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Everything posted by MrOrionQuest

  1. I'd agree to same-server LFG, but only if: 1. We can /ignore ninjas so we don't have to group with them any longer. 2. You could queue as a party, so if you only needed 1-2 others, your group was partially already made 3. We can pre-designate who the party lead is, and assign loot rules on our own. Cross-server LFG isn't needed. But I'm willing to bet those that don't want LFG aren't against same-server. The problem though, is that eventually people won't be happy with just a same-server queue, they want cross-server. Why have half a cookie if they know that, even if the other half is stale or molded, they still want it. Although I mostly agree that cross-server LFG was a major factor in ruining a community, Wrath Babies were the culprits.
  2. I'm going to have to agree. This annoying bug covers a nice size of your screen. It also pushes any warnings and other on-screen text out of the way. If you're trying to have any type of conversation and this gets spammed, might as well forget tactics at that point.
  3. What you're forgetting, OP, if you actually tanked in Vanilla (this was also very popular throughout most of BC as well, even with a threat meter) was the use of a threat set. You brought several tanking sets with you, pieces you could mix and match depending on encounter and other tanks available. By yourself, there was no way you could be in a full set of mitigation gear and hold aggro, it was not only impossible, but if you forgot to bring your threat set, you sat the night. By replacing some of your gear to gain DPS instead of mitigation, you thus lower your chances of getting a mob pulled off of you. Problem solved. I have a 50 Juggernaut and a 50 Powertech, once I started getting mobs pulled off of me, I immediately went and changed my gear to add DPS. This solved any problems I had. I'm an old Death and Taxes member, I participated in world firsts as a main Warrior tank.
  4. In-server, I wouldn't mind it. You'll still know who the ninjas are, and it's still easy to track who to /ignore. If done correctly, you won't group with the people on your ignore list, and eventually if people just keep being ninjas, they'll still have a pretty hard time getting a group. Or at the very least, not give a debuff for leaving if you're grouped with a known ninja. The problem I had was with a cross-server LFG. As for the LFG channel, I'd also agree to that, if we didn't get an actual LFG tool. I'd be cool with either one, probably not both, they'd sort of contradict each other.
  5. Heaven forbid you have to watch (and not read) actual content. I think you want CoD, which this game isn't.
  6. You DO realize, that by using Fraps, your computer will be slower regardless, right? You also realize, by having tons of players all cramped together in the same zone, all casting abilities, moving about and doing random other things, your frames will be lower? That's not Bioware's fault, that's your PC.
  7. Because a zone full of people doesn't lag on any other game, amirite?
  8. There IS a rare bug that keeps you at a certain amount, but the only time I've personally seen it happen, the person just put a ticket in and the problem was solved. Other than that, which is possibly what you're experiencing, completing an event or Flashpoint, or whatever gets you the desired shade of points, will nullify your problem, you just have to fully complete it. Also, just wanted to point this out, you need double the points to get you capped. So if you have 150 Light, which means you're 150 short of capping on Dark, you need a total of 300 to get capped.
  9. Vindictus says hello. Been out over a year. No trinity, all action based. Server vs server isn't innovative either. DAoC says hi for that. Cross-profession skills.... Ever heard of Skyrim? Doesn't matter if Skyrim isn't an MMO, it's still been done.
  10. I would agree, it's hard to tell if you're saving people at clutch moments and things of that nature. Great attempt though, and as a totally biased opinion, good sound (former professional DnB DJ).
  11. Not needed. I wish people would just stop making these threads. It's a dead horse. 1. You have the option to completely gear out your companion on almost every planet. Some planets more than once. 2. Your companion is not a player, a player should always have priority over any NPC. You don't need to have your companion in all orange/purple gear to function in it's role. 3. You cannot bring your companion to Flashpoints (with a full group), Operations or Warzones, actual players take their place every time. 4. Roll greed and take your chances just like everybody else. Having an extra button will not stop ninjas from taking what you want, rolling need to gear an NPC is being a ninja. If the gear can't be used by any actual players, and nobody minds if you hit need, problem solved. You don't need a 3rd button to do this.
  12. They have actual numbers, sitting right in front of them, that show them exactly what's going on, despite what is said on the forums. What you got?
  13. We honestly don't need this. Ninjas will be ninjas, if they want the item, no matter what the reason is, they'll just opt to hit Need. The only way this can possibly work is having the Need option taken out for people who can't use the gear, but you still wouldn't need a "Need for Companion" button. You can't use your companion in Flashpoints if you have a full group, you can't use them in Operations, or in PvP. Almost every planet gives you the option to fully upgrade your companion's gear, which is more than sufficient. There should almost never be a situation where you feel your companion should get a piece of gear an actual player can use instead.
  14. While there are legitimate reasons for transfers, thanks to other MMOs that have either free or paid transfers, it encourages bad behavior. Known ninjas could freely move about servers, damaging the community, stealing what they can, and moving to another server to wreak havoc yet again. This is yet another case of "A few bad apples ruined it for everybody". While of course I'm not a BioWare employee, and I can't tell you whether transfers are going to be a possibility in the future. I could only assume the above is why it's not currently in-place. That and leveling is really quick. If you're dead-set on not going through the same story on another server, try picking another class?
