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Everything posted by tacoknite

  1. do not by the set pieces directly, just buy the RNG ones? I'll look up the outfitter, i have some old school items from release i'd love to have as appearance. is that possible? stupid question but how do you see what the current conquest is?
  2. I am wrapping up chapter 3 and moving on to ilum. My character 53. Is it worthwhile to skip ilum and the following planet and move right into hutt? Will i be missing any good story points by doing that? On to gear, i am a little confused. When i get to 75, i'll probably have close to cap on tech fragments (i run flashpoints a lot and am at 4or5 k now) . I see that there are tacticals and sets. Which is priority? On to sets, i was hoping to be able to wear what i wanted and mod it for end game. This doesn't look to be the case for and i am assuming everyone at end game pretty much wears the same set? So, everyone looks the same aside from color crystals and dyes? i skipped leveling any crafting on this character and all my characters crafting was capped way back in level 50. is it worth it to craft? What is an efficient credit maker if you are not crafting at all? I am not expecting myself to log in and play market trader. Just something people do that over time brings the creds in.
  3. i came back hoping to play nonstop huttball and to my dissapointment my characters are on the NA server that doesn't pvp. I am not paying 10.00 for a transfer on top of a sub and after i finish my light side sith (absolutely loving the story), im out again. It's a shame because, one thing i always found fun in swtor was the pvp and huttball was always enjoyable. to be 100% honest, i loved all the 8v8 maps. I am just constantly stuck in 4v4 and it's made me just stop playing pvp. I would probably pvp at max level in 4v4 but while im relearning the game and leveling i don't enjoy it. I love the craziness of huttball and large scale pvp.
  4. i haven't played in forever, left well before rise of the hutt cartel. So, with all the star wars stuff going on , i got the itch. I can't believe how much the game grew! Sucks i missed so much. Anyways, I subbed and logged in have a free boost plus my characters.I did the boost and somehow i saved the galaxy and one of my companions showed up and started telling me a story, and i shut the game down real quick because i feel like way to much has happened and i want to do the story, so i shelved the 70 until i figure the game out again. I have a 50 sin, 50 marauder, and severl 20-30 characters. I was a pretty heavy pvp'er and both my characters are in champion gear.So, with the back story out of the way, on to my questions. IS there an old person, easy to read guide on progression through the stories? A simple, way to gear up? I am assuming gear is mostly made up of mods still and the actually gear doesn't matte as much as the mods. crew skills. I am obviously behind, back when i played i just ran slicing on every character i had . Are there any that are worthwhile? Are they useful at all? im really looking to ease back in but it's so overwhelming, i find myself hiding on my ship and just staring at my screen a lot, because i don't know if i should be re-rolling or picking up where i left off with one of my 50's. pvp, is it mostly just this 4v4? i really enjoyed warzones and it was my priority but im in q forever and then i end up in a 4v4 where the teams are often not full. everything i do is giving me some sort of points, conquest, etc.. What do conquest points do? i collected about half the datacrons back in the day. Are they still worth collecting? if i were going to pvp alot pve little, which class is the ideal to run? My sin, marauder, 30jugg? are guild ships as cool as im hoping? is housing as cool as im hoping? I last had a star wars house in swg.... any tips, suggestions, links to guides, videos, twitch streamers, youtube channels, etc.. would be so very much appreciated.
  5. not gonna be popular but i'd make controller support, even if it meant pruning some abilities. I connect my laptop to my t.v and play with a wireless keyboard and mouse but would love it if i could play this like ff14. I have some disabilities that would make it a real treat to play without being in pain after an hour or two of playing. secondly, another unpopular opinion. I'd get rid of the bikinis, and over the top outfits. Im old and can't stand seeing a naked jedi knight running around. wish i coulda chosen to be darth zash at the end.
  6. wait...i just came back. We lost our companions? At max level there are no companions?
  7. i'll check the fleet tonight when i get home. I am in no hurry to get to end game. It's weird logging in to my 50's and just not knowing what to do, so i am shelving them till i get a handle on gameplay again. this is a totally stupid question probably, but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to put a GTN in my stronghold? is this possible?
  8. Good Morning, I played this game , what feels like forever ago. Beta, launch etc.. I left just prior to free to play. Anyways, i clicked someone's referral link and decided to jump back in. Did the graphics change? I used to run this on an old machine which may be it but it feels like the texture quality is 10x better than back in the day. Anyways, it runs much better than when i used to play. I xferred everyone of my characters to harbringer. I had some cartel coins , don't know how but i moved my characters off of prophecy of the five. I prefer to pvp mostly. The talent system is gone, my abilities look different and when looking up the class guides it seems a lot of them are out of date. So , i am looking for someone who is a primary pvp'er that can maybe get me up to speed in game. There are way too many questions that i'd ask here on the specifics. im starting at the beginning of the game, i created a 65 but am just utterly lost. I never played any of the xpacs through so i am just starting at the beginning. I prefer to play marauder/sin but am doing some jedi stories. I bought my house, but am limited on decorations. Is this like swg now? can i find decorations killing mobs and stuff? or is it all cartel? i'll more than likely sub at least a month just because i am enjoying the jedi story at the moment. From there, it'll depend on how my warzones go. My last question, is space combat. Is gsf anything like the arcade space fighting we had at launch? is it populated? wortwhile? i'd love to get into some space combat! any tips, or anything i'd appreciate and if you are on harbringer, i could use a a few ears in game to ask questions.
