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Posts posted by Diktat

  1. Wow. You see everyone? There's tons of negativity but once in a bit you'll see a positive thread or two pop up. Proved that in my latest thread.


    Now, I'm really glad you're enjoying this game. I'm glad you're taking your time and all but here's the thing: I think this game was designed for players like you. :)


    This game was aimed for players who didn't have to devote all their time or just could devote as much time as they wanted to for the game. It was also for those players who wanted this story BioWare provided above all else—a story that BioWare praised highly. The thing is, all of that work that's put into the story and voice acting kinda made a hollow elimination of the grindfest this game really had. Now you, being a player of your caliber, enjoys taking your time playing several classes that you don't see it the way many of us do.


    Not only that, but the Legacy system is, too, a grindfest. The reason why you enjoy the Legacy is because you enjoy playing so many characters that you get to advance without getting bothered by the way the majority of the community feels about the Legacy.


    Unfortunately, I realize this game was meant to be a PvE-oriented game that would be enjoyed by players that would like playing several stories that would be very amazed by all the story and voice acting that you wouldn't spacebar, and that you would like going through each of the side-quests which makes it far easier and more entertaining for you to advance your Legacy.


    This game had potential. I just think it's too late for BioWare. This game may go F2P (or *cough*P2W*cough*) and may bring back some players, but only the players that would sit back and enjoy this game would be players of your caliber. Everyone else will eventually be unsubscribed and move on to MMOs that are bigger and better in their eyes. :(

    Not for all players like him. Some, like me, are too casual players who after level up 1 character see no reasons to level alts of both factions just for the storyline as soon as we realized that is a grind through the same planets and quest 16 times (or 8 tiems if we only count classes).

    The game fails the inmemsion badly since relies too much on voicing and cinematics for that, and in my case I feel no attachment to my own characters, and combat doesn't make me feel heroic because my chances to beat a mob or an area depends too much on my gear.

  2. The 'best' is far too subjective to say for real.


    Ordering a pre-built computer generally won't get you what you want/need to get the game working magnificently. The best way to get the game to run really well is to keep your computer clean and up to date. A lot of the players you see loading extremely fast probably run expensive custom hardware and know how to configure their computer for the most performance.


    That said, you will need this to play well:

    - Minimum 8GB of ram, preferably DDR3 ( 1333mhz or faster )

    - At least a 3.0Ghz processor ( number of cores doesn't matter as much as speed, things like L2 cache matter too but you can check benchmark websites like TomsHardware.com for more specific info )

    - A 500 or higher series Nvidia card OR a 6000 or higher series Radeon card. Crossfire/SLI are not recommended as they don't seem to play very nicely with SWTOR, and you might be spending a lot more on 2 cards that would be better served by having just 1 good one.

    Other things include a good power supply, but if you're buying a pre-built machine I assume they'll put in whatever is necessary.

    Any size harddrive will do, at least 7200RPM, or if you want to spend extra cash, grab a medium size drive ( 500GB-1TB ) and a decent size Solid State Drive ( SSD, 128GB. )


    I've found processor is more important than graphics card for this game. Don't choke your processor for a beefy video card, lots of newbie computer builders make that mistake. Beefier processor is better than beefier video card.


    I would agree with those tips if the engine were not so bad. I checked my CPU and GPU loads in fleet with my processor clocked at 3.3 GHz (an AMD Phenom II X4 925), with game affinity set for cores 0 and 1 (tip already mention to increase performance) and loads were:


    Core 0: 65 to 75 %

    Core 1: 55 to 70 %

    GPU (Sapphire HD 6850 1GB GDDR5): 35%


    FPS in fleet during test (average): 17.


    Then tested with CPU at stock speed: 2,8GHz, and results were exactly the same.


    Clearly the engine is CPU dependant however those results tells me one things, the engine has got multiple bottlenecks both at CPU and GPU levels since it is incapable to use the cores and the GPU to their max potential.

  3. What you are asking is not going to happens. Not in years.

    They've got to rebuild the whole space and there's no way to do it on top of rails. A free flight combat is way more complex, even just for a single player, than an outdated rail shooter.

  4. Yet, SWTOR's pvp is grindy, uninspired and the ranked and open world pvp decisions they've made are terrible- not to mention the game's awful balancing is now legendary as pretty much the worst balanced pvp games in years.


    It's not even a question that GW2 is going to beat SWTOR hard in pvp matters- but at this point, SWTOR beat itself, and the plummeting subs after 1.2 proves it... BW didn't need GW2 to lose their pvp playerbase when they did it themselves.


