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Posts posted by Dekkau

  1. You are told during the game of planets that have no fly zones. That means you can't land your ship there in certain circumstances. The only way down is via the shuttle. Some characters don't have a ship at certain times and this enables them to get off world. Pretty simple concept really. Think of it as places that can only support a small airport. I am guessing the defences of the planet are set to kill on sight given the vulnerability of the occupants.


    Saying all that I just don't get why you can't board your ship and NOT take off. I mean the amount of times I've had to go back cus I left the kettle on and just needed to grab me coat. And that nutter droid takes us out of orbit. And yet it takes a blink of an eye to travel half way across the galaxy... But opening and shutting that door means land or take off. Now that is silly. And the second air lock puzzles me. I am not sure what is coming but we can trigger that travel orb and kinda insta travel. I am sure the creators could explain a clever device that lets us insta travel to our ships.


    One last thing which actually makes no sense at all... If you take the shuttle from the planet and I guess get detached from your ship... you can get another one of two shuttles plus go to Fleet. What is puzzling is that even if you left your ship on a planet it would actually be waiting for you at Fleet when you got there. Some of this logic isn't logical at all. I do hope they sort out the endless walking around... even on your own ship. It really is silly. The space stuff isn't fun I have to say.

  2. My one problem with this post is that. Clarify. You are being vague. Are you saying games are supposed to be convenient? Am I supposed to read into that and assume you believe anything difficult or requiring extra effort or is long winded is bad for games?


    If so, our definition of games is different. While there should be convenience and utility, actual mechanics that are implemented anywhere are welcome, especially when it affects the economy.


    While I am neither for or against an a-tab, I disapprove of the argument that "its just a game" justifies removing anything other then having it handed to you on a silver platter. Games should have challenge, require effort, take time.


    If none of these things are present, then its not a game, its simply a simulation to speed through with little to no obstacles. At least the mod system requires some effort and investment in time and resources to get what you want.


    My only nitpick.


    Edit: Restated here.


    Yes but my challenge at the moment is to struggle with lower stats on my gear cus I refuse to wear the stuff that is being fed at my level. ie cloaks and hoods on the Jedi Knight. I have a great vest and pants set at the moment and would dearly love to keep that appearance like throughout the game if necessary. I don't even mind suffering a touch. But I am Level 28 now and the gear is Level 15 and it is starting to hurt. So please can I have an Appearance Tab. It shouldn't affect the cinematics cus as with Rift you could show the cini with the actual gear I am wearing as opposed to the appearance I choose to wear. And don't forget that it is a real struggle finding that one piece of kit you like which could mean farming for hours. The stuff in the game is generally dross anyway and you do have to hunt for something good to wear. Sad that.

  3. The Item Modification System fulfills this role.


    So like I have a Synthetic Vest at the moment, grey, and bare middriff. I have grey pants and a great thin belt. The top has straps to the arms which match the straps to the boots. None of it is orange but it is medium leather. So this new system will let me keep that appearance whilst I slot in better gear. That is what happens in Rift. I can wear my starter Horror Skin which is super cool all the way to 50.


    That would be best, otherwise I gotta wear Smuggler jackets with my Jedi Knight to avoid the crappy hoods and curtains they call cloaks.


    Looking forward then to the Modification System. Will answer my prayers if its got a wardrobe slot like in Rift. Otherwise its just going to be cosmetic nonsense. Hope not.

  4. Thing is with the computer over the years I have gotten so use to just using the mouse cus I have to keep my other hand free for other things........ er drinking my tea that is.


    Anyway I've clicked my way all the way to the Lich King and I had no problem and I guess I may use the keyboard for the WS and the Spacebar plus some toggles I like but on the whole I just use the icons and the pointy thing. Everyone to their own I guess. I have no idea if I am proficient at the keyboard.. I just find looking at the screen all the time much easier, If I had the keys to fuss about with I would spend an age looking at the keyboard instead. The icons look way better.

