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Posts posted by silentsurfer

  1. Then good riddance to you. I would rather have a smaller game that is challenging than something as mindless than WoW.


    Compared to WoW, SWTOR is a lot more difficult to play. WoW caters to the mindless "ROFL, I AM SO L33T" crowd, which is one of the biggest markets in the MMO community. You also realize you directly contradicted yourself, don't you? You "find no evidence of SWTOR taking brain power"? From your post two posts ago:


    "not allowing macros so combat was more cumbersome and took up 50 hot buttons, "


    Calling not allowing macros cumbersome is saying that SWTOR is more difficult to play than WoW. You do realize that gameplay being easier and a game having less side features are two completely different things, don't you?


    I'm not sure how you could think SWTOR is more difficult actually. Both mmos have good and bad points, but lets face it, in SWTOR you can play classes that can root, stun and damage enemies all with the push of one button. Or classes that have abilities to kill enemies in one channeled skill. I have never actually seen that in any mmo. Granted some mmos drag out combat wayyyyy to long. But SWTOR combat on some classes requires a maximum of one or two abilities to literally level from 1-55. That alone tells you that they set out to make SWTOR one of the easiest mmos to date to play.

  2. Hours of my life? You act as if people don't label their streams when they do raiding on Twitch, or youtube videos. Oh I spent a few hours over a year plus period looking at WoW videos. Oh noes, such a waste!


    It's pathetic the lengths your ad hominems will reach just because you can't handle the fact that I'm right about WoW being dumbed down as it can almost be, especially now.


    Ok I think we are peeling back the layers on this.


    So to break it down. You watched a sample of videos, each from a different year and expansion combination. And the videos of course were from the point of view of the same classes throughout the samples to know that classes would be 'dumbed down', unless of course you aren't saying that this is specific to classes. In which case there was some other criteria which would have to exist in all of the videos to show enough of a sample to gather across a time line to come to the conclusion that game play degradation did in fact happen?


    If not, can you let us know your method please?


    Have to ask as well, have you gotten over your fear of criticism to give us your good list? Trust me, if you went through all of the trouble listed above to create an accurate test set, I am positive there will be players here ready to subscribe to your news letter.

  3. So some random person raiding on Youtube or Twitch shows me what I'm looking for?


    You do realize that just proves what I'm saying if I see someone spamming one or two abilities and the raid boss still dies. And I see it in multiple occasions. I guess all the random people I've watched on twitch were actually doing it on purpose as they somehow knew I was watching them! :rolleyes:


    No it just proves your blowing smoke now. You mean to tell me you spend hours of your life watching videos and twitch streams of random people you don't know, playing a game that you don't play and don't like?

  4. Funny how you ignore my other comment. Or Youtube doesn't exist to you people. Or Twitch.


    No I saw that part, it just reaffirms more that your opinion is completely based off of someone else's experience. You watched videos made by other people showing you what they wanted to show you and possible added comments stating their opinions. That is what your basing your opinion on.

  5. WoW my first MMO? well that would be an impossible thing as I've never played WoW. One just has to read from people who had played it from launch to know it wasn't always so dumbed down.


    Ok this just proved my other point. Your entire opinion is based on things others TOLD you.

  6. No, because I know what your argument will be. You will go just because it wasn't as popular as WoW it's bad.


    SWG was still a far better game then WoW, proven by the fact that the more then tried to make into WoW, the more it died.


    The major reason why people were leaving was the bugs that were ignored, some of them major, that were around since beta. And the only content being added it were all tied in to the movies. I know this because I spoke to the people who were leaving. Despite the people leaving the player cities, but especially the world cities like Coronet, would be filled with people.


    That changed with the CU, and with the NGE that completely WoWified the game, all cities became ghost cities. Player city or not.


    But go ahead and try to use an argument beyond "it wasn't as popular as WoW therefore it's horrible." Any others you could use I already crushed. It's funny because at SWG's peak, it had nearly the same amount of subs as SW:TOR did when it went F2P.


    Now who is scared?


    Obviously still you, you haven't named one yet, and you just re-affirmed exactly what I said here. You just said again your afraid of your opinion being criticized so you wont give one.

  7. I'm not going to waste my time because I know the pathetic argument you guys will use next.


    Pretty much it will be "it wasn't as popular as WoW therefore they weren't better."


