least the ones who had to compensate for your errors knew you were just playing the numbers and not actually doing what you should.


    As such, I support a Recount equivalent (as long as it's as feature-rich as the true Recount, and allow actual analysis of the data and not just giving one number for bragging rights).

  5. Yeah, the "as soon as you release the left mouse button, if you're moving the camera auto-center on the back of your character". Still no way to deactivate it ? Still not even an official acknowledgement about it ?


    It's been complained about for MONTHES, it's a TINY fix to do to allow, it's even been MORE work to actually bother to code this garbage function that bother so many people (talk about counter-productivity), and it's STILL NOT FIXED ?!


    Hello, it's a basic UI problem that game made ten years ago didn't even had - it's a basic problem that has been wholly CREATED, and which main effect is to annoy to hell people. And it's not like if it was a huge work to do, despite being a huge pain in the a...



  6. Can someone explain to me how its a single player MMO?


    People are only saying that because it feels like a single player story because of voice acting. You solo your way to level cap in every other MMO too.... NOt different at all.

    No, it's not just the voice acting. The layout of zones is also very "single player". It lacks the size and seamless transition from one part of the world to another. It feels more like a pack of walled-in zones patchworked together.


    I always feel like I'm in a "level" in a solo player game, I never feel like I'm part of a big world.

  7. I'm on the fence about it.


    On one hand, I highly dislike the "convenience above all" and "everything on a silver platter" that all the casual mantra has brought to the game industry, and which has completely ruined countless games. I like things to require involvement, time and effort, and to feel rewarding.


    On the other hand :

    - the main draw of the leveling phase of SWTOR is the story, which is the same for both specializations of a class. In all MMO you may follow the same events, but the much more story-based approach here makes even much more egregious.

    - You can only start to taste the gameplay of a spec after doing several levels with the common base, and this common base give next to none idea about how the gameplay of the advanced classes will feel. All the informations on the Net is pointless compared to the actual feel of the class when you actually play it.

    - Specializations are still sharing a common "trunk class" which makes it much more acceptable than totally different classes.


    So really... I've a hard time deciding one way or another.

    But I think I tend more toward allowing the switch, either against a hefty fee and/or with a very long cooldown (something like one or two weeks).

  8. Why the hell do they bother to actually PUT EFFORT INTO CODING THIS but then don't give an option to turn it off ?


    It's just investing work and effort into something that annoy people. That's just completely counter-productive and absurd...

  9. Shameless bump.


    The goofy male models, with the "either you're a skinny 'head on a stick' or you're a Hulk on steroid" and the "on top of that, your proportions are completely wacky", have make me unable to play a male toon. And I'm getting tired of playing only women.


    Don't dismiss it as an unimportant detail. Models that make you unable to play some characters are not something trivial in a game that requires the players to invest a lot in their avatars - makeing them unbearable for the player may makes him unwilling to invest himself in them, and as such lose interest in the game.

  10. Troopers look good with body type 2 , default Shepard from ME is also body type 2.

    The kind of body that default Shepard from ME has, is clearly not in the game.

    Because Shepard looked good with a muscular-but-not-overdone body, while there is nothing between head-on-a-stick and supermutant-barrel-man in SWTOR.


    I'd LOVE to have something like Shepard model, but sadly this game has failed hard in the male bodies avatar department...

  11. I agree, I use lots of Ctrl bind and lots of them are unusable.

    It's especially grating when they are actually accepted as supposedly valid binding, but they don't work in the game - I linked my heal to Ctrl-A, then died because mashing the key was just turning ambiance on and off, and by the time I realized what was happening, it was too late... -_-

  12. I don't really want to play World of Warcraft right now. The Panda expansion isn't really the direction I feel Blizzard should be taking the game in, and it's overall just way too casual right now.

    I'm not at all a fanboy of SWTOR, but I find it quite ridiculous that on one hand, you find that WoW is too casual today (I share this opinion, and it's why I quit it some time ago), but on the other hand, half if not most of the "flaw" you point in SWTOR are precisely the ones that made WoW such a casual bore.


    Make up your mind.

  13. Considering you actually need to actively code the "auto-adjust" part of the "smart" pivot (which means : it requires more work to HAVE "smart" pivot than to not have it), I just can't understand how they could not allow for its deactivation. It's just mind-boggingly stupid.


    Not only it, as said, requires more work to have a needless and extremely annoying feature, but it is horrible to play and you end up fighting the interface more than the foes.

  14. Please BW do not:


    1. Add a dungon finder that ports you to the dungeon, make us have to travel there. It's fine to add a LFD tool to create a grp (totally understand that) but please make us travel to the point...it's cool to planet hop :)


    2. Please no Dual Spec. If someone wants to do DPS but the next day wants to heal then roll a healer :) This will allow players to experience different classes and storylines adding more depth and detail for the player. This also allows BW to keep the player motiviated and in the game.


    3. Please do not decrease the cost of respec. Again the game should always be about choices and one always needs to be aware of those choices.


    So far these are the top 3 that I'm concerned about and if changed would imo effect the game in a negative way, which I do not want.





    If you're going to compete with WoW, don't try to ape it by sheepingly following the leader, but rather offer something it doesn't. Many people who left WoW were disgusted by the catering to the lowest common denominator and the "convenience at the price of depth", if SWTOR does it too, it's not going to keep them interested.

  15. I have to agree : the male bodies are seriously horrible.


    Most of the problem comes from the fact that the torso is FAR too short. It seems they used the woman's proportions, and it's particularly egregious on the type 3, with a torso that has more depth than height.


    And yes, the type 2 looks skinny. It's not because they applied a muscular TEXTURE on it that it changes its frame nor, more than anything, the relative size of its head compared to the body. I tried to make a Jedi Knight with the male body 2 and 3. The first one look like a gremlin, with a big head on top of a stick. The second looks like a supermutant with an horizontal barrel in place of the torso. Both have laughable animations - body type 2 running looks like a girlish Benny Hill.

    I simply can't have a male character looking acceptable. I've already two female char, and I'd like to make my male ones, but I can't have fun with buffon-looking avatars, sorry.


    Male models simply look completely ridiculous, and if you can't see it, it's time to repair or change your eyes.

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