  5. Every day at the moment cus its fun and I always have stuff on the go so I play as often as I can. I have to say, though, I am a touch worried about one aspect of the story which I do hope doesn't turn out badly. No spoilers please. The game is more like reading a book and takes me back to my FFVII, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil days when I just couldn't put the thing down. Anyway, its the holidays now so four straight days of pure SWToR fun. Good stuff.
  6. What if you don't have alts?


    Nobody these days plays MMOs just with one character... Do they ? Takes no time at all to level a character in any MMO so having maxed chars out seems to be the norm. I'm guessing, but I would suggest that there are very few that play having levelled one, but in reality it just doesn't work that way anymore. So you see there really is no alt. All 12 of my 85s in WoW are main as are all 12 of my 50s in Rift are mains. And here I have four running through at the same time. How else do you do your crafting and where do you send all your spare good gear, and what if you want to play healer, dps, support or tank without waiting for anyone. I would suggest 4 is the minimum any player uses and this game is well structured for half a dozen at a time. The day of the alt died ages ago.


    The other thing is, particularly in this game, what do you do all the time with a level 50.. must get real boring at times... Same goes for all games. My guess is that you finish up standing in a city spamming chat all day waiting for a group so you can get that drop that adds 0.00000001% to your crit. Dunno.


    My characters all contribute to my own mini undustry of crafting so I never have to rely on anyone else for anything. When you have just one char you are 'always' relying on someone else for both doing anything or getting anything... Gaming time is way too precious to have to rely on others. I just wanna boot up, lock and load and go have some fun. Seems to work, specially when I have like every variation of character to play across four MM0's. Never a dull moment and no standing around, like ever.


    By the way... I do think this game was structured for playing many characters. Its just that some haven't realised yet. Just my thoughts.

  7. Legacy should have been inside the game, but no I have to wait four months after the game has came out to get it? why? and why no time date. I am playing my hard earned money and I demand to know.


    What's the Legacy issue... Seriously. Every time I read a post here someone moans or goes on about something but nobody discusses the specific issue explaining just what the practical, technical, aesthetic etc reason is for the complaint. What on earth are you on about ?

  8. Thanks for the responses. I am kinda thinking I might have to go smuggler gear if I am allowed to use it and just bolster strength through other means like biochem as I have a character levelled with that. I also got a couple of purple implants which helped and I could augment the gear as I have with the current vest. I would seriously love to level without a cape or hood. I mean have you seen the Level 20-30 cape thing... Looks seriously like a curtain and yet my female companion in the light armor all in white with the nice head piece and white gloves looks angelic and so well designed I have to say.


    Looking good is important cus it makes you feel special in game. The brown monks robes make all Jedi look just the same..... from the back. I also do want to look different to my companion and its has to be the female companion... not the droid. When I'm resting up I do like clicking the female for he witty comments.... ' Have you seen what the sith are wearing these days... etc etc '.


    The answer would be to just un-check show hood and cape like some other games or give us wardrobe slots.


    I will try to get that recipe by the way.. I have a Jedi Sage with the Synthweaving

  9. With the upcoming changes will I be able to customise my clothing so I can see my head and legs. I have augmented my Syth Vest now to its max and at Level 26 there are only options for hooded capes for the Jedi Knight. I also can't abide head gear. Not that I can find any. Just kinda hoping that at some point the gear pops that is like the Synth Vest and so I can see the chars full body and head or I will be able to customise so I can see my character properly. This is my second run through as Jedi Knight and I have yet to find anything worth wearing sadly. Just hoping.... I like Jedi Knight but cus we only see the back of our character you just get to see this hooded monk all the time, so whats the point of having a body with features at all. I managed to get a cool bit of Light Cloth head gear for the companion so thats fine and I found the same with the Jedi Consular but sadly no luck with the Knight. Any help appreciated... maybe I can craft something.
  10. Because I have played a lot of time with MMOs I find myself getting annoyed a lot in this game. There are numerous issues and some of the game mechanics are just so frustrating at times. I curse and moan I guess but it really isn't that game breaking and I guess I hope such matters will be addressed in time. Not sure if there is an 'I don't like' feed back box in game that you can fill in like in Rift but I think the game could lose a lot of complaining on forums if there was more ingame interaction with the creators. Certainly in these first six months it could have helped a lot flagging the game with 'L Plates' or ' Running In Be Patient' notices on the main chat pane when you log in. I think if the creators were more humble about the product and be more ready to accept fault then those like me that play may feel, well they are trying. I have to say I have no idea just what is being done to better the game and whether any of the issues I get are being dealt with.