    GW2 however isn't going to take anyone for the pve aspect- as good as the pvp is, the pve in GW2 is awful... but that's no surprise, that'd be like being surprised when the new CoD game has a terrible 2 hour long campaign.

    I played 2 BWEs and did both PVE and PVP.

    I agree with your opinion about PVP, but I disagree about PVE. Two Reasons:

    1st) I found PVE really fun and inspired (personal opinion of course), at least what I had chance to test (my highest level in BWEs was 17). Combat is very fast and dinamic, with dodges and combos, and there is no GDC.

    2nd) Combat mechacnics is exactly the same for both PVE and PVP. If it's fun at PVP it is also fun at PVE.


    Said that...,

    it's GW2 going to kill WOW? Certainly not becasue GW2 allows players keep their WoW subs.

    It's GW2 going to kill SWTOR? Certainly not because of the same reasons it won't kill WoW.

  5. So all platforming games are a clone of another game? All puzzle games are clones of other games? and all RTS games are clones of other games? and so on and so on?. Ok gotcha.

    You are mismatching genre with mechanics, and I'm sure you are smart enough to see the difference.

  6. No, I am saying they appealed to their own fanbase, used the Star Wars IP and wielded the publishing power of EA..

    Sorry but I can't agree to that. It makes no sense mimic a known successfull game if your goal is a specific market target. The only reason to adopt a known "winning" formula is target a wider market than just a specific group, specially when it was poved that that group is pretty small (between 500K-250K, numbers made by SWG)

  7. From what I can tell NCSoft is only the publisher and has nothing to do with the development of this game. They will keep it that way if they are smart, because NCSoft makes horrible games that have little to no value in the western market. ArenaNet proved they can do fine with their model with GW in the western market, and should keep it that way.


    However, if NCSoft gets more influence over the decisions it won't look pretty. It actually may turn out worse than the whole EA/Bioware combo we have here.

    That's true and I didn't say the contrary, just spoke of AION that was published by NCSoft too but developed by a korean company (I don't know which one), as an example of huge hype low budget MMO of the same publisher. Publisher that also had epic fails like Tabula Rasa that was over 100 million usd budget and was p2p like AION.

  8. Most game developers have smaller teams then biowares, including wows. still dont change the fact you have as much chance of pee'ing up a waterfall and not getting wet then gw2 only costing 30 mil to make since 2007.

    My stimation of GW2 cost is bassed on AION development budget, another NCSoft game, that, as far as I know, was 18 million usd (source: http://www.whatmmorpg.com/cost-to-make-a-quality-mmorpg.php) and took 2 years less than GW2 in development.


    But I admit that my numbers are a guess (I think a reasonable one since GW2 uses lot stuff already made for GW1, like soundtrack, as I said) and I could be wrong, though I don't think by far.

  9. I would be shocked if it were only 30 mil, its been in development since 07. and you think its gonna keep up content levels with only that much, mmos of this stature eat that much for breakfast with upkeep costs never mind dev costs.

    Guild Wars 2 is developed by a small (compare to BW, EA, or any other known MMO developer company) team that works on their own engine (they don't have to pay royalties for use or modify a thrid party engine), already developed for GW1 but modified for the new game concept, using their own servers technology (which is pretty amzing since they don't have server's downtime for maintenance), and developed with PCs as old as 4-5 years (just read all the devs blogs and interviews). So practically the game's development costs are just programmers and art designers. If they spent more than 30 million in development I want to be ANet employee, sure the salary is awesome.

  10. Thing is, there are two crowds basically split down the middle, those who play this game FOR the story (like me) and those who want all the general MMO features, like endgame raiding and RvR, so if they start giving one crowd something, they will lose the other.


    Unfortunately, instead of sticking to story like they claimed they would, they are delivering to a crowd that won't stay anyway, I am sure some will, but when games like GW2 comes around, they will jump boat to that one for a couple of months, rinse and repeat.


    This game just was not designed with the general MMO crowd in mind and now that they have switched priorities, despite the fact they will never draw a crowd that loves PvP, when GW2 comes about anyways, it is senseless, sticking with the story is the only way they will hold a viable population.

    Are you saying BW/EA made a huge budget game to loose money?

  11. ehhh I don't know about that I would say GW2 is in the more delicate state. GW2 has to live up to the insane amounts of hype around the game.


    SWTOR is out and it keeps getting updates. Everyone knows what it has so it doesn't have that pressure on it anymore.


    GW2 has far more hype around it then SWTOR did. SWTOR didn't hail itself as the next step in MMOs like GW2 is.

    GW2 doesn't rely in subs to be profitable. Arenanet proved that a game can be profitable without subs: GW1. ANet is like any other games developer, they look for profit with their games. GW1 woudn't last 8 years if it's running costs where higher than it's overal income. And I guess we can agree GW1 was not the number 1 in the market, not even the number 10.

