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Posts posted by Puzzlybox

  1. People keep screaming nerf Tracer missles but in reality, if you let a merc spam tracer missle on you then you deserve to die. Funny thing also, I do more damage Pyrotech spec than arsenal, I'm assuming it might have something to do with the lack of idiot players on Helm of Graush that don't stand around in the open for easy prey and LOS tracers.


    It's really funny that people complain about Tracer Missile.


    Considering how half the time when you interrupt them all they do is backpedal for 4 seconds.

  2. oh are we not playing SWTOR? im not a big fan of the "blame game" its like a dog chasen its tail, funny to watch but sad if it goes on for to long


    You don't want healers to have access to more medals because you're worried that they won't heal you?


    Trust me. Peel for the healers, and they notice you really *********** quick.

  3. So I recently hit 50 and I think I want to go healing spec on my merc. I pretty much only do pvp, so how are mercs compared to other classes when it comes to healing. Should I respec? Or should I just stay arsenal shooting missles at people?


    Merc healers are monstrous. Especially in this game where there's a strong incentive for tanks to PvP and for them to throw Guard around like candy.

  4. I have recently made a BH alt and was wondering if there were a ton of Bodyguard specs. I think there have been some great points in this thread so far!


    The point about the companions is an excellent one. I enjoy healing, and if I keep at it with my BH I want to spec Bodyguard. But the companion types that I find most helpful as a healer -- tanks and melee DPS -- are the last three we get! So I won't be spec'ing heals until I get Torian or maybe even Blizz.


    And also, I'll admit it, when it comes to playing a healer I happen to like the cloth-wearing mage-ish look. The main reason I am considering BH over Sorcerer is because the companions look so awesome. xD


    Mercs clearly dominate Sorcs in premade settings. If you have a good group of friends. Merc healers are better in my opinion.


    If you run solo and can't count on Guard, I'd say Sorcs probably edge them out.

  5. oh so its his teams fault?




    If what he says was true and he wasn't lifetapping. He wasn't cheesing damage taken for heals, and he was literally doing everything he could to save people that were GCD's away from dying if he wasn't paying attention???


    Then it's on the DPS to focus fire one by one. Or to just outplay the other team with objectives.


    But in this game, and the way the objectives work out. There's absolutely such a thing as too much survivability in certain scenarios. The trade-off with DPS can be too much. But that doesn't seem the case since he was obviously the only healer. Then again, with only 14 deaths and that much damage, their team may have simply been stacked with an unnecessary amount of tanks and only 2-5 pure DPS roles. Which still means nothing dies.

  6. seems like his so called help didnt help them win??

    all i see is a wasted guard the tank should have guarded other people then they might have won?


    You're thinking about it wrong?


    His DPS teammates were so horribly fail and undergeared that they did nothing with the fact that they only died FOURTEEN TIMES in a game where there was enough damage to HEAL 900,000.


    He did his job. The tank saving the healer did his job. The DPS didn't do theirs. They didn't wipe out the waves fast enough for the respawns to have to wait by the door.


    Healers do alot, but that's also not on them.

  7. The responses given so far in this thread prove that the "spirit" of competitive PvP is truly gone for good, at least in themepark MMOs.


    Players these days are only looking for shiny rewards.


    Everyone wants to be rewarded for every single second spent in-game.


    My idea is coming from the perspective of wanting to see players LEARN how to organize, LEARN how to communicate, LEARN how to win as a team, and LEARN how to PvP correctly.


    You do those things, and your chances of winning increase ten fold.


    But no one wants to put forth the effort it seems.


    Shame really.


    I agree. But it won't work for this game. The game wasn't designed around PvP. Just slapping on a "competitive PvP for the sake of PvP" ideal into a game like this does far more harm than good.


    But honestly, anyone who really enjoys PvP should have expected what they were going to get out of this game. It's just something fresh until GW2 comes out. And when you think of it like that, it's not so bad at all.

  8. ^ this made me LOL. Someone has a sorc/sage


    She's right.


    You're thinking in terms of pug play where healers eat some light focus or splash damage. When it comes down to premade vs. premade where both teams know each other and are hard-target switching and executing CC trains (let's argue that that is the pinnacle of this game's PvP. The organized end-game), Merc healers can do it better.


    Compare that to pug games where all a Sorc has to do is Force Sprint away and the solo DPS that was on him/her probably ADHD'd onto another target that was closer.

  9. Grab the sides. Following scenarios are generalizations, obviously. But it's what I see generally from my experience.


    1) Pug vs. Pug

    Opposing team stacks middle. You cap 2-1.


    2) Your Pug vs. Premade.

    They grab their easy node (right node coming out of spawn). They premade roll their hard node/your easy node (left coming out of spawn). You lose.


    3) Your premade vs. their pug.



    4) Your premade vs. their premade.

    Possibly stack their easy node and middle to counter conventional sides strat. They'll be rushing your easy node for a cheese 2-1 cap advantage.

  10. Becuase its pants possibly.



    I tried it out other day for a 8 hr period doing absolutely nothing but heal it is so horribly underpowered compared to a sorc that its just pointless even trying along with again being very static, make a skill with the trees that allows casts on the move for it and it could be fun otherwise boring and underpowered compared to other healers.


    Have to spend more time with it. Not going to say that it requires a tremendous amount of skill.


