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Everything posted by Arsq

  1. HM Lost Island - Best boss fights, one of the fastest to complete... But also the most challenging and fun to do! Unfortunately Project Sav-Rak tends to be buggy, but usually not to the point where you can't complete the FP.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/mFqYEui.jpg Merc healing record, so close! Nerfs plz!
  3. However, 1117938 / 900 > 1224,47 (http://i.imgur.com/A4mfp.jpg). Ergo, the actual time SWTOR uses to calculate DPS in Voidstar is higher than 900 seconds (913 to be exact, at least in the case of Scyn's screenshot). Anywho, unless you confirm that duration over multiple screenshots, it's impossible to know if it's consistently 913 seconds or more, or less... That said, going by whatever the server decides it is is the most consistent and reliable way to go. EDIT: I also noticed 1 151 306 > 1 117 938, so congrats Mr. Wayne for the new server record.
  4. I respectfully disagree: http://i.imgur.com/VkJHG.png
  5. http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/331/melyndies.jpg Down goes Melyn!
  6. I personally find it very irritating when people don't know the difference between your and you're... Or just type both as "ur". Also, other annoying abbreviations are y, r, ik, m8, use of "u" as a word in general. Now, I understand if someone wants to use these abbreviations while texting with an older cellphone without a touchscreen and whatnot, but doing so in general chat / forums and such is just disrespectful towards everyone else. Especially those of us, who speak English as a second or third language. In addition, poor typing just makes me (and I assume I'm not alone with this) think the person behind the keyboard is an illiterate. It may be faster, but in general chat/forums you are rarely in such a hurry that you can't type properly... And it gives a better impression to whomever is reading it. Consider typing properly a common courtesy towards us who speak English as a second or third language, thanks!
  7. 1. Cross-server transfers / consolidation of all characters to a single server with added character slots. (Free for cross-continental transfers/people who have been here since the beginning.) 2. Open world PvP. 3. Nightmare mode flashpoints.
  8. Arsq


    I just wish it isn't some mindnumbing RNG grind in HM FPs or otherwise, with 0.5% drop chance per item... Hopefully they'll come up with some truly difficult quest, something that doesn't involve killing the same mob for dozens of times.
  9. Arsq


    Instance entrance (and location of codex entry): 510, -840. Codex entry in the spoiler tag.
  10. Having done a few HMs and an operation using the finder, I figured I'd post the issues that I faced: 1) Undergeared people queued for Lost Island hardmode. It's quite obvious that a tank with 16k HP coupled with a marauder with 15k HP and a mercenary with 11k HP will not make it through the flashpoint... And it's really frustrating to leave the group and queue for 10 minutes due to this. * Solution: Make the instance unlockable. In order to queue for LI HM, one has to succesfully defeat all the bosses first. (Excluding the bonus boss.) 2) When it's clear one cannot defeat the flashpoint due to lack of DPS/gear, you can't disassemble the group without someone having the leaver-lockout. * Solution: Give a possibility to make a major vote for disassembling the group. 3) Overall undergeared people queueing for HM FPs in greens and whatnot. * Solution: Give a tooltip or warning that they require certain amount of gear and skill in order to feasibly finish the FP. 4) Someone accidentally queues for both healer and DPS role, however they can only DPS... Leaving the group without a healer and causing people in the group having to leave (see issue nr. 2). * Solution: Make the default queue based on the highest amount of skillpoints allocated to spec tree. (For example: 31 points in the Corruption tree will set my default role as healer, but I still can check the DPS option if I want to.) 5) After the FP/operation is finished, you will end up in fleet or Ilum, while you may have been doing something else (Dailies in Black Hole for example), which means you have to fly all the way back. * Solution: After the instance is completed, allow the option to return where you came from.
  11. A question regarding server transfers... When, if ever, will we have a possibility to transfer cross-continent? Currently my main legacy & characters are on a west-coast US server, and my actual location is in Europe... Making my prime-time at early morning server time, and having 1-15 people in fleet isn't a MMO. While it's my fault for not choosing an EU server in the first place, it wasn't that bad when servers were at average/heavy most of the time.
  12. Arsq

    Force Lift broken?

    I may be missing some functionality here, but here goes... Is it just me, or is the stun not breaking when you receive damage? I've been in a few situations where I've been force lifted, and just hanging there, while the opposing team continues to deal damage to me without breaking the stun (for a good 3-4 seconds). Now, Sage's balance tree allows an additional 2sec stun after the force lift breaks from damage, but I don't think this is the case here, as I continue just hanging in the air. Has anyone else experienced this?
  13. Another guy in another thread posted: Now we need the coordinates for this Tauntaun Mother. Said mob didn't turn up in torhead or darthhater. Another key is the Frightened Taunlet.
  14. Killed him twice, dropped a random orange item and credits.
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