  9. i'd say , a while ago the f2p system was overboard. Now, i'd say it's generous. The reason being , is that originally this game lacked in so many areas. With the release of f2p it still lacked. However, the game has a huge amount of depth now and continues to add features that put it in a direction that is much needed in MMORPG's. The f2p system, is a chance for you tos ee if you like it. If you do it, it is well worth subscribing. Do i have gripes with the cartel market? of course i do, but ultimately this game is night and day from release and well worth the price now. I paid a lot of money on release, and was a very irate customer after 3 months of play. Having come and gone a few times, i think that now the game is amazing and the amount of "things" to do make it the best MMO on the market. If you don't want to spend any money or cannot, the game is still playable. Can you beat your class story f2p? There are limitations of course, but you are playing something completely free of charge. let's look at some other games as well: heroes of teh storm alpha...charges people bundles for a game you are "testing". diablo 3, you paid for features at launch that you have to now pay 40 dollars for. TO TOP THAT OFF, you just paid 40 dollars to lose features! in wow, you have to shell out a hefty amount of money to play the game up to mists. Cash shop implemented etc.. you ever play a nexon game? or ESO? swtor has done a good job of meeting the player base on a middle ground.
  10. i agree, and you are seeing this with ESO, WIldstar and a ton of others. I will wholeheartedly admit i had unrealistic expectations of swtor when it was released. There were a lot of glaring problems at release, and just like any other new mmo , there always are. The star wars name carries a huge appetite with it and , no matter what bioware put out , that hunger wouldn't have satisfied most. I do however think certain things were handled poorly, the servers at launch, the gamebreaking bugs, the world pvp, and a few other things. It's well known that for the beginning part of the game the development team was very out of sync with the gaming community. Again, i think swtor has a great future now but it took a lot of huge steps to get there , some steps backwards to move forward.
  11. i'll give you my perspective as i've left and come back multiple times. When the game was announced we were all really excited. There were alot of up and downs with the development team vs community. Then release came. The game blew up, 100's of servers. Huge popularity and ratings. Then , i'd say 3 months to 4 months in, people hit level cap and what not. End game hit, a huge chunk of players left. I am willing to bet at least 1/2 if not 3/4 the population over the next 5 months after that was gone. Ilum was a disaster, there were huge issues in pvp, ability delay, and end game content. This made a lot of people, including me, pretty upset with the games overall finished product. I am not here debate what i think of the game or my personal opinions. The game was in a very scary place for a while. Somehow, someway , the developers realized that they would need to make some drastic changes to the game. The free to play model introduced, xpac, starfighter, ranked pvp, and the list continues to grow. As to your question, i'd assume that some people like me who left felt like we were let down. Some people, want swg, some people want more wow features, and some people just love the game. Because of the IP it's very polarizing. I tend to come and go from the game because i get sick of pvp after a while but havent been back in a while so i have leveling to do, pvp, starfighter, and housing so i may stick around for an extra few months. Most people , even the haters, want something great from swtor. To be 100% honest , the game was a huge letdown once you hit 50 during release. I personally, just felt like it wasn't star wars. The development team was very out of touch with what the players wanted and my whole guild just left . I think the game is moving in the right direction now and i look forward to it's success whether im permanently here or bouncing in and out for content updates.
  12. To be honest people will leave this game after a bad experience and bash it. An example, one of my close friends bought final fantasy 14. he is about 54 years old and an avid gamer. He rolled a gladiator. Went to his first dungeon and didn't know how to tank. He was verbally abused for 30 minutes. I asked him about how it was on ps4 , was going to try it out. He said it had the most toxic community in any game he's played. i had nothing but great experiences with SWG. I have had nothing but great community experiences with swtor. I do think people overrate swg terribly. It had amazing sandbox qualities. I remember when i was able to jump in swg and wished they'd just never added it. Combat was very clunky, especially lightsabre combat. You basically got into a buff line in a spaceport and joined an afk farm. Cities were littered with empty houses. In it's glory days it was very elitist, and in it's later days it was very lonely. the problem i always had with swtor is that it could be great. I love pvp in swtor, which is usually why i come back. I think the first playthrough of this game is one of the best experiences ever. I usually leave after a month or two of playing. I havent played in a while, i have zero 55's so this time i'll have some more to do. I am excited about stronghold, spacefighter, and pvp. I think the open , do what you want , direction will end up keeping me around if it's done right.
