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Everything posted by mjwalsh

  1. Was this intentional? It has been like this for a while and it has literally ruined the point in crafting. It used to be that the people who put in the time were the ones able to craft the end game stuff and were returned with being able to make money selling it. Now, no matter how much time you put into it, even if you're the first one to get the recipe someone can just buy it, RE it themselves, and all that hard work you did to get the recipe is for nothing. This should be fixed back to how it used to be, where you could NOT reverse engineer something someone else crafted, this is ruining the crafting market, especially now with the carket market open as well.
  2. Going very strong! Clearing end game raids, and loving pvp, cannot wait for the next warzone! Join today! Welcome to all of our new members as well
  3. How could they do that when their purchasing system doesn't even work right now?
  4. Achieving one thing doesn't make you the best in the world, bud.
  5. Check out EternalDominion.com we are always welcoming new members! Fill out an application if you like what you see
  6. Check out EternalDominion.com we are always welcoming new members! Fill out an application if you like what you see
  7. We have regular weekly fri/sat/sun raids going on, not always all three days, but at least one a week. And all of our raid times typically start at 7pm PST (9pm CST)
  8. Just finished a complete re-work of our site, check it out. Much easier to navigate now, apply today! http://eternaldominion.com/
  9. Even in your heyday you were never even close to "best guild in the game".
  10. Going great! Farming end game raids, ranked pvp, and more! Check us out today!
  11. <Eternal Dominion> has both a Republic and Empire guild, check us out! http://eternaldominion.com/
  12. 500 coins a month isn't even that bad, it's whatever.. What pissed me off was being a purchaser of a collectors edition and being consistently subscribed since launch meaning I've spent hundreds of dollars on swtor, and I got less than $20 worth of cartel coins.. *** is that? That's what really pissed me off the most. RNG is whatever, bioware has a weird obsession with it and I get it, but it's stupid that we get less than $20 worth of coins for all of the support we've given bioware in their fails.
  13. We'll soon be coming up on our one year mark as a guild! We've been here since the start of Swtor, and are excited to still be alive and kicking. We've got multiple raid groups and consistent active pvp going on every night. Now is a great of time as any to join! Apply at our website or message a member in game!
  14. Eternal http://eternaldominion.com As a guild Eternal has progressed and evolved through many hardships and tough times to become what it is today. We are a close-knit community, more like a family within the guild. We welcome all players, casuals included to our guild. We expect from each and every members the respect back that we give them. Representing the Eternal name with maturity and professionalism is important as well; We like to portray our name well throughout the server and do not wish to start problems with anyone. We also are welcoming casual members into the guild. A community wouldn't be a community without members who are there simply for the atmosphere, and family! We have many members who simply hang out, fill in raids, and pug pvps within the guild because they love the community that we've built and achieved through everything that we've been through. Eternal, through it's hardships, has grown into an amazing place to be, and an overall great, and knowledgeable community of gamers. If you find yourself interested in joining the community, feel free to message anyone in game to ask for more information, or simply fill out an application at our website here.
  15. So basically for the past 2 months this is what you have all been working on, versus releasing new content.. Awesome, so that means our nightmare mode of EC will probably be another month or two at least. Hello guild wars 2, good by swtor.
  16. unsubbed lol.. this is so funny. changing my guild to guil wars 2 right now. will be playing just to pass the time until the day gw2 comes out, then you will never see me again.
  17. Personally I'm using CURL to grab contents off of the CKN API they have and then push the results onto a PHP page and showing that page on my Enjin site in an iframe.. I don't know if there is an "easy" way to do that for non-coders to be honest haha.. Maybe these other guys have an easier way.. Reason I'm doing that is so that I can custom skin the character sheet however I want, vs. just using their pre-made one.
  18. Yeah, definitely need to get that updated so it follows you as you scroll or something, wouldn't have even known it was there if you didn't tell me haha.
  19. Nice, thanks for posting the link. I like to see how other people are using it as well.
  20. Spent some time customizing the look of it tonight. Worked on it forever learning your classes and stuff haha. Still working on it, A LOT but here's what I have so far! (Enjin website) Figured I would post a link since I haven't seen anyone do it yet, which is odd... http://eternaldominion.com/raidgroupxray
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