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Posts posted by CulannHS

  1. I'm getting very irritated by people saying stuff like "if you're having seizures over a game you should go see a doctor." Dennō Senshi Porygon, an episode of Pokemon which was aired in Japan in 1997, caused many viewers to suffer blurred vision, headaches, dizziness and nausea, and even a few people had seizures, blindness, convulsions, and lost consciousness due to excessive strobe effects. Over 685 children were taken to hospital by ambulance, but most recovered in the ambulance and only a small fraction of the treated children were actually diagnosed as suffering photosensitive epilepsy.


    If this game is causing people to suffer with mild to severe symptoms that may or may not indicate they suffer photosensitive epilepsy, then this needs to be addressed seriously. Seeing a doctor can't fix what the game is causing, unless you're trying to say that only people who aren't photosensitive can only play this game. It's going to cause a lot of people to have to quit playing if that's the case.


    Moral of the story?


    Don't let your kids watch Pokemon.

  2. Who else is getting migraines from the flashes in new UI? I am. Many other people are too.



    This is what I think is going on:


    Although the flashes aren't too bright, the "flashing" UI lies directly on all fields of one's peripheral vision except the top. Peripheral vision disruptions like this are notorious for causing a motion sickness effect, which in turn cause migraines, dizziness, and nausea. Seizures could probably be triggered to those prone to them.



    Many people on this forum, (myself included), are complaining about getting headaches, feeling dizzy, and nauseated since last patch while playing. Many of us think it is because of the new UI.


    You're wrong. It's not. I rely on my peripheral vision more than you do and I get no headaches whatsoever from the UI. Why do I rely on it more than you do?


    I wear a prosthetic in my left eye socket. The remaining eye has to handle all vision needs for everything I do. I literally use my peripheral vision to watch the ENTIRE screen while playing. Meaning, every peripheral need I have while playing SWTOR, is handled by ONE eye.


    And? No headaches.






    Last two times I tried to play, the repetitive buildup of flashes over 20 minutes started to hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watched TV on laptop. It went away both times.


    Here is my log of how I felt when I tried a third time:




    T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


    T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache. Thought it might be placebo.


    T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens. Nope, wasn't placebo after all, was it?


    T+ 0:25:00- I feel the need to take Tylenol but resist to try to do my little "experiment" here.


    T+ 0:45:00- Headache is moderately bad. Noticed my left eyelid twitching every now and then around this point. Very obvious migraine.


    T+ 0:55:00- Slight nausea noticed, headache remains moderate.


    T+ 1:20:00- Nausea increasing somewhat. Headache the same.


    T+ 1:30:00- I quit the experiment. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.


    Later on: Headache went away completely, along with the mild nausea, after not playing for 30 minutes or so and watching TV.





    All this indicates is that you were starting to get a headache, and you decided to sit down and play Star Wars, which exacerbated it. Brilliant move.


    As a person who has had migraines that were so bad that the pain caused me to pass out in the past, let me point out to you that it's quite possible that you may have a headache and not realize it. There are quite a few things which cause headaches in our everyday lives we don't even realize, including diet, water consumption (yeah, H20 specifically), posture while sitting, and the list goes on.


    I have quite literally spent thousands on doctors, medicines and consultations in regards to my migraines in the past before I found out how to handle mine personally, and I gained a enormous amount of insight and wisdom while doing so.


    There are also those who get "trigger" headaches and you sound like of these people. Certain things can occur which can make all the conditions available for a headache, but the headache doesn't occur without a catalyst, or "trigger". To put it another way, the headache is there, but dormant. As soon as that trigger occurs, the headache is quite literally inevitable at that point. All the conditions for it to begin are present, and it's champing at the bit at the gate waiting to go.


    Given this, I'd suggest that you go see a doctor and inquire about this and trigger or catalyst style headaches. Something in your daily life is setting up the bomb, so to speak, and lighting is causing it to go off.


    I gain a similar effect to what I went through above by being under bad florescent lighting for any length of time greater than 15 minutes. And YES I was FINE before this patch.


    Your UI LITERALLY makes some people ill. Call me a troll. Call me whatever. I Don't care.



    Sorry, but it's not the UI, it's just you. As I said above if this occurs to you also because of florescent lighting, then you're got what very much sounds like propensity for trigger headaches.


