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Everything posted by mitrikzoltan

  1. They should be able to post on the Customer Support forum at least. They may be paying customers as well, even is not subbed.
  2. And here I started a thread about how much fun the new zone and the HK questline was...
  3. Wait 6 months. I'm sure some if not all restrictions will be gone eventually, right now though - in this game - this is necessary. It is an extra option, until now you had to pay to play, now you don't. Bars: I only use four, with some slots empty. All my abilities are out. I don't use all of them though. Preferred players have 4 bars. If you are a returning player, you have 4 bars. If you are brand new, never even payed for the box, then spend 5 bucks once to get preferred status, and get extra unlocks for good.
  4. Ok. Then I'm mean. There's a saying, only the truth hurts. I just don't see your problem. Your friends can use some coins to unlock features for good. And play for free. Also, if this is about RP, it takes less time to take your helmet off, then to hide it. I would prefer an incentive based F2P system instead of a restriction based one too, but I just fail to see your brick walls. Playing the story from 1-50 is free, and can be done easily without spendig a single coin. Bioware said a million times, that THIS is what they want to give for free. And you can do it. Let's look at it from another perspective: They have reached the 500k. If their revenues drop further, the game will not be profitable. F2P had to be put together relatively quickly, and I am pretty sure Bioware very soon realized, that they have nothing to sell. They had to be restrictive. Down the road, when they have data on how the Cartel Market performs, and the shop is actually big, you will see these restrictions go away. This sir is a free Big Mac in McDonalds. For everything else you have to pay. Even using the toilet costs money if you are not a buying customer in the restaurant. If the Big Mac makes you thirsty, you have to pay for a soda. But going in and being angry that your friends really want fries and you have to buy them fries is just off.
  5. All right, you seem angry. I'm just saying, this thread is about the sub experience. If you want to talk about how bad the F2P experience is, you might be out of place. (but not unwelcome) These are things only time will tell. We will see populations either rise or decline. No matter which way they went with F2P, there would be people disliking it. If people are unsubbing because they have to enter a PVP !AREA! for an !OPTIONAL! quest, then they are unsubbing because they have been frustrated with the game for a while. This can not be an obstacle a PVE player can't overcome in half the time i takes to QQ about it. If nothing else, put your raid party together and wipe the area, have fun with it. There are raid exclusive items too. And PVPers could QQ that they have to do a hard mode flashpoint... BTW, why are you paying for your friends subs? If I were paying for other people, I'd be upset too.
  6. If I had to chose a side, I'd agree with you. If someone comes back, and starts hating because they miss stuff, then jeez.... It's for free! You can unlock with some coins. But it's for free. It never meant for old players to be able to pick up where they left off without having to pay. And that is understandable for me.
  7. I was grouped with guildies, and we did not hear each others emotes. Maybe a bug ten? I would love to hear them!
  8. The F2P aspect is something I did not mention at all. Yes, that part might be restrictive, those things have been discussed a lot. I was only talking about the subscriber experience, which I loved. PVE servers: It is only outlaws den, you only have to enter one pvp area. And only if you want to get HK. I think thats not really a big deal. That's only me though.
  9. I forgot - Voiced emotes. I was kinda bummed when I found out that I am the only one who hears my characters emote.
  10. I did something I did not do in TOR since the first day of early access: I skipped sleep so I could play. I couldn't believe it myself. Compared to 1.4, this patch went pretty smoothly. Had to wait a lot (14+ hours of maintenance) but if it's not breaking the game it's worth it. There were 3+1 bugs, neither affected everyone. Fix is being deployed right now. Good job. Performance: Not sure if something was adjusted. But my gameplay was smooth in an overcrowded Section X. No stutter, nothing. (interestingly, some others who didn't have these problems before have reported stutter) There were way more people on screen and around me in the starting area of Section X then there ever were on the fleet, which makes me wonder why performance is bad on the fleet.... Lag: This was expected, only happened in Section X though. Again, I wonder.. The Cartel Shop: Everyone kept buying these cartel packs! People have spent a whole lot of CC's on the first night - I think it would be fun if BW would release some numbers, just for fun. I didn't spend anything yet, though I will buy stuff for my ship I lacked the ingame credits for.I honestly thought that these packs were only popular on the PTS because they were free. Important though: People are impulsive, and will now run out of coins. You really should make it easier to buy cartel coins. Make it ingame, one click. "Add coins->How many coins->added". No browser, etc. (Btw I'm using Chrome and the add coins button does nothing for me) Rely on impulsive people buying things! Make it very, very, very easy to buy coins! The new area: Brilliant!!! It is unrewarded, but there we have some open world PVP. I don't know if you were watching, but this brings the community together. People were forming ops groups to defend the entrance to the HK droids, opposite side formed ops groups to return the favor! The HK quest line: Guess what kept me up all night! Perfect! Takes you to older planets, lets you PVP a LOT! People guarding the Jawa on Tatooine, superb! You have missed out on ALL OF THIS when you separated the factions completely. PVP servers are now finally different from PVE/RP servers. Super fun! Right on Bioware! More quests like this one please! Have some epic stuff hidden, don't even tell players where to start the questline, let us work for things we want! Let us search for things we want! Let us confront the other side, let us PVP! Let us feel like we, as players (not just characters) have achieved something! Hats down. I hope you will stick to this direction, this would make the game so much less linear after 50. (Maybe lower level side quest lines could be added too) All in all, I am very pleased with the update. And I have a worry. Makeb. I will be very unpopular when I say this, but I think Swtor is not ready for a level cap increase, and is not ready for the continuation of our stories. I would love to do that too! But the game just isn't ready. It feels like you just realized what works - given that others feel like I do, maybe I'm the only one who really enjoyed getting HK. I think you should spend some time enriching the world you already have, and when you find the direction to take the game, a direction players -really- love, then go on with new planets. When you are prepared what a level cap increse will do to your endgame, then go on.
