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Everything posted by Drakkenfeur

  1. Preferred/Subscriber player, multiple toons, looking for an active and friendly guild of tightly knit players who don't mind running content/levelling together, and RPing/socializing. Guild must have mirror republic guild for alts ect. PM me here with details.
  2. /signed Waaaay too much skill clutter, even as sub, I personally don't want to utilize 6 bloody tool bars to have access to all my skill set. 4 skills that all have the same effects essentially. Perhaps even for specialization/advanced classes more baseline skills are replaced with stronger advanced class versions and skill tree/path options? Considering after all, like the OP said, we only use at most 6 abilities in most class rotations not including cooldowns.
  3. So basically I'm to understand this currency is killed?
  4. I'd be so happy if they added nautolan. They aleady have the models in game, I remember countless ours hacking and slashing away as the custom kit fisto model in Jedi Knight 2-3 Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Id legit race change my sith in a heartbeat for this race. Cather and Togruta leave much to be desired. I'd def be pleased with Rodian and Wookie too.
  5. I personally believe a level cap increase is far too soon in the thought process considering the overwhelming amount of bugs, and performance issues with the client and engine itself on most systems. (I assume everyone who still plays this game knows exactly the ones I'm referring to.) I'd be far more concerned with having a game that ran smoothly for every user to installed it, rather than push new content out every couple of weeks, to try and satisfy an end game that was incredibly easy to reach, and incredibly uneventful once there. I'd bet theres probably a score of mundane dailies along with it, and even further flashy extras, rather than quality of life improvements. I realize bioware is desperately doing everything they can to try and make 'new players' want to flock to the game, and keep the ones that 'like it,' I just feel they don't know HOW to do it. Make the game smoother to play and maybe the people who try the demo will stay.. Raising a level cap (also odd that it seems to be DLC..?) Before any of these new subscribers are secured, is just ridiculous imo. (The eff would I want to play a game with under 30 FPS on an average level computer, even if brand new, all the way to lvl 60? I'd be more inclined to barely get to 20.) Story line while leveling was awesome. I'll be the first to admit this is an awesome single player game, but why the hell do i care about a level increase single player? I could go on and on with a tirade of more of whats wrong with the game now, and will STAY wrong with it. I myself, the only reason I'm still playing is because I made the mistake (yes, MISTAKE) of buying several months at a time on release, and yet an additional 'free' month to try and keep people playing, but I'm sure I wont be alone in leaving for good after that's done even with the 'server migration' and level cap increase. Fact remains there are better games, that run smoother, and nothing content wise is gonna change the fact this game has serious quality of life and performance issues.
  6. I have this issue too. I find it particularly silly because I've chosen my characters features and skin colors to work along with their planned sith corruption. Seeing them without is just silly. I don't understand why all the video options aren't accessible at all from the character select screen. There are a LOT of things missing. Which is why it doesn't work.
  7. Warzones. 2 dailies. 6 hours and I've still not completed both dailies. third time in a row this has been the case. How in Gods name is there supposed to be any hope of completing these dailies on a work night? 6 hours straight in front of the computer is passing my limit. Something needs to be done about this nonsense. I don't even DARE try doing pve dailies as well, i simply couldn't do both. Not when its consuming this much of my day. I don't know if its server population being so low, (or crammed with just AWFUL pvpers..) Or dumb luck, but I'm pretty sure cross server ques for Flashpoints and Warzones would correct this issue for both reasons.
  8. Qui Gon was never a master, only a knight, due to his disobedience towards the council. Obi Wan points this out when he disargees with him about taking and training Anakin. Most epic death in star wars; 'Freeze you Rebel Scum!' *is pelted with a box and screams like a girl while falling to his death.* Made forever more epic by the fact that scream is saved and reused in literally every single movie since.
  9. Stealth is one of the only substantial defensive abilities to a great many medium/light armor classes. Like rock paper scissors, the classes that cant stealth have a plethora of ways to counter this be that AoE, or stealth detection. Learn yours, /close thread.
  10. Video lag makes at least half of these near impossible to me, along with horrible collision detection/clipping, i can spend easily a full hour getting something that should be as simple as 'super mario style' jumping. (Also; am I the only one who finds it retarded that a jedi or sith cant leap higher than a foot and a half? Does anyone remember force jump 1-3 from the Jedi knight series with Kyle Katarn? Where did THAT go?) However, these are and will always be, an optional part of the game, however tedious and time consuming. Love it hate it, odds are it will remain exactly the way it is. (At least until people get their flying gryphons they're pining for..)
  11. The idea for combat healthbars was originally an addon in WoW called Tidyplates. Healthbars coming default in SW;ToR is cool and all, but it would be cool to be able to take it further by adding a debuff, CC, ect ect Tracker above the healthbar ala Tidy Plates, as a UI toggle. This would be significantly handy in pvp and pve, and most of the groundwork is already there. It would be cool for it to just be expanded upon. For example; http://wow.jdbbx.com/picture/09071003.jpg Thoughts? suggestions? improvements?
