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Everything posted by rgdelta

  1. Wrong I just played on PTS last night the forums are closed but the server is still up
  2. As I said in another of these threads why demand a server merge BEFORE there are even server transfer options server transfer should be first so you can choose to transfer (not everyone on low pop servers want a merge) I play on a high pop server and that is not me.
  3. As someone who playes on a Heavy- Very Heavy US Server (Space Slug) it is still populated during peak times you can see 100-200 on both fleets and 20-100 on each world (varies on world) so why ask for a server merge BEFORE they even have Server Transfers so you can choose to transfer.
  4. on the Sith side it makes sense that there are no Force Users for non-force chars (Sith are the top rung of the Empire ladder everyone else is on the bottom) and as for jedi they usually lead non-force (example from the modern era General Obi-Won, General Yoda) and in this time of the Old Republic the jedi are more of side line to the republic as alot in the republic blame the Jedi for Corscent. Now as to Force Sensitives on the sith side any Force Sensitive that does not go to the Academy are killed (it is the law) on the Republic side Force sensitives (not Force Users) can be any where and do all kinds of things so that would be a possiblility
  5. Your friend is not as hardcore as he thinks yes the Sith are a race and a religion http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith for the religion http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_(species) for the race
  6. Are there any future plans (major content patches or expansions) to expand or add to the class story line?
  7. most all orange (artifact items is the term) are items with guranteed slots it makes you decide you look at most of the bases are the same (at least at higher levels) so if you find an artifact item you like the look you can just mod it to make is usable as you level.
  8. you get your first real alignment title at tier 3 (for example my sith assassin Dark III is Destructive)
  9. yes that is not your preorder number but your account id for example mine is 7874 (yes I am an old time member) (I joined on 10.22.08)
  10. you misread there has been 3 waves and they said "one more to go" so there are 4 today and the 4th is not out here is the exact tweet "The third wave of Early Game Access emails have been sent, one more to go!"
  11. That is your preorder code (if you look at your email with your preorder code it matches what you see there in info origin will email codes on the 16th
  12. The guild I am in will be on Space Slug and I love the name (for those that don't know space slugs were what was on the falcon when they were in the asteroid that was not an asteroid in Empire Strikes Back)
  13. I would like starter areas that had barely nobody in it but that is just me when I finally get in I hope it is not like it was on my beta weekend lol (I hate waiting for respawns) lol
  14. Yes Rift did let everyone in at once and how many problems were there. I heard there were like 8 hour queues etc (not sure if that is fact or not just what I heard)
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