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Everything posted by Shandrii

  1. the turrets gave no valor this has been proven several times the "abuse" that they're talking about was people who were camping. this is coming from a repub i might add im not in favor of a rollback because this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion.
  2. has somebody even given proof that there were "massive" valor gains from yesterday? i have about ppl spending hours out there and getting from 24 to 27. Just a little FYI that is far from being a "massive" valor gain and it is far from game changing. I made 15k+ valor last night from doing WZs why should i get punished?
  3. who the **** cares about fresh 50s? you're fresh for the first 3 days of playing then what? you're just like everybody else, if you have half a brain you'll have saved commendations up and have enough to open 6 bags once you make 50 that'll most likely get you a couple pieces and then you can do the daily and weekly, theres a couple more pieces now you've got about 5 or 6 thats not a "fresh" 50 that is a half way geared 50. grow up and use your heads the gear grind on this game is easy as **** compared to even wow, and thats saying something!
  4. yup unsubbing right now, not going to give my money to ppl that can't make a game. if this pans out in a sensible fashion maybe i'll resub but at the current state the devs can go **** themselves.
  5. saying that combat is a terrible in pvp just goes to show how ignorant you are. I am a combat sentinel and we are far from "gimp," combat isn't just something you can pick up and do uber damage with thats called focus and its a one trick pony. combat does excellent damage but only if you know how to use it. @OP this is how i have spec'd combat: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501ocZGMrbddrRMsZhM.1 it is a great spec and has given me numerous 300k dmg matches and a handful of 400ks. oh and like the post above me i have 3v1'd using this spec by utilizing CDs one was even against all 50s, sorc, merc, assassin.
  6. you didn't read very far did you, or even use your head for that matter... he said it was to get more people interested so that down the road there can be 3v3s and 4v4s.
  7. Team Name: Signs and Symbols Roster: Asterisk and Oomlout
  8. I'm game for this, it is extended to both factions right? Asterisk and Oomlout are our names hope to see you on Friday. any chance we can ban consumables from this?
  9. yeah this is definately a huge issue with swtor, i already know several people that are unsubbing because wpvp is nothing but a "slide show" for them despite them having decent computers. My friend was looking at his system last night and realized the game is only using two of his 6 cores and only 30% of his graphics card. why didn't they optimize this game better?
  10. its is on a person they probably have full resolve.
  11. bugs happen afterall it is only month 1
  12. they already said they're doing away with it, now plz stop whining.
  13. somebody is late to the party
  14. i'll be honest i kinda agree with him, i think a lot of ppl post these glory pics and it only contributes to the nerf this and nerf that class arguement.
  15. im kinda digging this system imo
  16. pveers didn't ruin it the lack of intensives to kill the opposite faction did.
  17. god that sucks i was really hoping it would go away this patch, not to qq too much but ive got 14 doubles sitting in my bag this system is starting to frustrate me
  18. is it going bye bye this next tuesday with the big patch or is it going to be here to stay for a bit longer?
  19. i disagree i played warrior as my main in wow and the rage system was easy sauce didn't require half of the upkeep sentinels have to deal with. im not saying its hard to keep focus rolling just that it does require attention whereas i found warriors in wow no upkeep.
  20. lol this is soo false its not every funny, i want to see a watchman do 13k damage in 6 seconds on a lvl 50 player.
  21. and never have i felt like more of a one trick pony, use moves to build up to force sweep, use force sweep, wait for force sweep to come off CD, use another builder, use force sweep, rinse repeat. sure it pushes damage but imo aoe is not whats needed for pvp you need more focus firing instead of AoEing a crowd.
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