  13. here, let me break it down for you. SWG was not as bad as people make it sound but not nearly as great as others makes it sound. I'd take swtor combat and pvp any day of the week over swg. That being said, swg had a star wars "air" to it. The thing i miss is how i could play the game without having to do an ounce of combat. The social/roleplay elements of SWG made a lot of us fall in love with it. I could log in to that game and go to the cantina or my house and have fun with my group of friends. Crafting, decorating, exploring, roleplaying, drama, everything outside of combat was what made it so great for me. SWTOR is taking directions in this. Strongholds, spacefighter, pvp. THey are starting to realize that this game , this universe is much more about button mashing and leveling up. I think a lot of people are turned off by the era of the game, with no yoda or luke and what not. It's hard , even for myself to overcome what i grew up on ( 37 years old). The more openness they add to teh game the happier I am. I have just resubbed today to see how the game has come a long. may the force be with you.
  14. more and more games are including housing of some sort. Even wow after saying it'll never happen, caved in. A lot of you who never played swg or any other game with extensive housing think it is probably a waste. You aren't wrong, and you aren't correct . The same is said for those people that rp and enjoy housing as a full time gaming experience. You think it should be included in the game. There is a chunk of us that do enjoy playing a game without combat. Me, it's variety and i enjoy choosing what i will be doing when i log in. I spent an entire month on my e-home in swg. I could spend an entire night rp'ing in the cantina on my entertainer. I wish that more than anything to come to TOR. I understand both sides of the story. I think housing/guild housing would add more to the game. depth, rpelements, content etc.. and all of that can be nothing but a good thing. it's a huge development issue and most likely if it happens it'll be instanced. Is that worth it to bioware? who knows.. I just came back after being gone a while and really appreciate the strides they've made in this game. I have my gripes but it's nice to see GSF, MAKEB and a lot of things being added. I'd throw every game out i own and focus on tor if it had in depth housing. as much as i want housing and other activities , i've come to realize that there are more pressing needs i'd be much happier with. Datacron legacy, a better reward for subscribing( i feel im still being nickle and dimed by convenience for paying 15$ a month), and a much more active world. Having my own house would be nice, but it'd be even better to see some real AI on mobs. Fighting 3 guys with 3 guys 5 feet a way has always bothered me. So yah, as much as i want housing , and man i desperately want it. I like the way the game is improving and i'd rather them fix this star wars experience first before moving on.
  15. the only real similarity is the word "companion" it stops there. This has been a long time coming for wow and am excited to see the innovation they are trying to incorporate into this ten year old game. Very happy for blizzard straying away from dailies and creating a more involved world. I have not enjoyed wow since tbc, i don't enjoy reptitive quests, raids, dungeons. I like to have a multitude of things to do in a game and a variety of ways to entertain myself. hopefully bioware sees this and takes ideas from them. Galactic starfigher is a step in the right direction.
  16. player housing in swg will never be seen in swtor unfortunately. I solely lived a social life in swg, and those who think housing in swg was bad , clearly never played it. SWG housing was incredible and had so much depth. Because of the engine in swtor it is not possible to have that type of open world housing system. It'd have to be instanced and with f2p games, that kind of development is rarely seen. I think they'll focus on guild ships, and more personalization on your ship(s) especially after the new xpac. Would be nice to have your own ship hangar. It's a much easier chore considering they ships in place and areas for them etc.. I would love to see it but it'll never happen. I gave up on the sandbox dream in swtor a long time ago....
  17. you ever have a movie you liked to watch a lot and every now and then you'll get it on ppv or whatever? that's swtor for me, every now and then i'll just want to play through the story and for 15 dollars and about a month of entertainment it's worth it to come back every now and then. I don't do much else, just level up a character and leave.
  18. i have had my love / hate with this game over the course of it's life. I have to say it has come leaps and bounds from it's original state. Now, there are things i absolutely loathe in this game and there are things i love. I am staying for the starfighter pack as i've been wishing for it since release and am hyped. I hope it doesn't suck and pray it isn't a cartel trap. Not gonna bash the issues i have with the game, it's pointless, but i really do hope bioware does right by us with this release.