    So you just confirmed what I said. That you are too scared to give an opinion because it will be criticized.

    There's nothing worse than someone who criticizes others opinions and in fact holds no real opinions of their own. Stop repeating what you read/hear others say and get an opinion of your own. Then take a stand on it for crying out loud.

  8. LOL, ty for showing everyone how pathetic and lack of brains WoW defenders are.


    Nice strawman.


    But hey, keep on defending the most dumb downed MMO game ever, one that also ruined the entire genre. Just like CoD did with FPS.


    You would jump off a bridge if a bunch of people did it. You = joke.


    Alright Mr. Mensa, let's hear your brilliant list of 'good' mmos.

    Ready, Go!


    (This should be rich)

  9. Lmao, WoW a good game. What a joke you are on every level.


    And oddly they have millions of subscribers still after all these years, and is one of the last remaining MMOs on the market which hasn't been forced to move towards a Free to Play model to support their game.


    I'll bet you think Amazon is just some crappy online shopping portal that no one likes either eh?

  10. Oh god, you are more clueless then the people who actually play WoW.


    1. It's Blizzard.


    2. WoW is dumbed down as it can be. Dumb downed games appeal to the most people, hence why niche games remain niche.


    3. After a while people have a hard time leaving once they invested so much time and money into it. Especially if they made friends in it.


    I could go on but it would be wasted on you.


    So it has nothing to do with the fact that the game is a good game, and brings a lot to the table for the players eh?

    Some people will argue anything just to not admit to something.

  11. I assumed "we" were talking about it when you said "But to reference your example".... maybe that means something different than I assumed.


    The choice of engine is far more complex than people make it... as an engine is basically what you make out of it. The engine isn't keeping them from implementing guild features. In fact on this point you are spot on. That that are not investing the development time to do the guild options now is surprising (although nothing I know of has said they aren't developing it even as we speak).


    My point was that people assume that game X came out with feature Y after several years of development, it should take game Z not time to do it.


    Even if they observed the "clamor" for cross-realm in the WOW forums under the normal self-contradicting noise in game forums four years before it was even implemented by WOW; even if they were able to determine that it would translate to a need in their game, it would have taken them more development time than they had.


    Resources are finite. Comparing a game that has had 6-7 years of development with one that has had probably over twice that amount of time (announced in 2001, so probably a year of coding before that) is folly because most of that time is actually spent designing and coding. It isn't wasted time waiting for the playerbase to come up with an idea. With the amount of time they had they wouldn't have been able to implement some of the stuff that was "standard" in WOW. They had to make decisions on what features to focus on and which ones to consider adding later. All games do.


    If they had tried to put everything in they would have had to delay at least two+ years... and name one franchise ever that has survived a delay of two years to their announced release date and not been a laughing stock for it.


    This is where innovation has to come in. What your offering has to have enough of it's own draw to players, and ability to hold players attention to retain customers. The market is vastly different from where it was when WOW came around.


    Personally I think Bioware isn't playing into its innovations and marketing them as well as they could. For me, the voice acting is cool, but for an MMO not a retaining feature if you ask me.


    But take something like Adaptive armor. Some might claim it's a cash grab. Whether you follow that line of thinking or not, it's hard not to admit that it's not a great innovative feature. It's without a doubt better than what WOW has to offer, and a true feature that gamers have wanted in MMOs for years. It breaks the mold from having to look like your wearing rags at level 1 compared to wearing the shiny gold suit of armor at level whatever. They need to bring more things like this to the table, and they quite possibly will.

  12. "You" isn't "We." And I stated in a reply that I wasn't specifically addressing cross-faction stuff, just the whole "Well it took WoW X number of years to implement Y."


    But to address the cross-faction stuff, it wasn't exactly an NSA secret that something like that was wanted by the playerbase and Blizzard would make an attempt at it. Of course, this boils down to getting cheap and choosing an engine that severely limits options for future expansion.


    Seriously, Star Trek Online's crappy engine can handle guild banks and guild space stations. You'd figure that Bioware would at least have chosen an engine that can handle basic guild options.


    Not to mention that Wow was created without cross realm ability. So at some point they bit the bullet and put the time into creating a feature the play-base at that time wanted. Could they have thought forward enough to create a code base that allowed for adding this without a huge amount of rework? Possibly, but not likely.

