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Everything posted by HonorThyGamer

  1. Hey Bioware I have a brilliant plan for stabilizing the forum. This might seem a little out there, however. From what I can tell, your forum becomes A LOT quicker whenever you send out invites. You know, just a thought. >.>
  2. Come on, Bioware! Each wave used to be weeks at a time now you're only doing a day or two? You're my favorite developer, but this is kinda cheap.
  3. I got like zero sleep. Damn you, Bioware! December 10th here hoping for an invite in the first wave!
  4. Oh well screw it! Decemberists unite! We shall not turn into all of those other people who threw a hissy fit and cried like babies when they didn't get in. Get a beer, watch some TV or play another game for a while, and then come back to this thread and chat for a while. Plus, there is one more benefit we have! We're not stuck in those queues like so many others. Hell, just about everyone I know who has received their invites is stuck in a queues for at least another hour. We're not stuck there waiting, we can actually do something else. Also, the forum is starting to run really smoothly again. Pages are almost instantly loading up. So look on the bright side!
  5. This is a HUGE freaking letdown. I've been here all day just waiting around for the invite only to be RIGHT on the cutoff line. I know I'm supposed to be optimistic in here, but this is just annoying.
  6. Hey guys. Just thought I would post this for amusement. Last night I was playing Skyrim and came across something weird...FLYING SABRECATS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5Zg88Jiyi0
  7. You know...maybe us Decemberists should unite against the lag or something. We could do it later though.
  8. They got that infiltration order two days ago. It's about time they finally got around to it.
  9. Good morning my fellow Decemberists! How are you today?
  10. I lived in a very small town in Arkansas for 20 years.
  11. LOL! I see you put that in your signature. I'll do so as well!
  12. The December Procrastinators: Solving the problems of today...tomorrow.
  13. I'll drink to that. Dr Pepper of course. Can't stand alcohol.
  14. We should make a flag at some point. Not right now, but definitely later.
  15. A friend and I used to do that with Baldur's Gate a long time ago. We just switched every couple of hours.
  16. I was thinking about reinstalling KoTOR but that totally depressing Revan ending is making it difficult to want to. The Sith Lords even more so. >.<
  17. I really should work on my warrior in Skyrim to pass the time. I've been meaning to do that since yesterday. No clue why I haven't started yet...
  18. Psht! That's nothing. I took a thermal detonator to the groin.
  19. So many people saying Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. I think it's far more likely to be Friday. I suppose it could happen during the last wave on Thursday, but it would probably be for the people who preordered December 1st-5th. But they've also increased how many people they're letting in per wave, and not just the number of days or months, so the estimation could be off. ALL of our estimations are most certainly off. The only thing we can really do is sit back, chat with each other to pass the time, and ignore those threads full of people going crazy.
  20. So what character are you guys going to start out with once we finally get in? I know it's a bit typical, but I've always been the good guy in the Star Wars games. I can't help it, I'm unable to be a soulless jerk because it's not in my nature. I did try the Inquisitor though and thought it was fun. I think I'll start out as a soldier. It just seems like a good starting class so I can learn the game.
  21. Hah! Our enthusiasm to play a game will make us catch up to the rest of them in no time at all. By the time we get in, we'll be so eager to play the game our fridges will be stocked with boxes of Monster energy drinks and Ramen! All of our work will be done, all of our other games will be finished, and the Christmas presents will be bought. Besides the potential family visits, we'll have a ton of time on our hands to catch up.
  22. I think that's because we really don't have a choice in the matter either way lol.
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