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Everything posted by xChroniCx

  1. Apparently you guys are reading my post wrong... It's defenitely possible to do this. I just tested by buying the marauder renowned belt, inserted a "bound" mod and transferred the belt to my level 41 operative just to see if it would work and it did. I was able to get the belt on my operative and take out the "bound" mod i got from an extra piece of pvp gear on my marauder.
  2. So I realized during the weekend that it would be possible to gear your alts to 5/5 war hero and weapon by playing your main character. With the new legacy bound gear: you buy the war hero piece you want for your alt, rip out the mods and put them on the legacy gear, transfer to alt, rip out mods and use on augmented gear. Maybe this doen't work and there's som safegaurd, but it'd be pretty awesome if it does work and I don't have to go through the newb 50 phase again on my alts.
  3. Lol wow what an idiot this guy is. So pretty much your saying that you suck, nerf marauders so you suck more, and then maybe people will ignore you in warzones? Your logic is infallible, anyways have fun on your healer.
  4. Anyone can do 500k+ if the other team has 3+ healers and nothing is dying. I heard from a friend of a guildies sister that gunslingers can one shot people!!! NERF!
  5. xChroniCx


    Lol your sig says enough, just a whiny person who blames his own incompetence on other players being "OP"...lol.
  6. This guyy is an idiot. Marauders are very gear dependant and don't shine until they are full geared. Hence why everyone was crying about how bad they were for the 1st 2 months the game went live.
  7. xChroniCx


    It really amazes me how many people say Marauders we're OP before the patch. Anihilation was strong, carnage was crap. Now that carnage is viable it somehow goes to god-like status and people in here think every marauder is 31/31/31 specced. These buffs were to make the tree that noone used playable, sorry that your unfamiliar with how to deal with carnage marauders.
  8. xChroniCx


    In all honesty as carnage it does, I hit 4.5k on my last tick before the patch.
  9. xChroniCx


    If the Marauder is carnage(gore gives 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds) and has bloodthirst adrenal and relic up...yea ravage is going to hurt.
  10. Yea!!! Let's talk balance around 1v1 dueling or better yet we can balance around pug warzones...great idea. This is an mmo, go make some friends.
  11. Lol marauders are so easy to kill and without undying rage would be the easiest kill in the game. Baddies will be bad and cry foul, apparently noone here has ever played wow and doesn't know how to deal with a rogue type class. Pro tip focus the marauder with 2 dps, let him blow defensive cd's, switch to another target let his 5 seconds of good defense wear out and then switch back...dead marauder. Tankasins are better tanks, pyrotechs are better damage, marauders are good at both but not the best. Learn to play.
  12. Yea, reduce damage bonus to the damage reduction level and it might not be so bad.
  13. Announcing a patch being released in 2 days, then removing content in the pacth a lot of people solely resubscribed for is shady ****, lost a lot of faith in Bioware. I guess EA's money hoarding influence is too strong.
  14. Does anyone know more about these? Are the buffs received permanent? Is it a set % buff(i.e. 5% to accuracy for completing melee tank companion requisites)? Any help is appeciated.
  15. xChroniCx

    Arenas yet?

    They need to at least add a deathmatch style pvp, not everyone likes objective based games...
  16. xChroniCx

    New FOTM

    I've been leveling an Operative healer the past few weeks on Helm of Graush and haven't noticed many marauders at all. I did notice when my team consisted of 2 sorcerors and 5assassins... Maybe some servers are different but I doubt its that bad.
  17. O yea I forgot marauders can taunt and guard like sins can... So glad I'm rerolling an operative, maybe I won't hear anyone qq'ing about my class for a few months again.
  18. xChroniCx


    Yea a 4v4 arena/deathmatch would be nice. 8v8 is too zergy.
  19. You left out Operative healers...and the fact the world is coming to an end. AmIdoinitrite?
  20. I did this on my server about a month ago, by far the most fun I've had in this game even just watching was interesting. Too bad all it takes is one bad apple who has stealth to completely ruin this. Good luck.
  21. Ok, I'll take my educated opinion (and that of most players I talk to) and wait for the balancing during the ranked warzone pre-season. That is why its a pre-season, to bring to light any balance issues that unccordinated groups of pugs can't account for in the current warzones. Taunt at 30%, off the gcd, and costing 0 resources will be adjusted. Just a matter of time after ranked warzones hit.
  22. I accidentally wrote taunt instead of guard...No misunderstanding in the cd's or how they work. You seem very bitter and defensive so I'm guesssing you already know they are too powerful together and don't want to let go of your OP'ness. Anyways have fun while it lasts.
  23. What does that have to do with the combination of taunt and guard being too strong? Anyways, have fun with your "I am Quitting" post once they get "balanced".
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