    Anyway I am prepared to give the game time though in that time I doubt I will bother with aspects of the game that really 'p' me off.

  11. It is not curiosity that killed the cat, I'm sure. It was speculation. The cat speculated it was safe when it wasn't and a lot of you speculate about numbers for which you have no source.


    I'm not going either way but I advise you all : speculation = fail


    Curiosity has nothing to do with speculation. They are two ends of a stick.. Speculation presumes a process of thought in making a calculated decision with the possibility of benefiting from that calculated thought process. Curiosity is simply a question and answer process that forms the basis of all human progression ie I wonder where this road goes. Follow road, discover it goes to the railway station. Result is the building of a cognitive map and a natural process in the development of memory and map building. Speculation is a further process related to using what you know to make judgements about that which you are inquisitive about. The cat was curious because it was simply using its inquisitive mind and no doubt ventured too far into the dark which when building maps can result in chaos and confusion. In such events you are less likely to make reasoned decisions as there is a predominance of unknowns clouding your judgement. And so the cat most likely fell victim to an event that it could not control. Too curious.


    And so in speculating numbers you are simply taking what you know and making a calculated judgement. If you are curious about numbers then you are processing the information with a view to better understanding what is presented to you. The consequence of both are quite different. The first infers that you are trying to evaluate a likely outcome based on data that you utilise in making the judgement. The second requires an outcome a simple question and answer. Is the population rising... answer from the question is yes then from that point the person views the numbers as rising. When speculating, the person speculating looks at evidence before them and then makes a valued decision and normally then uses that information for purpose.


    Speculation cannot equal fail as there is no mathematical equation that would satisfy that presumption, unless the speculation was structured to give a simple win or fail result. In this instance I would suggest that speculating about the numbers currently subscribing to this game would involve quite a detailed analysis of figures set against a time frame relative to known subscription dates. You could also add the trend data and activity records from population counts to better aid the process. No doubt the creators do this as part of their marketing research. We can only speculate. Being curious however is just human nature and most will be curious when it directly impinges on their life in some way.


    PS I would suggest that most can speculate about numbers because they can make a reasoned assessment from the evidence of their own experiences.


    PPS. What has that got to do with curiosity. Cus I specualte that numbers are dropping from the evidence of what I see in game. And, I am curious as to why the creators show the servers on Standard when in reality they cannot represent Standard unless the normal server status is a Low population. Just speculation mind you... and I don't think that kind of speculation ever did anyone any harm.

  12. Those that are new to MMO's may not fully appreciate this topics title. Let me explain. In most MMO's the "Real" game does not start until you reach the highest level and begin running the "so-called end-game content". Take the king of MMOS, WoW, as an example. The road from 1-85 is an excruciating one where nothing you do will have any impact on your toon at level 85. It is called a "grind" for a reason. WoW is not the only culprit here. Most MMOs follow this same broken paradigm.


    SWTOR breaks the paradigm and sets a new one.


    In SWTOR the "Real" game starts the moment you see the first cut-scene of your character. Starting at level 1 the decisions you make FORM your character. Each mission, each answer you chose has an impact. The game starts at level 1 -- not at the level end-cap! People, this is HUGE! It is genre-setting! It blows away the current MMO paraqdigm of grinding to end-cap levels.


    This is why SWTOR succeeds. It is ground breaking in its approach. It amazingly combines the single player aspect with the MMO one. Dont let the complainers fool you either. There is an absolute TON of group content in this game. Yes -- It is an MMO in every aspect of the word EXCEPT it breaks the grind.


    Your SWTOR life begins at level 1.


