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Everything posted by RiteOn

  1. I do not want anything, nor act in a self righteouss way... I am merely saying that if they want to keep subs, they should consider my point of view aswell. When the plethora of game to choose from (WoW, Tera, GW2, D3) is gonna threaten the solidity of the player base, arguments like mine make for a good bussiness model to counter that...
  2. Might be a bad idea, but how about... it should have already been tested and released... Postponing updates is not doing a good service to player base in any way you wanna take it...
  3. Thread deleted on PTR, hope it stays alive here... Because we really need new content fast before wind starts blowing through server fleets... In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again... There is not 1 day that goes by that we do not get 1 leave notification from one of our members. And yes, we have 16 man raids going, we have organised PVP, yet people are BORED and NEED NEW CONTENT... Before our guild empties, do please release the long-awaited update...
  4. This game is dieing anyway, at least on our server, I jut hope to spend the last month with some nice content before I leave for D3 or GW2...
  5. Well, if 1.2 goes live as buggy as the rest of the current content, who cares how many people test it... There's been a beta test before release, and the game came out as crap anyway... My only hope is there will be 50 people left on our server to play with when 1.2 comes out...
  6. This thread is dead as a mad dog! Cause it's not in general discussion! See, if the average IQ cannot get past that forum, what can you expect from people? They should have a super easy okie dokie kiddie mode, where all sages/sorcerers can tank the whole raid and in the end get more lousy hats...
  7. Sorry, was testing my moron detector.
  8. Group space missions into what? A book? A lore object?
  9. A new guild achievement will be available: <Plethora of Tanks> !!! BTW, if I have 20 medpacks on me, am I healer or dps?
  10. Some fights will require all players to be tanks
  11. They had 7 F.ing years to prepare! :):):)
  12. LOL? Channel negativity? OK, since it's maintenance time, let's all go outside and start a war, shoot random people on the street. )))
  13. My one and only possible suggestion for the imbalance it to give the power to the players. Make it so that republic can <capture> lvl 50 empire people. Make a warzone with absolutely insane rewards for empire side if they win, and the possibility for republic side, if they win, to capture the whole empire team and convert it to republic side. Russian roulette FTW !!!
  14. It's called FUN... and if it's fun then BRING IT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. There are some issues which you all need to consider: 1. People who play PVE might casually enjoy PVP. So you cannot separate PVE and PVP. However, when they go into PVP they get roflstomped cause they haven't got proper gear. 2. If PVP gear did not exist, people who PVE and raid will always have the best gear and roflstomp in PVP, while PVP players will be forced to PVE content to get gear. 3. If you are to do PVP, you need an incentive. The best incentives in any MMO to date are GEAR and TITLES, possibly RANK too. So you cannot exclude gear from PVP. 4. It is absolutely frustrating to have skills do something for PVE and something else entirely for PVP. The way to fix this: A. Make a PVP skill tree, exclusively for PVP with PVP skills on it. All the other skills remain the same. Note: PVP skills will be useless in PVE. B. Make PVP gear give bonuses and stats that only favor the PVP skill tree, this way PVP gear will be useless in PVE. C. REDUCE the cost of respec so player can go into PVE/PVP skills without too much of a penalty. Or ADD dual spec. D. Spread expertise among all PVP mods on gear, this way they will be useless on PVE gear. E. Create force barriers on Ilum that allow members of the other faction to only take territory points in progression, thus focusing the fight on one area alone, where everyone who goes in is aware they are entering a battle zone and they only way they can exit is by getting killed or by stoning out. Conclusion: I am a hardcore PVE player, but I do take my chances on the casual PVP. PVP should not be disregarded though, as it is part of our real world as well, and you cannot expect to create an online utopia.
  16. Thanks. In all honesty, my final decision: LoL vs random US PVP server Will make a char on both choices, level to 10 and then decide. Thank you all who answered and also for keeping the thread clean and thus <not closed>
  17. PLS STOP POLITICAL comments, not for me, but mods will close thread again. PLS PLS and thanks for understanding :(
  18. Just one question, pls, I do not mean to be impolite in any way, but what server are you talking about?
  19. The more I think about this issue, the more I see only one option: make a list of all English PVP servers and flip a coin... Then make BW rich by re-rolling if my coin toss was flawed by chance
  20. Again, I am merely refering to MAJORITY, not ALL. I do not mind Spanish, I even know a little Spanish, however, I do not want to be in all-Spanish environment (again no offense meant, just a matter of preference).
  21. I am not an idiot, nor crazy. I am sure that no server in this world is 100% English. I was merely looking for one with a decent majority... I would even be satisfied with the idea of 2/3 of server speaking English... BUT tell me one server that can guarantee that, so I don't get to 50 and need to start learning Russian or something else (not racist, just an example)...
  22. Still no valid suggestion for an English speaking server. And some of my choices have been destroyed by posts as this one. Basically: US - EU 5 ---- 2
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