  19. i think it's great they are releasing some pvp only content. I personally enjoy pvp in swtor, it's the main reason i play. Every major content patch has always included ops/flashpoints and with arenas and now space pvp they are addressing more aspects than just raids/dungeons. I think bioware is moving in the right direction by releasing different paths of game content. I fear though , as with arenas, this content won't be properly tested. arenas should have been release with the choice of either solo or group que as well as exploit testing. From what i've seen solo que is an utter nightmare and ultimately this hurts the popularity of the content. I am worried that the new starfighter content will be much of the same, a complete and total imbalance. If this game had the unique logins of wow, this wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, the game slipped very far downhill before any of this content came out. So what you have is a very few strong guilds that will dominate all forms of pvp. This was apparent in ranked warzones, it ultimately ruins the experience of those that are not in those guilds. i think bioware is attempting to take a step back in order to take huge steps forward. i think the variety of content being release now is great and i hope they improve on what they're doing. Their biggest shortcoming though is completely alienating their player base from content implementation and putting it (the content) in anyways. i just hope it isn't half *****ed content.
  20. The guns reference is comparing apples to oranges. You could have used a drug company in better comparison. Again that reflects my personal opinion on the morals of f2p publishers. Total opinion, agree or disagree, i think putting gambling on a E or T rated game is wrong. You may be totally content with hardmodes and flashpoints , the people that have stuck through this game are in the same boat as you. Please don't compare wow at release 10 years ago to swtor. Again, drawing bad comparison here. When wow was released , there wasn't tor and bioware/ea had a long development cycle to include many things that were already existent in "that" game. End game content varies from person to person. People left because there was "nothing to do" in swtor. The story stopped and you went right to flashpoints or ops whatever. Some of us, i know it's shocking do not play ops/flashpoints. So for us, there is absolutely no end game. Your endgame vs my endgame are totally different. A lot of people feel the way i do, as do a lot of people feel the way you do. I am sure there are worse f2p markets out there as there are better. What is "fair" , compared to games like lotro, sto, dcuniverse etc.. I don't believe any of them are as limited in character progression. Compared to others maybe not so limited. Drawing my comparisons off personal experience. In my personal experience, swtor almost forces you to spend money immediately. That is the goal of a business and totally understandable, but is completely misleading in a marketing aspect when you get a email that says "enjoy star wars the old republic completely free to play" . Stretching term truths all over the place , and all f2p publishers are guilty of this. I just think that swtor's is a litlte unfair, not unplayable but very restrictive compared to the majority of other free to play mmo's.
  21. first , let me start off by saying that this is my third time returning to this game. Basically, it's like that favorite movie you see on pay per view and although you have seen it, you still pay to rent it. I think 15.00 is worth the month of enjoying a story i like over again. After that i'll be gone , again. I don't know what bioware could do to keep me interested in playing. SImply, the game offers nothing for someone like me once you hit max level. and now to the topic: no, and it cannot be. Star Wars the Old Republic is a much different game compared to most other f2p mmo's. Swtor's strongest point is every other game's weakest point. Swtor thrives off early level and story. So, when the game launched, and 2 million + joined up we had tons of servers. The simple and obvious reason there are like 8 servers instead of 80 now is because everyone got to 50 and left. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that writing on the wall. So your game isn't pulling in your sub revenues and you are faced with a decision of shuttind down shop or going free to play. Well, the game has to get people to spend money when they log in the first time. So, the subscribers get the game they all paid for, the f2p getting a stripped down version of the client. Knowing the games drawing power early on, there is a huge likelyhood people will invest "something". Ultimately , it had to be done the way they did it in order to save a rapidly decaying game. My biggest argument with cash shops and why i try to avoid them is the psychological nature of gambling. I think that it's shameful and disgusting for a company to take a virtual item , and give you a chance at getting it. That chance being a crap shoot on a virtual item. The items should all be for sale, gambling is a terrible addiction and gaming companies are promoting very unhealthy behavior in people (especially youths who, don't understand gambling addiction). When i see people who invest 100's of dollars into these packs , i feel sympathy for them because they cannot control that urge and bioware/ea capitalizes on this. Most f2p mmo's have this. I just strongly disagree with it. The UI, items limitiations and all the unlocks that you purchase on the market is still suprising to me. The restriction level of this game on f2p is pretty intense. The game is more like "free to try". Then you sub, and i think where this game sets itself apart is that draw the shop has on paying subscribers. my hope is that they are investing this money back into development. Reading an article that sitting in your pilot chair was a hack is pretty sad for a development studio. Immersion is one of the most important aspects of an mmo and this game could use more. Right now, the game invests a lot of time into it's f2p cash shop and less of that time on improving QOL issues. This game also has the worst dev to community relationship i have ever seen in an mmo. I think that most f2p games try to make their customer base happy giving a little to get some back. The f2p model here is to really give as little as possible and hope for something in return. You don't give away an expansion you just charged people for, if your game is clicking on all cylinders. I hope this game succeeds and grows, it has an amazing storyline and the cosmetics are nice in the cash shop. I don't see myself ever staying long because it lacks so much of what makes an mmo an mmo to me. Sorry for the long winded post. tldr; it is in some ways but because the game capitalizes on it's early game, it requires much more early game spend.
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