    But it doesn't.. I have started 4 and played 4 and the results appear just the same. It really is only nominal changes. My Jedi Knight Dark played exactly the same quests as my Jedi Knight Light and I tried and tried to answer the complete opposite. OK I killed the robot instead of salvaging its memory core and I killed the bad guy instead of letting him go. But other than a dark requirement for the light saber [odd that] I stand at the exact same place as my light and my Jedi Sage and my Smuggler... all stacked at the exact same quest spot. I've seen these cinematics like four times now and I could quote them all... well not... I just go blah blah space bar.


    And yet I have 12 at cap in WoW and guess what... the path may get a bit samey after say Tanaris but I can start in Dun Morogh or Teldrassil or Northshire and have a capital in... wait for it.. Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Shattrath, Dalaran and thats just Alliance for the first three [ not counting snotty nose central]. I can play quite distinct races and classes that are not all humanoid and I can have differing skills and crafts that make subtle but distinct differences to the journey through the game. Add to that the side quests for fishing, cooking and specific class quests and you can have a blast 1 to 85 irrespective of the post 85 content.


    I would be very careful about generalising about the true king of MMOs comparing a very light weight game like SWToR. This game follows the exact same theme formula from step one which is choreographed through a very linear plot line. There is no freedom to adventure, explore and do your own thing. Trust me I tried. You have to play the game as it was story boarded and the limitation on gear, weapons, crafting is terribly unrewarding. The game certainly is giving players something new to endure... and that is general boredom within three months.


    PS Star Wars is not succeeding. Sorry for that. Its more of a light snack before something better and more seriously challenging comes along. Well unless you just like watching games instead of actually playing them.

  13. If you stand at the bar in Fleet the shadow edges are super smooth. Climb the stairs and at the top they go frayed and blocky. Move to the Jedi hanger door and they start to get smooth then at the hanger they get blocky and frayed again. Then slowly edge toward Tamin and see the shadow go smooth and then as you stand in front of him they go blocky... It is about the direction of light and the number of light sources. I am guessing in a pure light its fine and where it blends you are getting the problem. So it varies a lot. Not really that much of a problem though. What is worse is one of the light effects that the Jedi Knight uses obscures the field of vision around the mobs... That gets real annoying.
  14. Looking at the EU servers it strikes me we gotta stop answering questions in game that side with the 'LIGHT' cus maybe thats what is showing up on the stats. Don't show those stats again by the way its kinda depressing... But then I have seen like 7 to 8 on the planet tonight and even as low as 3 and 4. Where did everyone go ? They aint in Fleet. Sad this. Interestingly the trend says light for my server yet its always on Standard when I log. Doesn't feel like Standard... Maybe its just the planets I'm on.
  15. Why did I get annoyed this morning.


    Well.. I'm not that bright. I do struggle with some of the game concepts and I know its my fault but....


    I am a Jedi Knight and I am trying to fight with my female companion cus I hate the droid and cus of this I take all the damage. I can't get any decent gear cus there is none for sale at the auction house and we have like between 4 and 7 players on generally in my zone. I have levelled another character to 25 to get some gear but thats also pretty useless. I chose light and I can't seem to get another light saber and the mods do very little. I kinda am finding the drops poor and the vendor trash overwhelming. I love the game but I kinda feel I am struggling with the gear.


    The game problem for me is that I can't stand the hoods and capes... I can't abide the droid. I am getting real sick of travelling long distances to go find there is nothing for sale at the AH. And... here is that straw that has really been annoying me for like an age... The maps. As I say I am not bright at these games.. but when I go to fleet I want to find the modification place. On the previous planet they were like everywhere... and yet at Fleet as try as I might the map doesn't show the symbol. And why only one thing that you can show. I was standing next to the bank place and that wasn't showing even with it clicked. What is the mystery. And who designed this rabbit warren. Everything is kinda in loopy places and the music... that dam annoying music.


    I guess the low numbers, the lack of gear, the travelling long distances, the hoods and cloaks and the maps.... well maybe I'm not clever enough at these kinds of games. I have to put it down to me I guess. I just can't build up an image of the Fleet place, or work out how to craft, or find the quick routes to places, or work out the rotation on my attacks so I don't finish up with zero health all the time, and my fault I want to look good without a hood and cape. Dunno I just feel so hopeless. Never mind. I guess I'll try harder. I'll go Google how to play the game I guess and see what I am doing wrong.