    But it does require a different playstyle than what a person converting over from DPS for 8 hours would do. And it does require a bit of finesse.

  11. WoW isn't about skill. It's about gear. Resilience removed skill from that game.


    Double Trinket Mages beg to differ. I was a Hand of Rag Warrior as my second toon in Vanilla. I beg to differ. It took up until the very end of Vanilla when a few people got Might of Menethil till my HoR became severely outclassed.


    You seem to have nostalgia. Since I only played Vanilla I don't have experiences in TBC, WoTLK, Cata to muddle everything up for me.


    It was more about gear back then. Raid gear trumped all. Raid gear required a raiding 40 man guild. Access to guilds like that that are actually progressed enough to get the gear that mattered required a significant amount of time commitment on one's part, to succeed in PvP. With a roster of 40 people, it was much harder to casually play or loot and scoot to get the gear that was competitive. You had 39 other people's worth of DKP to contend with. To gain favor in a guild if the guild was loot council, you probably had to maintain 90%+ attendance in addition to all the other things. You had to maintain your Raid spec, unless you wanted to constantly re-spec back and forth if PvP was your true passion. All of that PvE to be competitive in PvP.


    PvP gear required a horrible grind because of that god awful honor decay. You couldn't casually play on and off depending on your schedule and incrementally accrue tokens. If you took a day or two off, you set yourself back by alot and had to make it up by playing twice as much the following day. It took roughly a 3-5 week grind of non-stop playing to become a FM/GM/WL/HWL.


    The casual to casualcore to average PvP had no viable means of progression to get the gear they needed. It was Raid or die. And to top it off. You got slaughtered by Raiders who had no interest in PvP aside from giggling as they played with their new toys.

  12. Rift > swtor


    Fresh new SWToR > Bland and been there done that Rift. Atleast in my opinion. Rift is definitely the more polished game though, especially when it comes to smoothness and fluidity of gameplay.




    The last 3-4 implementations of PvP involved running stones.


    PvP Rifts. Run stones.

    Escalation Whitefall: Run stones.

    Escalation Library: Hold stones.

    Escalation Black Gardens: Run stones.



  13. When WOW was this young undead had immunity to fear. Possibly the most broken and imbalanced racial skill ever put into an MMO. Why serious any serious PvPers continued to play such a horribly imbalanced game is beyond me.... oh wait they didn't.


    I was a Human Alliance Priest in Vanilla.


    UD Rogues made me hate STV with a *********** passion.

  14. OK the title is a bit of a stretch...


    I'm not here to tell you how to play your class.. but since I started my PT.. you can't shoot your blaster or toss a Jawa in any direction without hitting a Sorc and/or Merc..


    the issue is.. after 33 levels and fairly active pvp (28 valor or so) I've run into 3 - I know its 3 because I remember each healer Merc.. twice in PVP once in PVE..


    I played a heal spec Merc to 44 in last beta build or 2nd to last forgot.. anyway.. my point is why aren't more Mercs healing?


    even if you're spec'd DPS and the team needs an off heal, anything helps but I've been in groups with 2-3 Mercs and not one tries to heal..-unless they are about to die, at that point its too late since we're all dead..


    I understand how underwhelming Merc healing can be and its sorta like playing a Mara/Sent only for a Healer as heal Mercs-the good one-need to be very active; managing heat, keeping the team alive and DPSing/CCing..


    I'm contemplating rolling one simply because you just can't find one, even though Mercs seem to be as prevalent as Sorcs..


    I don't get the 'healing on a Merc is boring' argument because healing on a Merc is anything but.. and the 'but Sorcs and IA's heal soo much better than us' is really a lazy excuse


    I've always found that healers tend to level easier and get groups quicker...


    case in point the other day on Tat I invite 3 Mercs to a Heroic group thinking 'OK I have a 33% chance that one is a healer..or course they are all DPS.. what a surprise!


    so I say

    "hey since you're not all spec'd to heal with 3 CC's and off healing we should be ok..."


    3 wipes and not a single heal-unless they were trying to save themselves.. I /logged


    Merc healers are great in PvP. I might even go as far as to say they may be the best PvP healers. It just hasn't gotten too much attention because, like the above posters have said, they rolled a Merc Bounty Hunter because Boba/Jango Fett lit people up and looked ****** doing it.


    I hear NM Raid level merc healing tapers off...


    but i've healed all of the HM's and NM EV just fine.

  15. *points up to previous post* Speed debuffs and immobs are not subject to resolve's immunity, that's why...I spam sever tendon like mad in huttball when the ball holder has that evil ticking white bar under his name and he's within spitting distance of the goal line, its the only thing you can do to try and keep them from scoring until the immunity wears off.


    Ah, my mistake. Came from Rift where snares and slows were subject to severe DR and were (iirc) in the same DR family as stuns. So they weren't even worth the GCD. It's a hard mentality to break. To me, it's the most OP thing ever.

  16. That's really strange, if your bar fills and the effect ends...you should be immune to anything after till resolve degenerates to 0 again. I can say with authority that anytime I see that bar below someone's health bar, even if its a sliver left on it, I can't do crap to them with a CC/pull/knockback effect...nor can anyone else on my team.


    Accounts like yours just baffle me even more when it comes to how this mechanic is suppose to actually work...


    Sever Tendon from the Concealment Tree for Operatives completely bypass full white resolve bars reliably.

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