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Everything posted by Supapaw

  1. Unsubbed yesterday. Not sure if they gonna fix it before my gametime (20 days) run out, but honestly I dont care. Last 7 days were the worst in my 30 years of gaming career. Yes, I'm pissed. Says the marauder.
  2. Supapaw

    Goodbye swtor

    I've been playing swtor since 2nd beta. Enjoyed every single char I leveled up (vanguard and powertech, both 50). I've been through bugs and reported every single one I found, cause I wanted to help making this the best game possible. This was the way I felt, and this feeling was destroyed in just one week. This was not a patch. This was disrespect, pure and simple. This was the WORST content I saw been released by far. I have no words in my poor english to say how disapointed I am with this game. Every WZ match I joined was a nightmare, and I've been forced to play it the whole week. I saw loads of 8x2 matches, how funny you guys think it can be? I played 15 minutes matches to get no reward at all. I got ***** by premades with no chance to win a single match. My main is the PT, and I feel it's not the weakest class at all. I'm squishy, even with 900 expertise, but I put out some good damage. But I ask you: where's the fun if one gets destroyed in a few seconds? Where's the strategy gone? This reminds me of wotlk days, when you got global'd by paladins everytime. This is stupid, that's not what I'm paying for. There's no point paying for a game when I just log in to make my dailies and have to log out, cause there's nothing else I can have fun with. That's it. Good luck keeping your player base when pandaria comes.
  3. I pointed at this thread how I feel now. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=413012 Needless to say: pvp now is imbalanced, unfair and not funny at all. I was at 800 expertise when I realized: now it takes so long to get commendations, matches are a real torture and I just cant take it anymore. Why should I force myself to farm and get 1000 expertise if I know that wont help make things easier - and therefore, funny? Good job screwing up the best mmo by far, bioware. Unsubbed today.
  4. I'm gonna start this up saying that i'm not another merc QQer. I've been playing PT since the first day (2nd beta), I enjoy my class a lot, know how to play it and I'm sure I'm not the worst player around. But now I just feel like ****. You dont need to kite, strafe, keybind, etc. You just need gear. I have 750 expertise (not the best number one can get, but still a reasonable ammount) and I get exploded by every force user that gets into my range. Worst part is: I have no chance keeping people at 10m from me for more than 2 seconds. And as soon as they get to me, surprise, I'm dead. I thought pvping in wow had become something stupid, but I found out that swtor is even worse. In my days I could hold LM up against 2 or sometimes 3 players. But here at swtor, now that 1.2 came out, almost every force user (even the worst geared ones) just **** me in a few seconds. This is my main char, its the only one I play, I'm not even considering reroll a marauder or anything else (like some friends - force users I must say - told me to do). Guess I'm gonna just wait for a hotfix or something like that, cause I'm pretty sure the situation is unfair (to say the least) for non-force users right now. And in case the hotfix never comes, well, time to unsub. ps: I'm sorry for my bad english. I put some good effort in it but I know it just sucks lol
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