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Posts posted by iEuthanasia

  1. Has anyone else been noticing lately while using Group Finder that tanks just don't bother using Guard anymore? I find this to be exceedingly aggravating. As an Operative healer, I try and keep my probe on the other 3 members of the group more or less exclusively. With there being no guard on me, you can imagine my frustration when I get a group and I am watching the tank and two DPS tunnel vision a gold mob while 1-2 silver mobs and a few regular mobs take a quick interest in me.


    I guess in general, I feel like I'm noticing a decline on knowledge of mechanics. I've tried to bring this up on more than one occasion to groups trying to educate them about the extra difficulty I have to go through with healing myself on top of 3 other people rather than just 1 or sometime 2 people. I try and remain calm as much as possible and always give people the benefit of the doubt. We all start somewhere, right? Most of the time, I'm met with instant hostility, about how I should worry about how to play my own class, since I was "at 1/4 life the whole fight like a nub."


    That said, the first character I made just a little over a year ago was an assassin tank. I have the concept down pretty well after having tanked every HM Flashpoint, world boss, EV and KP SM/HM/NM and EC SM/HM before moving on to try out DPS and finally healer. I just find it extremely discouraging when people lack the patience to try and make the whole ordeal more enjoyable for everyone involved. I've recently joined up with a guild that is raid oriented and I can only hope that as a result my time with the Group Finder has come to an end.


    I just wish there was some way to try and offer some constructive advice without being called a "troll" and then more or less ignored for the remainder of the run. My ignore list has more than tripled since I've started playing a healer. I really feel for you guys in ways that I never thought possible.

  2. Ultimately from my experience in EVE Online which is all about domination, ruthless management and having worked a lot with Russians,they are the best at any PVP in any game I have ever been in, alongside this they are relatively organized and fight to the death.


    The Korean StarCraft population would like to have a word with you...

  3. You don't *have* to take the marriage option, but the alternative is probably far more guilt inducing. :o


    I thought about it on my second play through, just because I kind of went for the polar opposite choices that my Sniper picked.


    I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead I watched it on YouTube. It's...well, you'd have to watch for yourself to judge. lol

  4. Now, yeah, its weird that you get married as a part of the questline, but then they work in some letters basically trying to free you up of obligation so you can complete any other romance storylines guilt free. Its... awkward and probably one of my least favorite moments of the questline. I still have the second letter sitting in my mailbox (if it hasnt deleted itself).


    The marriage thing, I can totally understand why it was done. You have to in order to gain access to information and such. Just that one specific event kind of drags the story down. I'd have been more content if the second letter just never came. Still, I wish you had multiple options.



    1. You take them on your ship where they just stand around doing random things each time you enter your ship. One time you enter and they're sitting in the cockpit and the next time they're watching the Rakghoul in the lab.


    2. The game makes it clear through either the Keeper or the Minister of Intelligence adding a blurb in the "Duty" email that you receive that they have been told you were killed in action either during the pivotal point on Corellia or once the final mission is complete.


    No matter what, dropping the second letter would be beneficial. It shows that he/she still knows that you're alive or at least assumes that you are. Otherwise, no email was necessary.



    Ultimately, I know that it's a small part of the story in the grand scheme of things. However, it's these little parts that continue to draw me in. Hell, I still want Thana Vesh as a compaion. :D

  5. I have leveled two Agents. One as a male Sniper and the other as a female Operative. I liked the Voss storyline even though, at times, I had no idea what was going on. When you're in the yellowy world talking to Mystics or Interpreters or whatever they were. It's like any dialog choice you give they seem to ignore however there is a "right" and "wrong" choice there as stated by their final lines each.



    That said, the one part that really causes me much heartache is the marriage. Rather, the 2 letters that follow the marriage. And to be even MORE specific, the second letter. The first is filled with happiness and love, about how your Voss mate misses you and is thinking of you. The second..damn.. The female Voss more or less seems to allude to suicide and the male flat out tells you "forget me."