    GW2 is not a big budget game, I'll be surprised if its bugget is over 30 million usd. ANet needs sell only 500K copies of the game to break even, but with all hype in the community probably they will hit 1 million which means a net profit of 30 million usd (last time I checkd GW2 price in amazon was 59.99$).

    Even if after 1 year they have to close the game because nobody plays it, I'm sure GW2 running cost for 1 year won't eat 30 million.

  12. Quite the sceptic arnt you, if the patch is going to drop lets say sept 4th, then all they have todo is keep dropping little hints here and little hints there and let bliz and gw2 fire off all there marketing and build up there hype trains cos who wants to shout into the wind then BANG aug 21st unlock pts and drop the patch on there for testing for 2 weeks and scream from the rooftops and in all the magazines hey look over here what we have.

    Too bad idea because GW2 pre-ordered players will start play the game on august 22nd. To be effective 1.4 should be in PTS within a week to generate enough hype in forums to try to stop a new drop in subs. Though there's no reason to cancel SWTOR's sub because of GW2, lot people won't see a reason to keep paying their subs for a game that has nothing new to offer when they can play a whole new game for free.

  13. Seriously? Already growing stale? On June 18 we had the exact thing your'e wishing we had; a roadmap of upcoming content for the game. You mentioned the new planet, new companion and level cap increase, you failed to mention the new warzone, new operation and new space mission. That info was literally released 30 days ago. On July 17th we got a more in depth video about HK-51 and information about how players will be able to obtain him. That was 11 days ago! I mean how fast do you want these updates about future content to come out?

    A roadmap requires release dates in terms of quarters, minimum. I didn't see that. What they said in E3 was that we will see it along the year. That's not a roadmap, that's a vague promised that for many people is clearly insufficent. and if HK-51 is the exciting new content that's coming soon (how soon?) things are worse than they seems to be.

  14. Oh you mean like this... thats on its way?http://www.pcgamesn.com/swtor/star-wars-old-republic-raise-level-cap-deliver-new-operations-space-missions :rolleyes:[/url]

    Sorry mate but that's old news with no timeline what doesn't encourage people that feels the game lacks content to continue paying a subscription for a vague promise.

  15. I do not see them losing numbers. Always 3 istances of fleet during prime times on my server right since merge.

    in my server we had 2 full instances at merge, we even had queues. Yesterday at 9 pm we had 1 full instance and only 56 players in teh second. I know it not because I'm checking how many players are in the game, but because happened that I logged directely in that second instance and I was shocked by that low number in fleet at a peak hour until I realized I was in the second instance.

  16. GW2 is very, very good. But it won't stop me from playing other games. I played a lot of GW1 and still maintained subs in other games.


    But there has to be a reason to pay that sub. Sadly, SWTOR isn't ready for my sub money. And with all the new F2P games around, it's hard for any mmo to get my sub.

    That's the point of the thread. But it turned into a GW2=awesome SWTOR=crap and viceversa. Sigh!

    Many SWTOR players will play both GW2 and SWTOR because GW2 don't ask for a monthly fee so, like someone already said, is a win/win game for them. But many, like you, will cancel their subs and stop play SWTOR because is hard for them keep paying a monthly fee when they don't see reasons to do so. That is bad for SWTOR not only financially but in terms of community that becomes smaller. And a decaying community leads to dead of that game, no matter if it is p2p b2p or f2p. A game that only a handful of people plays is simply dead; example, Black Prophecy: f2p, only 1 server with light population.

  17. I don't get all the sha baam about gw2, and it being the next holy grail. I've played the 1st one since it pretty much came out, along with its expansions, it was never touted as a "mmo killer", nor do I see 2 being a mmo killer.


    I'm certainly going to play it though, kind of a no brainer, a sequel to a game I've been playing for years. In no delusional way what so ever do I see it competing with the king of the mountain, or even a game such as tor, with its massive budget and names behind it(Lucas, Star Wars, Bioware, those are some pretty big names!)


    I'll stop ramblin', no one really gives two ***** lol.

    I don't think GW2 is a MMO killer, but is something new in terms of gameplay and concept (lore appart that is the same fantasy lore we all know already).


    Said that the point of this thread is B2P (not f2p), GW2's business model, vs P2P, SWTOR's business model, and if B2P could be a good for SWTOR.