  13. I probably should have been more specific; I wasn't commenting completely on cross server stuff, just features in general.


    But to cite your example, still not an excuse. Why? Nothing game related is really hidden thanks to the internet. What players want and are clamoring for is open for all to see, including devs. If people have been wanting feature X for years, then maybe if a dev is making a competing game they should put serious thought into implementing feature X.


    It boils down to Bioware not wanting to be innovative. As I said before, the played it safe. Heck maybe they didn't need to be innovative too much, but if you are shooting for Wow, at least make sure you are up to par (nothing to do with Cross-server stuff, just features in general).


    If you are going to copy the B-29, make sure you at least get a Tu-4 out of the deal, and not a gimped Cessna in the process.


    This person gets it.

  14. Do you have any conceptualization of the level of complexity that a cross-shard system requires? The database interdependence, replication and inevitable race conditions alone are enough to give a database programmer nightmares. That isn't even mentioning the protocol/network/server design necessary to make it usable.


    People see a feature in an MMO and assume, well that must have been easy to code. It can take years just to work out the kinks in a system like WOW implemented. Heck, WOW hasn't finished working out the kinks in the system it implemented. And it isn't like they share code.... so the SWTOR folks would have to do it all again from scratch.


    Remember that SWTOR was announced 2008, which means it had probably already been being coded for around a year or so before that. Cross-Realm grouping entered into WOW (and the rest of the world's nomenclature) in 2011. By that time the server model and database model were locked in because to change them would be to change the entire game and set the release back several years.


    It isn't about re-inventing the wheel, what you are talking about is scrapping and redesigning the whole car after you are already close to production.


    Look at that certain mining/crafting game. It was developed by an Indie company, created rather recently, and is impossible to argue that it's not hugely successful. Reason being, they brought innovation to the table. If your not thinking ahead of the curve in technology, your getting left behind.

  15. Now who's mad? Why you following me around reporting my posts? Apparently, I struck a nerve with someone. Not to mention you aren't much for reading comprehension. Your homework will be to go back and re-read my original post and not come off like such an EMO girl next time you post.




    Seriously, if your in game RP is as bad as your forum RP then you belong in this thread.


    You seem awfully defensive. It doesn't appear that you can actually put up with a real argument. The contradictions are there. But it's ok. You can keep living in your world filled with you. :D

  16. Slow your roll shooter...


    1. 80-0 in Civ War is far from a "Crushing" win. It's more of a "Holy crap that was close"

    2. No offense to the team you beat, but I don't recognize a single name as someone I would consider a "PVP'er". In fact the only names I do recognize are not from positive experiences.

    3. You had 4 leapers (probably 3 of which were smash) and 2 shadows, against a team with 3 sorc's, 2 mercs, and a sniper. That's 6 melee vs 6 squishy ranged.

    4. 240k protection vs none.


    A wins a win, but I don't usually brag about squeaking out matches I'm supposed to win.


    Off topic but now I'm confused. I thought you claimed class composition made no difference.

  17. Nope... Just enjoy seeing you hide behind your little troll. Unlike you, I troll people with my main toons names proudly displayed. I pvp every night, solo queue a lot... and if people hate me and want to tunnel me (like your frand Ralen) then so be it.. I think you'll find that the majority of the community here appreciates me because at the end of the day, I respect the people that earn it.


    I've just been trying to figure out your troll and I have... You think by being smug you are making me mad.. .it's not the case, I assure you. You lost your QQ argument long ago so you've abandoned it for this little pseudo troll and you think your winning...


    Yes its obvious that your not worked up :rolleyes:

  18. I'm the fool? You're the one QQ'ing about Faction Imbalance and OP classes. You're the problem. No one wants to play Pub side because of people like you. I'll bet huge creds that you've quit >5 WZ's this week, that is if you even pvp bro...


    It isn't about Faction imbalance or OP-ness... It's about really BAD players who think they are really good... ie you.


    No it's about people like yourself, read your post, you sound like a child. Which is odd because obviously children don't have beards.



    Yeah, You're special... You played since 1.1, Kudo's... I actually play the game to get better and don't whine to the Devs to get everyone nerfed...


    You really are making yourself sound like a fool now. Go back and read over the forums and understand the history of the game and the evolution of classes.

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