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Posts posted by BoMbY

  1. I saw a Jugg use Intercede to get out of the pit with no targets anywhere by the goal line in huttball.


    Well, this at least could be explained with an good positioned stealther.


    I saw a jugg score, run back get the ball as it re-spawned and score again. He did this several times in the same game, but this stopped when someone accused him of hacking.


    A Jugger can do this at least one way in no time, if the enemies and team mates are in the right position. Intercede->Force Charge->Force Push->Force Charge->Obliterate->+40% speed for 5 seconds. This are 100+ meters in about 4 GCDs.

  2. Hi,


    I would like to suggest to make it possible to exchange the Tionese commendations/crystals to Columi commendations (maybe at a rate between 5:1 to 10:1), and maybe it would also be a good idea to let people buy unassembled rakata items for a higher amount of Columi commendations.


    And I think it would be nice if we could transfer the planet commendations to other legacy characters.


    Thanks and Regards,


  3. Not needed.


    Gear with expertise should be completely reworked, of course. And the overall gear progressions would need to be adjusted. And it would be nice to have some different stats (compared to the existing PvE gear) on the reworked PvP gear, to get better options for gear combinations.

  4. 8 seconds to get out of combat is crap. Not only is 8 seconds too long for stealth classes (needs to be 5) its also broken. More often than not it takes anything up to 18 seconds to drop combat so I can restealth - trust me I've counted on a digitial clock on my desk due to the problem being so common.


    Could it be, that it's 8 seconds after your last DoT/HoT faded of? This would be a reasonable explanation.

  5. Zweitens gerade für PvE ler die schon Rakakt Zeugs haben brauchen eh nur noch ein Kompetenzwert von gut 700-800, da ab diesem Zeitpunkt der Soft-Cap langsam zu greifen anfängt und (auf jedenFall für nen Tank) ne gute Mischung meist besser ist!


    Sorry, aber das dürfte eine Falschinformation, bzw. veraltet, sein. Der Softcap liegt IMHO sehr viel weiter oben, als 700-800. 700-800 gibt Dir ca. 14% Schadensreduzierung, bei 1000 schon 16.5%, bei Full-BM (1164) sind es ca. 18%. Und der Schaden steigt noch stärker an, 800 sind vielleicht 16,5% und 1000 schon annähernd 20%. Siehe z.B. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/expertisegraph.jpg

  6. Auch wenn es sicher schon irgendwo hier erwähnt wurde: Das allerwichtigste im PvP seit 1.2 ist der Kompetenzwert. Kauft Euch einfach das blaue Rekruten-Kram (ist nicht unendlich teuer, und hat keine Vorraussetzung außer Level 50) - dann wird's gleich besser. Jedes reine PvE-Gear-Teil ist im Prinzip im Moment ein klarer Nachteil. Unter 500-750 Kompetenz kann man das 50er-PvP eigentlich vergessen - bzw. braucht sich nicht wundern, dass man nach 5 Sekunden tot ist.
  7. Still there are many MMO players who don't like it that PvP and PvE gear is equal, since each group of players want to exclude the other from their content to feel elite.


    I like PvE and PvP - is there something wrong with me?


    I for myself could very well live good with just one set of armor for both. And not just because I like to play my Juggernaut as DPS and as Tank at times, which would mean I need four different sets of armor if I want to fulfill all possible roles.

  8. It's quite funny how always some PvX-Haters show up in the other forums just for some trolling.


    But back to topic: It's definitely not good to balance the gear costs around ranked warzones, and then strip out the ranked warzones, but leaving the gear in without any adjustment.


    People want some reward from playing the game, and currently the reward is far, far away if you have full BM gear. Even war hero gearbags (like the BM gearbags from pre 1.2) would be an advancement. And the weekly PvP mission reward should be raised, at least until the ranked warzones come in (why is it the same as the daily mission reward anyways?).

  9. Yesterday I tried my Rage vs. Vengeance spec with Combat Log at a training dummy, and if I didn't do something very wrong, the DPS is very similar in both specs, with maybe up to 100 DPS in favor of Vengance. But then again, I like Vengeance more, because it seems to be more reliable.
  10. So my question is how do you even manage something this destructive from such a tiny change?


    This is actually a very good question. Maybe they applied and started a wrong/old binary version, which deleted all stuff it didn't know. But this would mean they've not even implemented some basic security checks.


    I just hope the backup is working better than the development and deployment process ...

  11. Well, at least today I still took the most damage from Trooper Grav Rounds in PvP. I'm a Vengeance Juggernaut with full BM gear, and today I took 12.3% damage from it, followed by 5.3% Tracer Missile damage. (Damage total 764985, Grav Round 93941, Tracer Missile 40597). Okay, maybe we've just to many Troopers on our server ...
  12. Haben sie es auf dem PTS MIT ERFOLG getestet?


    Diese Frage würde ich eher mit einem klaren Jein beantworten. Es gibt kaum Level 50 Chars auf dem PTS, weil es keine Kopier- oder Hochlevel-Funktion gibt. Es wurden manuell ein paar Gildenleute kopiert, aber das waren hauptsächlich PvE-Gilden. Man muss sich nur mal die paar wenigen Antworten auf die angekündigten Warzone-Tests im PTS-Forum ansehen, dann weiß man wie so etwas passieren kann.

  13. It will have the PvP set bonus with PvE stats. Reacquiring the pieces in 1.2 will not change the results. To get the PvE set bonus on your PvP gear, you will need to acquire the Campaign gear, extract the armorings and put them in your PvP gear. If you only want the chest, you can keep the other 4 Rakata set pieces equipped, get just the Campaign chest and put that armoring in your PvP chest.


    Sorry, I can't quite follow you there. Can somebody explain this in simple English please? If I'm getting this right, none of the two possible assumptions about the transferring of set bonus are correct?

  14. To obtain the new War Leader's Gear you have to trade in your BM gear


    I've seen this stated before, but never saw the answer if the BM item must be complete (or if the mods can be switched, or removed) for this to work?

  15. As far as I know the champion items do not change, but are more or less worthless after the patch, because changes to expertise. The 126 blue items for example will have more expertise than your current champ gear.
  16. I'm really unhappy with 1.2 right now, because of the unnecessary nerfs/buffs, the ugly new gear, the fact that PvP weapons still don't have removable color crystals, that champion and centurion gear get's useless (and you even can't transfer their set bonus to orange gear), you don't get credits for warzones any more, modded endgame gear will not get upgraded correctly, and some more things I can't remember right now (check yourself, you will find something).


    Ohh, you heard? Biochem reusables can now be used only once per combat for example (or so they tell).

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