  11. 1 - The most annoying: enemy mob nameplates disappear, I have no idea who I'm targeting 2 - Preview Screen shows nothing, but speeders (even those without characters on them) 3 - The new quickslot bars are losing buttons when you enter a new instance.
  12. You are right, they are using negative language. But I think that is not meant for new F2P players, that is meant for us, subs.
  13. This is a good idea. Maybe a Helper title would be a good idea for the long run, worked pretty well in SWG.
  14. I think it should be above 25. Right now Legacy offers nothing between Levels 25-50.
  15. Hello, I think a good expansion on the current Legacy system would be legacy ships, or alternatively, a Legacy outpost or station. For around Legacy Lv 45-50. This would be a capital-esk ship, or mid sized, with a docking bay. You could travel there and dock from your galaxy map. On the ship you could see the alts of your choosing, their companions, and have extra perks. It would also be customizable, giving players the housing they want. It would be good, because: - You (BW) don't need to redo anything, like player ships, etc. - Something sandbox for endgame, player housing. - Achievements, codex unlocks etc. can be made relevant. These can unlock trophies, furniture, items for your legacy ship. - Trophy parts, furniture parts, etc. can be added to the loot tables on lower and higher level planets. Gather all parts, and have a crafter create a new piece of console. Gather more for another console. The above two would give players a reason to revisit low level planets. - Side quest lines can be added throughout the galaxy, to unlock personnel for your Legacy ship. There could be 3-4 different types of crews (sith troops, rep officers, engineering team, droids, bunch of lowlifes, etc), but you can only get two. - Would be amazing for roleplay, show off your entire legacy and all characters to friends, would help community. - You have something Legacy-wise to work for: Lv45 - you unlock your ship, Lv46- you unlock a sickbay, or just an extra area, where you can build a sickbay later on. I think it would be cool, what do you guys think?
  16. You know what? One mod per speeder would be kinda cool. There is one mod slot, and you can upgrade your speeder with either a custom paintjob, a resource probe module, a weapon, or a shield that decreases the chance of knock offs against mobs only.
  17. The Jawa BH is actually a pretty funny idea. I'd roll one
  18. Also, noone runs low level flashpoints. I leveled a toon and had to skip all of them.
  19. Do any of the class stories, they don't work. And those are the most important cutscenes. They are a mess.
  20. HAHA, I have never seen a game more casual than this!
  21. I though I would do the same for you. 1) 1.5 million people did not quit? By the end of january 2 million copies were sold. If someone after buying the game and trying the game quits immidiately, thats also a quit. That does not count sales from february until today. And we have no more then 500k players. Google it. EDIT: I googled it myself. Feb. 1st EA earnings call: 2mill sold copies, 1.7 mill subscribers. That was before Australia and New Zealand release. 2) They did promise the hood toggle for the next big patch after 1.2. They did falsly advertise, there were many threads about it on the forum. They advertise looks, armor sets that are not in game. They advertised a game quality, that you could not even get near the first bunch of months. That is why people were demanding "advertisement mode". Google it. 3) I give you a point here. Everyone who did not know what the game exactly was, did a dumm choice. (all pre-orders, myself included) This is a shared responsibility with the company though. They hyped, they didn't provide enough info, and used our love for Star Wars. 4) Haha. The lack of frequent updates is something even Bioware admits. Hence the new "updates every six weeks" promise. 5) That may be true about phones, even MMOs. But the people leaving SWTOR did not leave because they had commitment issues. They left (myself included) because they had issues with the game, and in that state it was simply not worth $15. Remember, there was a time when every second forum post was a "I'm quitting, good bye" post. Nobody said "ah I love the game but don't want to be commited" I don't know why you even wrote this, does not make much sense in this context. I think F2P is an inevitable move, and I agree with your above statement completely. Right back at you sir.
  22. I have the same issue. The game just feels non-responsive.
  23. You are missing a few things in your reasoning. 1, Prior to launch, they did not communicate the game for what it was. People bought it with certain expectations, they had to base on the genre standards. When features, that you can find in any mmo were missing, people got upset. When the game didn't run at an acceptable level (still doesn't for many) people got upset. Upset people who feel they didn't get their moneys worth and feel cheated like so many, they can pretty much only do one thing. Demand, and vote with their dollars. 2, Things were promised before launch. Like updates that are faster then what the mmo world has ever seen before, because of the use of Hero Engine. When in business you make a promise, and I pay you for that promise and you don't keep it.. well, see point #1. 3, Things were promised after launch. Like my achilles, the hood toggle. It was promised to hit after 1.2. Playing a Jedi Knight sucks because of this, so a year later I still am not playing the only class I was looking forward to play. Or bugfixes. The game is still full of bugs reported in beta and at launch. Again, promises that are not kept. 4, The game is falsely advertised even today. 5, They don't even acknowledge ANY OF THIS. People get upset, because the problems they have can not be resolved through communication. Because the CS is one of the worst in history. Because even now, they say they need to go F2P because 40% of the players left because of the sub fee, and they fail to acknowledge that they left because they didn' want to pay 15 bucks for THIS buggy underperforming mis-advertised game. Even now, they come out and say lines that even a politician wouldn't. " Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it. " (Hence the 1.5 million quitters) They communicate like we are some EA shareholders or something. All of these things will just upset people, no matter what the community does, like the 1000 papercuts thread, will not bring forth change, so they get angry, and they will quit. The players are not at fault here. And if you belive that 1.5+ million are wrong, and 1 (once succesful) company is right, then you have problems sir.
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