  15. Do not want. Tools like Recount might give additional information besides just healing or damage done, but for every positive it could possibly bring, there are several negatives. -If a boss dies, it dies, no need to see damage or damage done to know it died. -If a tank or DPS lives, he/she lives, no need to see how much overheal happened to know they lived. -Wipes will still happen before and after a tool such as Recount, how you died is a matter of trial and error, just like every boss fight/mechanic. -If you're using it to try and improve your rotation or heal priority, tools such as Recount aren't needed, simply look at what your heals/damage are doing on-screen. Heaven forbid it takes your own observation to see what's happening. -Saying addons such as Recount are purely optional is a fallacy. Once these tools arrive, there also goes the "option". You don't need a tool to improve yourself, relying on it is merely using a crutch. Bosses died just fine before they were implemented, bosses will continue to die without them, learn to adapt.
  16. Although I play a BH Powertech as a main. I'm only playing Empire because my friends IRL decided to go Empire. Besides, the Empire ends up losing, all of "us" are fighting a lost cause.
  17. I realize that there are many players coming here having never played a MMO before. So many of the "unspoken" loot rules might baffle some people, as well it should. But if you DID, however come from a MMO background, and are aware of said loot rules already established, rolling need on items your specific character can't use (meaning not your companion) will only lead to your eventual branding as a "ninja". Currently, since we don't have a cross-server LFD and no server transfers, it would be wise to not soil your name. Sure it might take a while, and sure you'll still get groups at first, but every time you ninja gear, people take notice, keep doing it and eventually nobody groups with you. Menial tasks that take at least 2 players to accomplish will take you much longer, nobody buys your GTN items, sometimes people will go out of their way to make life miserable for you. And all that was most likely for gear you'll replace or money you could have earned differently. Do you really think it's worth a few credits to eventually get your endgame almost completely shut out?
  18. Do not want. Either of them. I've been a healer and a tank for around 12 years now, multiple games, all with varying ways to play. If you need an addon to show you who the scrubs are, you're the scrub for not doing your part to help them. If you need an addon to show you a rotation, you need to learn to play. If you think our UI is so horrible, and I would agree about our health bars not updating in real time, obviously WoW made you spoiled, it's certainly not necessary. I've participated in very competitive guilds, top 50 world, been raid leader for them, class lead, tank lead, I've kept parses going 2 years back, fully customized my UI, researched ways to deal with bosses and mechanics in unconventional ways, made our raid wipe countless times trying these methods (they knew I was doing it, calm down). In the end, none of my macros or addons mattered. People still did the DPS they were going to do, healers were going to keep healing the way they were, if any changes were made, they did it on their own without an addon telling them how to change or what needed changing. Addons like DBM, Bigwigs etc, cripple the game, make you lazy, you don't rely on your own skill to deal with mechanics and the way bosses work, if you're competitive at the level I've been at, you don't even have access to a DBM yelling at your screen for weeks before it's actually in-place. It makes us learn the fight and deal the encounters much quicker I find. In the raids I lead, telling me how much DPS you do, others do, how much healing a player did or heals you did, quickly gets you kicked not only out of the raid, but out of the guild. I don't need to see or know numbers, if you play at a competitive level and can prove it, you don't need your ego stroked every time you did a random crit, we all (at least should) use parses. Macros: I don't care what you claim you're going to do with them personally, having them available won't mean everybody is going to do exactly as you, and yes, macros (if given the ability) can and does control the game for many people (I'm looking at you, Arcane Mages). Macros aren't game breaking, at least not on the level an addon could be, but give a few crafty people a week to figure out it's nuances, and you'll find people can do very complex things with just a short line of macro text. This might mean it ruins it for everybody, but I don't see a way to allow macros without limiting their uses to very mundane tasks, or allowing full-on ability and people could almost write macro bot scripts. TLDR: Stop being lazy and spoiled, deal with it or move on. Crafty people will ruin macros if we allow it here, and I'm against both.
  19. Oh there's world PvP, you just don't want to face people your own level. I'm just a bit under 40, in shared worlds, on a PvP realm. Want to know what I see? PvP, quite often. The problem is, you don't want to face somebody on your level, you want to face a lowbie that can't defend him/herself. If you truly wanted a real PvP experience on equal terms, it wouldn't matter if you were on a PvP realm or not, you could just queue for a Warzone. What you want, and what Bioware gives you are two different things.
  20. 12/12 just got it. See you in-game Decembros <3
  21. 12/12 here. Not in yet. Hopefully next wave does it! GO GO DECEMBROS
  22. Look at all these crybabies! Thank you, OP, for pooling most of these people in a single thread. You don't like how it was handled, even though you've been informed of it's procedures for months now? Go elsewhere. No seriously, if you're not in the game, and it's your fault, I'd rather none of you play. This pre-launch has been handled very smoothly. Those giving half-hearted attempts at saying X or Y game handled their launch better are either giving out false information, outright lying or have no clue how the actual launch went. WoW -- Servers crashed and people were locked out for 8 hours or more, some servers were down days. Rift -- Again, locked servers, 6+ hour queues, server crashes. Guild Wars -- Oh so bad; not even 50k people played the first 3 days, and even with so little traffic compared to the above two games, servers still crashed. Haters gonna hate though. Again thanks for pooling them all here <3
  23. Maybe if you read last night's end statement after yesterday's waves were finished, you'd realize that December has a huge pre-order spike.
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