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Everything posted by buckman

  1. I don't get this logic. There were no gamebreaking bugs in Ranked 8v8. You guys could have worked the issues while keeping the people that were satisfied with the current state to keep playing. This game MAY lose a good bit of players over this. Just like we did when you guys scrapped Open World PvP.
  2. My 2 cents (cannot read all 30+ pages): It seems like a major strategy for this dev team is to completely remove parts of the game that aren't exactly working ideally, even where there is no request to remove them from the community. I'm talking Open World PvP areas and 8v8 Ranked here. Nothing about Open World PvP!! I feel that this is a HUGE chunk of PvP fun that this game is missing out on because the devs just decided to scrap it one day because it wasn't perfect.
  3. The lack of OWPvP really makes pvp feel like a grind in this game. The Gree event stuff where they just turned one area into a FFA area did not work for me. We need an area like we had on Ilum back. I still have no idea why it was scrapped. Trading objectives will happen in OWPvP, so you need an incentive to hold them longer. I also think that having more points of conflict where you have to constantly move around the map to control them all. Commendations from kills and flipping and holding nodes would be awesome.
  4. The tears....they aren't stopping.
  5. You'll be back. They always come back. To me, as an outside observer, you have always been active in the community (forums/streams) and I've never seen you be an A-Hole. -Chapp
  6. From what I've seen/heard about ranked tonight, the new ranked teams are doing well.
  7. Classes with speed boosts CAN make it to the opposite node before a single person finishes the cap.
  8. We should NOT have to stoop down to one rated team's level of using non-pvp gear in warzones to gain an advantage. Any other crafted items that aren't insanely boosted by bolster are good. We can police this ourselves. We all know the guilds that queue and their GMs. If you don't like how a team/guild is abusing something in Ranked, then ask the GM to stop it. If that doesn't stop it, then outcast the guild. EDIT: High Level PvP is about customizing the stats in the gear that you've earned from PvP, right? Let's get back to that instead of finding some cheap PvE way out of earning PvP gear.
  9. That's not actually how it works. You will lose the creds you can make from PVE things while you are in the PvP warzone. I would just like you to understand that, as a diehard PvPer, PvP warzones are ALL that I can do to progress in the game. Just as you must complete your PvE quests to get PvE comms. But you know what's great about your PvE quests? You get paid well for them, while I go poor just from doing crew skill missions and min/maxing my gear.
  10. /SIGNED I'm going to make my argument really simple: I'm a PVPer, and I cannot progress as a PVP player if I have to do PVE quests for credits.
  11. Field respec should only be usable at the beginning of a warzone before the initial countdown is completed.
  12. But how will us "bads" "learn to play"?
  13. If anyone needs a filler DPS Sage/Shadow. Send a message to Chappelle or Chapped. i'd be glad to join up.
  14. I gave up on being pissed about getting smacked in Ranked when I saw some dude post that he had almost 400 wins (85 losses too) in ranked. New teams starting right now are sooo far behind the established groups.
  15. HVND does not queue-sync in ranked anymore. It was never done to farm comms.
  16. Trust me, I'd rather we just take our best 8 pvpers and go heads up with everyone, but I'm not the guild leader.
  17. Win trading requires an agreement with both teams to queue up and leave. As far as we care, we are only coordinating with ourselves to play legit ranked matches vs ourselves.
  18. Chapp Present! A few of the guys from AST made it over and are still playing (Cirnek, Miston, Rattlr, Meow), but AST is no more. I have found a home in HVND right now, and they have been more than cool to play with.
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