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Everything posted by Temeritas

  1. But the usability of cloak directly correlates with the ability of enemies to cc/knockback you. There a quite a few ccs that lasts more than 6 seconds, but break on dmg, perfect for a situation like this.( This way CoP averages on 1/10 uptime=> 2% reduction overall ) And overall armor IS a strong mitigation stat. Because most skills are mitigated by armor. There a some skills that deal internal/elemental dmg, but the majority deals kinetic/energy dmg, which is mitigated by armor. So on average juggers doe have a better survivability. Marauders make up for it with kind of a "burst" survivability if you combine your cds or chain them. But cds wont save you from most openers (at least i cant predict the future^^) or dmg taken while stunned. Thats fine imo, Marauders can easily focus a single target down, and survive long enough thanks to their cds, but they dont have as much group utility as juggers do. And for the PvE part, it seems you aren't higher than lvl 30. Because after this, you will need your def-cds nearly every fight with silver and higher. As well as your interrupt and Vanish to drop the aggro at you companion if needed. Thats why i liked leveling as a marauder^^(I'm leveling a sentinel atm for the story^^)You need to be aware of your cds all the time and need around ~20 keybinds for leveling. Without our defcds i think Marauders/Sentinels would be totally broken for leveling an pvp, even in raids they are quite usefull.
  2. I dont know what is more ridicolous. The Intepretation of hardcore for some people( 15-20 h a day, no family, no rl yaddayadda). Or those who think of themself as something better, just because they achieved less then someone else online, which they think means, they achieved more in RL...... Whatever btt. You cant tell casuals and hardcore players apart anymore imo. Because everyone has a different definition of what is what. I think of myself sometimes as a casual, sometimes more hardcore. I dont invest that much time in MMOs anymore after the levelingphase (which I enjoyed greatly btw.^^) There are 2 days we raid with our guild, and on every other day i just log in when i feel like it, or to do space combat daylies, for the reparcosts. On the other side, i LOVE Theorycrafting, without a combatlog its rather lackluster, but i invest quite some time to maximize my raids and my own performance outside of pure gaming time. In the end , that means i dont play that much, but i organize and optimize it to get the most out of it. In my experience many of the more progression or strictly pvp(not hardcore!) oriented gamers are like this. The most time ig/per day is spend by non-progression(not casual!) gamers, which are often online for the social aspect, a bit of farming, dailies, occasional pvp or flashpoints. Both groups have fun at what they are doing, but you cant they one of those is more important for the game. Without the progression oriented players raids would either be nerfed to oblivion and become boring as hell(To succeed in a game with godmode, might be fun for a while, but in the longrun it gets boring) or those players would be frustrated, because they cant get past a certain point. BUT if there is someone(progression oriented gamers), who already cleared all the content, there will be new content. With this new content (Operations/Raids) there will be new gear, new stories, and an easy entrance with an, hopefully, challenging endfight. There might be new content without progression oriented gamers, but by far less often. BUT without non progression gamers, there will be no player base to pay the game and noone who might replace leaving progression gamers. And as far as i experienced, by far less people to twink with or do the occasional fp/pvp run with. Therefore, imo, a MMO need both types of players, those who just want to play without major planing,set/regualar raidtimes and no interest in challenging encoutners/progression( i still dont like the term casual and would stick with non-progression-oriented gamers) . And those who want to beat the content by optimizing everything, playing with a raidschedule and who are generally interested in a more challenging hobby(sport is the same, if you cant loose, there is no purpose in winning, thats why im more interested in challenging fights), opposed to those, that look for something to chill. Its each and everyones decision HOW he wants to play, and a MMO without both approaches to gaming will only be an O. Thats why everyone has to accept other players decision and should not treat them as a lowly creature (well some posts in this board deliver this feeling) based on there playstyle. P.S. If there are spellingmistages, well shi... happens. Its late where im from and im no native speaker^^
  3. So what you are saying is. You want to have it easy with YOUR playstyle and everyone else should be bored and have less fun, because elsewise you couldnt compete with those people that actually invest time in being better ? I might shock you with this, but they deserve to be better. There are always two approaches for beeing "good" in a mmo. One, you invest time, either for experience or research (i prefere research over meaningless whiping). Two, good eye-hand-coordination and overall reflexes. If you utilize both you can consider yourself "good" and you will be rewarded with ingame success. If you utilize neither, i dont see a reason why you should get anything. A game isnt only about having fun, but about having a competition, if everything is handed to you, it will get boring. Try cheating in a good game. It will be boring as hell because it is too easy, and you will sooner or later stop playing. If you dont like it, play with people that think like you do. Using your example. Its more like complaining that you classic muscle car doesnt stand a chance in the formula 1, so everyother car should be tuned down to you level, instead of you doing races against other classics. PvP is an other topic. But I doubt, that the mentioned changes will put you at a big disadvantage. Having a cleaner ui, different arranged actionbar or a combatlog wont affect you in any way in pvp. Only macros could be a problem, and this only if if the game is simple enough and allows building a prioritylist with macros. If you complain about people that bind alike spells in one macro, and use them according to the pressed modifier(alt, shift etc.) you must be joking. If you dont like targettarget, assist, self etc. You must have sleeped through the last generation of MMOs. I wholeheartly agree with this.
  4. Its sad to see, that there are still people that dont understand the possibilities of macros/ui mods/addons/combatlogs and do only complain about the bad aspects they heard somewhere or that they experienced(getting kicked because of the numbers delivered by a dmg meter). THATS NOT WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT! There are players among us that enjoy playing with the basics, that been delivered by the game. But there are others (like myself) that love to improve there playstyle in every possible way. Like making the ui look less bloated. Optimizing the dps by analyzing the combatlog (There are actually people that like to do math in the spare time,myself included). Using Addons for better placement and style of buffs and proccs. Or Macros for reducing the Actionbbarload(1=skill 1; ctrl+1=skill 2, shift+1= skill 3 etc., all in one button| Or assist/targettarget/mouseover macros). And thats just scratching the surface. If you dont like to use all those possibilities (And im sure they will be implemented sooner or later. Because without them, they need to keep raids to simple for the taste of progression raiders.), then dont do it. Play with likeminded people and leave the rest of us alone, this way everyone will be happy. And those that wont be happy, are those that want to leach of those that are optimizing in everyway possible without the fear of being detected.
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