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Everything posted by Akilae

  1. To the OP, Part of the problem and I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere in the slew of pages, is that the damage from an ability does not take effect until the animation for the ability completes. With some abilities having a few second animations this definitely adds to the disconnect that you're talking about between when you use an ability in a quick slot bar and when the ability actually has an effect on your target. You can test this yourself by going out and waiting to last hit a mob with an instant ability that has a more complex animation. You'll see that the creature does not die until the animation completes and the scrolling combat text appears.
  2. *buuuuuuuuuuump buuuuuuuuuump bump bump bump buuuuuump bump* *bump bump bump buuuuuuuuump bump* *bump bump bump buuuuuuuuuuuuuuump*
  3. bumpin', and grindin', and doin' it, and lovin' it.
  4. Bumpidy bump, bumpidy bump
  5. I think they look cool? *shrugs* Originally I figured hoods would be a head slot item, not part of the chest piece, but then I found out otherwise. Ideally you'd be able to raise and lower the hood, but I personally would like to be able to see the hood visual on my character. If the race option had mentioned under Twil'lek - hood graphics will not function, etc, I would have considered playing another race for my main character. Since there is no note of that and I do recall seeing Twil'leks with hoods in youtube videos and screenshots, I am curious as to whether or not the change is permanent or not.
  6. I can haz hood? More seriously is the lack of hood from robes on Twi'lek characters a permanent design change, or are you (Bioware) working on a graphical fix so our tentacles (aka lekku) do not show through the hood?
  7. The people in charge of this decision are likely at home, drinking a beer, and leveling their Sith as we speak.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt0aGZASDdQ&feature=related&fb_source=message
  9. "Today's final wave of emails have been sent. We will be sending another wave tomorrow starting at 8am CST." That was posted 47 minutes ago and there's nothing new on twitter. It's not nice to troll people.
  10. Pre-ordered on the 9th as well. I wish they'd let me know in advance, I would've put on a dress and lipstick before they ****ed me.
  11. Try to take into consideration that this MMO has been in development for years. While they definitely did the story element correct, the graphic design and actual quality look a bit dated because they are in fact dated.
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