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Everything posted by Bobbiac

  1. Maybe that is what I am annoyed about. It's free to play. Not a trial. So why does it, as you say, apear to be a trial.
  2. Because I only see the stick. There is no real trial. There is no real reason to f2p. There is only the subscription. And Zuul. (But I digress.) I don't get it. Everything.. well nearly everything .. has to be bought with gold (cartel points.) Yes there is the GTN, but honestly I don't get it. Why does Bioware prefer subscriptions over population? Please, we need a 21 day trial. No holds barred, full access, up to level 45 for 3 characters. And this nonsense with paying to do every instance is ludacris. Find another way. For instance, all non-HM flashpoints have no token requirements, as well as a lowbie only warzone and non HM lvl 50 ops. The way I see it, you are punishing potential subs by being f2p. And I could imagine this is a dead horse, but still.
  3. Found this whilst tinkering with settings. REALLY useful for healing. One thing though. Can we get this for toggling a target for benificial skills? Click button > Server says "OK this is who you want to protect. I will now heal and buff them instead of you." Basically an "Assist" key, but augmented from how it works now.
  4. http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/technobabble qft. But yeah .. Lucas has this bad habit of over explaining things. Here's hoping Bioware doesnt feed that troll.
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