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Everything posted by Battilea

  1. Battilea

    Dear Tanks

    If only Polyguardme was legal. Sadly, BioWare doesn't allow that and allows any old tank to claim us as theirs and the best we can do is get an annulment. But considering how often nobody tries to keep us alive while we're keeping them alive, we're not prone to rejecting anyone that does keep an eye on us. We're like strippers with daddy issues
  2. No, in PvP, it gets absolutely blown away by Force Camouflage. 45s cooldown, no healing penalty. And a non-stealth class no less.
  3. Well, the one mission, with the admiral at the end, is a bit overtuned. It can be problematic. For example, a guildie PT tank ran into issues with the spawn that had two silver healers. Without the ability to CC them, coupled with tank level DPS, well, it wasn't an easy fight for him. Likewise, for my Merc, the admiral was a major pain, due to lack of interrupts and his crazy debuff. Got him, but it took a few deaths. The rest of Ilum isn't a big deal though, other than that one mission line. PS does take 2 people for most and can be a bit annoying even as that, the ground placed AoEs are a pain when you rely on companions, so both elites using those makes it a pain. But yeah, it can be soloed, I solo it with both my healer and my main tank, though both of those are well enough geared that they really don't need the dailies anymore. That said, the better question to ask is: what about these PvE quests qualifies as PvP?
  4. Sleep dart does get used a little bit in operations, 8 mans anyway, but the talent is mostly useless there. You use it to take a mob out of the fight for a minute. By that time, stuff should be dead and there will be less damage incoming and the healers can handle it. Same deal on FPs, really. Mostly a solo talent, so you CC the elite in the group, kill the rest, and then start out the fight against the gold with it doing less damage. But, yeah, bad talent, easy choice to skip.
  5. Battilea

    Healing is OP?

    If he dies in 6 minutes, that means the DPS is indeed OP. It means the DPS doesn't run out of resources ever and he can out-DPS the healer's HPS under whatever condition the healer puts him in. Works both ways.
  6. Battilea

    Healing is OP?

    Only if he kills the guy the other 50% of the time and one assumes there must always be a winner.
  7. Battilea