  18. [quote=anstalt;4917037

    Imagine playing SW:TOR. You join the game as a jedi, level through tython and corusant, learning the basics of the game, learning your "class" etc. but, imagine that after corusant the game simply opened up and let you do your own thing. Imagine quests that scaled to your level and group size. Imagine dynamic quests so if you found somewhere you really liked, you could just keep generating quests and leveling up over and over. Imagine a crafting system with more freedom to choose stats on items when crafted, but that needed replacing rather than just repairing. Make 90% of all hubs and bases neutral to encourage full planetary exploration and crossover between factions. Bioware could even keep their story in there, linear quest routes are not the only way to tell a story, in fact it is the least imaginative way to do so as it removes all control from the player.


    You've just described Guild Wars 2, with the difference that there's not heavily scripted starting areas, except the introductory minitutorial instance that consist basically in teach how to move and use your skillbar through a minquest: 5 minutes long. Even players can come back to lowbie areas because the game downlevels them to the level of the area to ensure nobody overlevels it, so you are free to go anywhere in the world and still have fun.


    Edit: Since I quoted you before finish read your analisys, I must say that I agree with all of it Anstalt. However, no game made me feel part of the world in my screen like SWG did 'till NGE. But it is true that a pure sandbox game like SWG requires a huge effort from the players to Role Play, and by role play I mean create your own background story (I read too few good background stories in SWG live while I played it) and act accordingly to it. However, my experience in SWG live was never boring because when I get bored of something I had something else completely different to do. Form my point of view, what made fail SWG as sandbox was the hologinding. As soon as everybody knew how to unlock jedi through hologring the "civil war ended", there were no more imperial raids on anchorhead, no more assaults on opposite faction strongholds, no more player dirven event like theater performances at cities theatre buildg (we had a troupe of players that play SW stories at theatre and they did awesomely), there were no more troupes of musicians and dancers..., the RP element in SWG simply died. And the worse was that in a wolrd were the lore was Jedi's (good and evil) are virtually extinct (only 2 dark jedi's: the Emperor, and Darth Vader, and only 2 light: Luke and Leia) suddenly we had thousands of jedis... ***!!! SWG was mismanaged from the beggining, pushed live unfinished and with broken professions like smuggler (never fixed), and is an example of what not to do, not because of its sandbox model,but because of very losy and wrong management.

  19. I does not matter if the game is single player FPS, B2P like D3, new sub game like Tera, etc. They are going to consume and crucify from one game to the next. It's just the nature of the MMO community in 2012. It's a very needy, whiny, unhappy community. Sometimes I wonder why they play games at all.

    This is the way the community has been since I play MMORPGS (started with SWG) and surely before that. That's nothing new in MMORPG world, unfortunately.

  20. GW2 will be the exact same- you don't make money by making free content patches, have you even played a f2p?


    Look at f2p that have had content- like DDO. Those content upgrades- called adventure packs- all cost money to purchase. GW2 will be the same- either you get a new xpac for new content, or, you pay in the shop for new content.

    Be sure we will have to pay for the famous new planet with +5 levels if it comes as an expansion, what is what you call "adventure packs" for GW1 (change the name doesn't make them another thing but an expansion).

  21. I'm not arguing that the game has better PvP, it's a PvP focused game and is designed and balanced around PvP which would explain why they don't care much for PvE endgame.


    Anyway I played 3 of the beta weekends but didn't manage to log more than a couple of hours for the last one. The story was beyond lame, Group quests are just click this or zerg 100 of that while hoping you don't get instagibbed; exploring is kinda forced since you need to visit every part of the map to level up. Again I'm not trying to argue whether it's a bad game or not(the coming months will decide that) but I can tell it's not for me. FPS offer me a better PvP experience and WoW/SWTOR offer a better PvE experience with actual progression so I'd rather stick with that.

    Indeed you barely palyed the game, and certainly you didn't understand the game mechanics.

    You don't need visit every part of the map. You can level up to level 80 in the same place, because the game prevents you to overlevel any zone in the game downleveling you to +2 the level of that zone, so you always gets XP. You can do eternally the same world event or the same world boss and still get XP because your efective level is that zone level, despite what's your real level.

  22. You are confusing different things. GW2 is in no way a sand box.


    Eve is a sandbox. Players control or have influence over almost every facet of its universe. You can do just about anything you can dream up.


    Tightly scripted story does not work in this setting, because the whole point is to throw the script out. Story has no value a sandbox. The POINT is to write your own story.

    Somthing you can perfectly do in Guild Wars 2. You are not obligue to do your storyline (except the part of the creation of the character that is heavily scripted). You are free to do whatever you want. Even the economy (except gems store that is vanity and a few utility items) is players driven. Guild Wars 2 is clearly built around a sandbox model. You are free to go wherever you want and do whatever you want. I don't know how you call that, but I call it sandbox.

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