    Meaning, the issue is indigenous to you, not the game.

  3. Ignore the fanboi responses. No, there is nothing to do other than to log in to raid once a week after you have cleared everything.




    Of course, because you've already:


    Fully geared all of your companions across all 4 primary classes in the best gear they can possibly wear.

    Did all the quests that all of your companions can give.

    Maxed out Social Skill.

    Maxed out Light/Dark skill.

    Gotten all the Datacrons from all planets.

    Completely RE'd all the items in your crew skills so you can make all of them into purple or better items.

    Explored all of the planets.

    Completed all four stories for the primary classes.

    Bought your VIP band.

    Maxed out Speeder skill and bough tthe best Speeder out there.

    Completed all the story quests for the opposite faction's four primary classes.

    Outfitted your ships in the best possible gear for them and completed all the space missions.




    No..what the OP did..was race at breakneck speed to max level, snag and bag all the gear he could so he could claim to be doing both operations on hard mode, then whine his arse off about how there's nothing to do, despite the fact he literally ignored about 80% of the game in his obsessive need to reach the point he's at and complain.


    Essentially..the OP wasted their money for the game because they didn't bother to take the time to experience everything the game has to offer.

  4. Ummm...No


    It is the fact the the armor and story are lame compared to the Imps - I have tried both and seen both armors - people want to look COOL not lame - they want story of epicness not "woe is me" type BS.


    Maybe it's just me..but I think most if not all of the Imp armor looks like hammered hell rolled in steaming green bantha poodoo. I'd rather run buck naked than wear that stuff. At least if I ran naked I could retain *some* dignity, rather than intentionally losing all of it then some.


    Insofar as better Imp stories than Republic stories...I wonder...if people realize that's all subjective to their tastes? The end of Act One as a Smuggler was freaking AWESOME. By the time you got to the end you ended up hating your primary nemesis so much you just couldn't wait to blow them into molecules. And the final resting place is pretty fitting too, I might add.


    On the flip side..some people don't care for anything to do with the Smugglers. Not the stories, the mechanics, et al. And that's their prerogative. But in the doing so, it illustrates my point succinctly:


    People have individual tastes, and claiming one faction's stories are "better" than the other sides is purely, utterly subjective.

  5. OR you will have guild leaders requiring logs to be submitted at the end of each raid so they can be reviewed by leader and officers.


    Where there is a will, there is a way (at least in guilds).


    Yeah...right. And this is horrifically ironic.


    "Submit my log? Sure..one sec while I cut and paste every 1 into a 4 throughout the log."


    "Okay all done..here ya go." Top DPS..as usual. (chuckle)


    If they require logs, people will alter the hell out of them in order to present what they want that guild leader to see. And if the guild leader is gullible enough to take them despite this fact, then they deserve whatever headaches and frustration may come their way.




    "Guyz guyz! Why can we not kill this boss? Everyone's DPS is over 9000!!1!!1"


    Just the thoughts of this causes me to laugh myself to tears repeatedly.

  6. Despite peoples' attempts to articulate a specific "rotation" for various mob ranks, the truth is that there is no rotation. That's a WoW-esque holdover, and one people need to accept as such and move beyond.


    What you do while in cover SHOULD be dependent on your environment and what's going on around you, not a blind combination of mindless button-mashing. Mob too close>? Pulse Detonator. Several mobs at low HP? Thermal Grenade. Just dropped into cover? Burst Shot. You should get the idea hopefully.


    Bottom line is still the same. There is no rotation, there is only reaction and adaptation to your environment and the flow of combat as it changes around you.

  7. Despite peoples' attempts to articulate a specific "rotation" for various mob ranks, the truth is that there is no rotation. That's a WoW-esque holdover, and one people need to accept as such and move beyond.


    What you do while in cover SHOULD be dependent on your environment and what's going on around you, not a blind combination of mindless button-mashing. Mob too close>? Pulse Detonator. Several mobs at low HP? Thermal Grenade. Just dropped into cover? Burst Shot. You should get the idea hopefully.


    Bottom line is still the same. There is no rotation, there is only reaction and adaptation to your environment and the flow of combat as it changes around you.

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