    I HATE these letters. They make me immensely sad. I would LOVE for there to be an option to go back and talk to them or perhaps bring them on my ship in a non-companion role to just have random bits of dialog with. I ultimately wish that the second letter would just get removed. I hate knowing that it's unavoidable.


  6. Last weeks Q&A featured a question about some of the more rare yet obtainable crystals: white, cyan, and purple.


    My question is: will there ever be an option in place if you already own one of them, say a +41 Expertise white crystal, to exchange the variant you currently have for say a +41 power white crystal? The model already exists in game to some extent for the Black and Green Razer SE crystal.

  7. Have 100 players in the same server isn't massive. Have 20 players in the same location or map isn't massive.


    I'll be honest... Having 100 people online would be an improvement for my server. 20 in one area would be downright divine. The average /who with no search criteria during 5-8pm EST on the East coast server I play on yields around 30-60 people spread across all the planets. Usually with most being on Fleet/Hutta/Korriban.

  8. I would ignore you too-if you keep asking and asking and asking "lf1m for (fill in name of mission)". If I didn't reply then I'm not interested, and bothering me with intrusive whispering is borderline harassment in my book. Did you think I didn't see your endless messages in general? If you think I had general turned off then why would I want to team with anyone, much less you?


    Why should I waste the time doing a heroic that gives crap rewards for the effort expended just to 'make new friends', when those friends are the sort that would pester people to get THEIR heroic done? If I'm going to bother with group activities I'll do the flashpoints that actually give gear worth the effort, although not much given the prevalence of orange gear which makes keeping it up to date a breeze.


    And you more or less take the cake as to why the community flat out sucks.


    I do indeed spam the "LFM" rhetoric when I'm looking for people to complete a given task. Be it a Flashpoint, Heroic Area, or just a quest that I'm having trouble with. I try and keep the spamming to a minimum. I watch the area people counter. I check the people at my current location to make sure that I'm not sending out spam to the same group of people. Sometimes I do whisper people in addition, usually as an act of frustration and only as a last resort. I lost track of how many times leveling up I had to use the "Paying 10k for XXXX class to assist with heroic area/quest/flashpoint." I can count on one hand the number of time I had someone respond and say "Keep the money, I'll help for free."


    That being said, I try and help anyone I can if people are looking for one more to do something and I happen to be the archetype that fills out that group. It doesn't matter if I get gear upgrades from it, it doesn't matter if I already did the quest/flashpoint, and it doesn't even matter if the people I group with become my BFF's afterwards. Sometimes it's about helping people out without personal gain. You could be looking to run a hardmode or Op later and that person you helped long ago will remember you and offer assistance.


    Paying it forward works in MMO's too.

  9. It's an honest mistake. I wish there were a way to set the appearance to a certain level. My red Twi'lek Assassin with Sith Corruption turned on looks a chalky-pale pinky-white color with the worst eyeshadow job ever extending to her mouth.


    I wish I could just stay red and keep the menacing orange eyes rather than the somewhat shoddy starting colors.

  10. Prolly been said in here, didn't read all 6 pages.


    Hapan - Ultra sexy female races that uses men as slaves for labor and baby-making. The more beautiful the woman, the more powerful she was. (Sounds almost like the real world.. :p)


    Zeltron - I really shouldn't need to explain this. At all. If you're not familiar with what/who they are, god help us all.


    Arkanian - I'm not sure if this is the best way to describe it. Basically whatever Jarael (Edessa) is.

  11. Seems to be slipping.


    Do want. On my female Assassin, I just wanted to kill her in hopes I'd get her clothes. (Superficial, yes.)


    As my suave, dashing, lady-killer Sniper every flirt option was taken for the hope that it would culminate in a Voss type experience. (I skipped Taris...went back to redo main story missions while hunting down datacrons..)


    Although, for her to really have a sizeable role in the game, they need to implement same gender romances or add a male counterpart that you could pick instead. Otherwise, it just becomes another female flirt/romance for males and leave the already paltry pool of male "fling" options for females wanting.

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