    Marking Healers

    Agree. And you should be able to hotkey the various marks.
  8. 2 is how much a moderate mission skill mission returns on a non-crit. And 4 for an abundant one. 6 means you either critted or were doing a bountiful one (in which case, it wasn't T6).
  9. No. When I'm ahead of you with my healer, I don't want the ball. I'm ahead of you so I can heal without getting hit by AoEs and such, so I can cross the obstacles ahead of you, and so on. I don't want the bloody ball, because then I get stunned left and right and that makes it rather hard to heal. Sorcs also often roam ahead of the ball carrier, so they can pull him over traps. Like me, they aren't ahead of the ball carrier because they want the ball, but rather so they can help advance the ball's position majorly by moving the ball carrier. Passing to someone for major gain, because that person is a better ball carrier, to bypass fire traps, or because you're about to die, that's fine. But don't pass it just because they are ahead of you. Also, if you're going to have a section on passing, it should also stress the importance of other people getting to good passing spots. Spots that advance the ball quite a bit. Or even just being ready on the other side of the fire trap, so as to avoid having to wait for the trap to turn off and risk the old immobilize/stun in the fire trap that is so commonly used to kill ball carriers.
  10. Which is how it should be. No Redeeming Value is actually a moderate mission, not Rich. That it is labeled as such is a bug and fixed on test. No mission skill has bountiful or rich missions for T6 mats.
  11. He's in charge of that, so, yes, he'd have final say on the changes, though obviously working as part of a team. He's not a PR guy. If he were, he'd be way better at that part of the job, rather than making sure to slip in something designed to annoy operatives/scoundrels in every interview. Definitely possible. However, given that roving gangs of RZ comments are making people unsub, if they follow their policy, they should be nerfing him soon.
  12. Couldn't we do that the other way around, have him continue to parlay info but no longer in charge of developing?
  13. It is targeted and hits people in a 10m radius around the target. Easy to see for yourself, just target a friendly over 10m away from you and use it on him.
  14. Yeah. Marauder For Snipers and Ops, I find both are scavengers, finishing fights others have started, helping others. Ops run out of steam so against full health targets, often cannot seal the deal against geared/skilled opponents. Snipers get LoS'd. Marauder. Followed by Operative. Snipers are partially based around being in cover, which means being less mobile. Yup, it is good. Just don't worry about light/dark side and do what feels right for the character. I wouldn't call it epic, but then, epic isn't a term I associate with spy stories. Is Bond epic? Currently, on live, nope. We're the worst by a decent margin. Post 1.2, the others are getting nerfed while we are getting some slight buffs and general consensus from test seems to be that mercs drop barely below us. Depends what you like. I like my healer operative. For DPS, I prefer my marauder over a DPS OP or my gunslinger (pub sniper).
  15. It sort of is. As another poster has stated, you can RE a green recipe into a blue recipe pretty easily for the low levels. And that usually means you won't see a better drop before that time. You can also focus on the stats you want a bit more, if you are playing a build that benefits from things critting beyond the basic damage improvement, for example. And you've got the blue starting recipes in the mix as well. Additionally, you'll come out ahead on your companions, if they use armor you can make, since they'd most likely have been equipped in green stuff when drops/missions reward it. And if you use more than one companion, well, even more true. So even if you as a player fall behind a bit, overall, you come out ahead. if you do get better stuff in a slot, hey, you wear it and RE the one you were wearing. That said, it'd have been better if it was a 6 level gap or so. The bigger issue isn't the low level stuff, but rather the high 30s to 50. In that range, it takes more to attempts on average to learn a recipe from RE'ing. And when dealing with things like chest and leg pieces, which take a higher quantity of mats, well, it doesn't work out as well. And if you are RE'ing to learn recipes for companion gear as well, well, ouchie. But at that point, you'll have orange gear in those slots, if you want it and can use commendations to update those. And you can probably push the skill up to 400 and start making some money off it, depending on how flooded your local market is.
  16. If the goal is to make money, you can do it with any of the three, as long as you are willing to invest the time and worthwhile market segments are available. Find a good niche and go to town. Armormech probably has the better market segments right now, with bracers and belts being pretty desirable. Check and see what is being provided for those slots. If people aren't providing heavy armor veracity belt/bracer or endowment ones for either medium cunning or heavy aim, then odds are you can make some good cash. For armstech, there's the purple techstaffs, which some companions use and there's no orange ones available, while the best available as a common drop/reward is a blue. And then there's barrels or even purple weapons. You also benefit from investigation missions being cheap, and you can recoup part of their cost by selling the resulting gifts. Both are also getting augments and they are the bottom two tradeskills in terms of popularity. So from a supply/demand situation, both are favorable in that regard. However, odds are those markets will wind up flooded quickly regardless.
  17. It can be RE'd, actually. You won't learn a recipe from it, but you can get some mats, including mandy iron and the biometric crystal alloy back. Low chance of that, but possible.
  18. I'd rather they ended the game sooner, one minute instead of two, than make it not end. Being outnumbered badly usually does not make for a fun game at all.
  19. They make medium cunning based armor and heavy aim based armor, for the 7 slots that such armor types can go in. You get a green set per type per 8 levels or so. By that I mean that, over the course of 8 levels, for heavy armor, you'll get a 7 piece set of heavy tank armor, heavy healer armor, and one for heavy dps armor. These sets are spread out over the 8 levels, except at 49, where you'll get a complete set of each type at 49. Additionally, there's blue armors that can be gotten as well. Some you can learn from the trainer, others are drops/from investigation. And there's an orange armor set every 4 levels for both medium and heavy armor that consists of legs, torso, and, if the set is high enough level, head. These start at level 11 and go all the way through 47, plus a set at 50.
  20. As a healer, I vote for the guy who helped meet the objectives but didn't get at least 4 medals first and foremost. After that, well, healers, people who save my bacon, and people who just did a good job. Oh, and friends, of course.
  21. The A situation happens when a player interacts with the node fully but does not successfully loot it. This causes the node to go into loot by that person mode. And it doesn't have a timer to despawn or anything if said person never loots it. Bug was around at launch, been /bugged and posted about plenty. But it isn't something the devs have bothered to fix yet. The B one, well, that's just poor placement of the node. A bunch of those should be fixed by 1.2, but not all. Both can and do happen with every gathering skill.
  22. 30m range, actually. 10m radius. And you probably should use the 1.2 numbers, with the slightly longer cooldown, 10% more healing, and healing over 6s. Also not sure of the basis of that 1400 healed, since I'm pretty sure my Op heals for more than that. But as long as whatever basis being used is truly comparable for all 3 classes... Anyway, my feeling is that the Sorc one is fine, but both the merc and Op ones need to be smart heals with a shorter cooldown than they have. And if they can't figure out how to get smart healing working, then they can keep the cooldown the same, but increase the number of people to 8.
  23. Yeah, sniper has quite a few. Sorcs have their spammable one. Pyrotech Mercs probably come in third.
  24. Well, Han was the coolest character in the original three movies. And playing the unquestioning, loyal Lt type has always been something I enjoy. So, nope, overall, I prefer the non-force users over the force users. Besides, there's something very satisfying about sticking a knife into a glowstick user's back.
  25. No, no, in recognition that people are now more likely to die with merc healers on test than they are on live, they did give mercs battle rez.
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