  12. Seriously, when I go into my preferences screen and set all my hot keys for my first toon, why is it i have to set them all manually AGAIN for every new toon on every server? are hotkeys not universal for all characters as part of some configuration file? VERY annoying. (especially when remapping almost every single key there is..)
  13. Thank god! I thought this was gonna be ruined forever with the latest changes! Looks good!
  14. Re sizable, movable UI frames (*complete. Guild Wars 1 already has this and it was very simple resource wise.) I'd also like to turn off the portraits in the UI and quickslot bar or just generally make it all 'simpler.' TARGET OF TARGET. *BAM Combat logs. (yeah people do wanna stroke their DPS meters.) Addons. (make a lot of healers lives easy.)
  15. I would love to see this, i would also like to see more skin color options for Twi'Lek (which are currently limited. No white? purple? two blue options?) Zabrak also. Race change for sure when they make Twi'leks look as colorful as they should be!
  16. I absolutely hate it. Since the GCD and Cooldown Changes, my skills are greyed out, even when castable, like they are when i have insufficient force, yet the skill is no longer on CD. This was never an issue before. If it ain't broke don't fix it, and if someone cant tell when their skills are on cooldown that they had to become THIS obvious, they shouldn't be playing active combat RPGs and should be on turn based. The old GCD animations and cooldowns were fine, not only is this bugged but it looks awful.
  17. From everything I've read here the end game woes in this game are the exact same end game woes of every pay 2 play MMO. "Grind" "not enough to do" "Lack of content" "leveling too fast." I think I also read something very laughable about someone playing 20-30 hours a week being a 'casual' gamer. That tells me, monday to friday someones parking their @ss infront of a computer screen playing one game for 5 to 7 hours a night. THAT IS NOT CASUAL. Hate to break it to you, just the facts ma'am. 5-7 hours a night is NOT Casual, that's about as constant as you can get gameplay wise assuming you eat, sleep and maintain a fulltime job and family. Basically every waking moment you have to spare monday to friday is spent there. NOT CASUAL. (repetitive but i gotta drive that nail home somehow.) Now, obviously, when someone is spending every waking moment weekly playing something, yeah they're gonna run out of stuff to do. These are woes that EVERY MMO has. These are woes that EVERY MMO WILL have. WoW has been losing subs steadily for the last 3 years because of it. Guild Wars 2? Will fail because it's made by the same people that made Guild Wars 1. And 'MMO' where you didnt need to play with other people, could load an entire party with NPC hirelings, and max level was 20 through 3 expansions and a mini expansion. (NO END GAME CONTENT?) Think the devs learned ANYTHING from that? Course they did, make people pay for it and its 'better.' Ragnarok online? (nice name drop) Lets open that nutshell. Their biggest 'end game' feature is to level up from 1-99 over and over again and end up with a stronger 'extended class.' The only quests in that game were for gear where you would grind items with a 0.001% drop rate, turn in 1000+ of them and get your reward, which would break if you upgraded it to the BiS capability, at which point you had to do it again. All I'm gathering from this is a bunch of people in the 'now' generation wanting it NOW, getting it, and still not being satisfied. So if you're spending 5-7 hours a night in front of your computer, you should probably find MORE hobbies to occupy that abundance of time. NO. SINGLE. HOBBY. GAME OR OTHERWISE. WILL SATISFY THAT. That being said, 1-50 is awesome? every one agrees. Is it a completely different game with different visuals and different system, at 50? Try the space battles, max out your ship, make alts, *cough*(go outside and get a tan or play with your kids.) My 'humble' 2 cents.
  18. I remember going back even further one of the (many) pitfalls for me in SWG was Twi'lek in the beginning were limited to ONLY HUMAN SKIN TONES. While still a leap and bound ahead of SWG in player customization, I'm shocked such a simple option was overlooked in lieu of 2 blue skin tones.. lol
  19. Ever wondered why there's 2 blues for Twi'Lek but no chalk white skin like Bib Fortuna? (And other KNOWN Twi'Lek from lore.) or 4 reddish tones for Zabrak, but no real green or white or even blue. I for one was envisioning my Sith Inquisitor Assassin as a male Twi'lek with chalk white skin, red darkside corrupted eyes, Once i saw the limited skin colors available to Twi'Lek however, i *headdesked* made a Rattattaki. (Apparently the only people with WHITISH skin in the game and even then more of a grey.) Zabraks? No white blue or green? (I could be mistaken, been a while sinc ei looked.) What about Purple for Twi'lek? They exist in lore too. None of these are available, can't POSSIBLY be hard to implement. I realize this may be the wrong forum to post or suggest this; PLEASE; allow for more skin colors for Zabrak and Twi'Lek While i appreciate 2 shades of BLUE, and that even the Chiss have multiple skin colors, The most colorful race in the galaxy is seeming quite dull. The day Twi'lek can be pure white is the day i wish for a pay race change feature like WoW or pure re roll form scratch. That's what I wanted from day one.
  20. I have also found this ridiculous. I look forward to seeing hood and mask simultaneously, as well as hiding companion head slots. It only make sense as in every cinematic the Sith in particular are depicted as having hoods over their headgear.
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