    Scuse the rant.. but thats the forum for you. My way of letting off steam. But then when your crap at MMOs its all I have sometimes. Sorry for that.

  16. What is missing from all MMO style games these days is the ability to lose yourself in it. Although others may criticize WoW, in the early days I was playing my own game and it was all working at a different pace, speed, depth to everyone else. That is cus the variety of game options meant that you could start say in Teldrassil then move to Loch Modan or go to Westfall. I could take up the various craft chains or just level my class through a variety of paths. The quests took you often across various lands and continents. I recall spending a whole night trying to get across a Horde infested area and scared stupid of the ten level higher mobs. The game was as challenging as you wanted it to be. And sometimes when I finally braved the desert and crossed the mountains and avoided the elite in the water to find the wreckage on the coast just to die endlessly at the hands of the spawning pirates I still felt invigorated when I did it. And often I would get back to my capital and really feel I was the hero and wanted to share my experience with others. Your endeavours were reflected in what you wore and what you rode and being Ambassador felt good. But sadly after TBC the game went linear... And every game since has gone linear. And everyone just wants cap. And you get it drummed into you like every bloody day playing an MMO. Sad. And this game is linear to the extreme...


    I guess I was never happier than when I had grinded Raven Hill Cemetary to the extreme and could finally take on Mor'ladim... And actually when I placed his ring on his tomb and listened to the tale I was truly touched and it did make sense... Sad really. But then I was totally absorbed by the thing... and that vault, before all the dumbing down was bloody difficult to get into with all the plague eaters... The amount of times I died. Happy days.... Grinding. All gone now.

  17. Not sure if this is the correct place for suggestions but feel free to move.


    I like levelling and I do monitor my progression each time I do so with the aim of doing much better the next time. That way the bar is raised each time making it more difficult. Thing is there are a number of things that frustrate me.


    The junk that comes from drops is excessive. There are way too many drops from mobs and the majority is junk. When I fight I don't like leaving a path of blue lights on the ground. And I do finish up chucking so much away. I also have no idea what the value of my junk is or if some junk is more valuable than others. Better would be an insta clear and reject function or make the junk usable. Seems pointless to me.


    I also refuse to expand the Inventory Module for 5000 for ten more slots just to house junk. I collect a lot of stuff for my crafting which I enjoy. I currently am saving for the speeder being Level 20 and I only have 17000 and thats with doing every quest. I would rather send my bods on away missions than spend money on slots. So the vendor trash is a pain.


    Green stuff. This drops like way too much. Green in boxes, green from quest rewards, greens from mobs. Anyone that plays MMOs knows how to skill up there characters and I doubt anyone bothers that much with green quest rewards or drops. Added to the fact they are very often not even for your character. The reason the economy sucks is cus of the bag space. I cant lumber around another half bag of greens for sale if I want to do my crafting. The vendor trash is prolific and yet the mission bag is enormous and empty. Some balance needs to be put in place to get green drops, vendor trash and bag space sorted out or levelling is going to be a real pain.


    Champions... If I struggle to take on a Champion then I kinda think I should get something more than 39 credits. I did the thing twice and next time got a green for not my character. I like the struggle and I know its on a random log curve but when in an instanced event with only one chance at the champion like ever in the game could I at least get a useless blue and then I could sell it. But 39 credits... come on. I even went in the Heroic 4 zone and fought elites and got 39 credits. And yet the junk just piles up.


    As I say for most playing that know the ropes they prepare their chars and have them redied for the zones and mobs. I doubt a green low piece will be of any benefit what so ever. Even if you are transfering stuff to alts you know when levelling the alt you are not going to struggle with gear, especially green stuff.


    The rewards from the honor or notoriety commendation work is pitiful. We have one shot at a zone and these amount to at best a couple of good blues which if most have worked the area probably already have. Why not make an extra tier of gear and rewards for those that are prepared to put in the grind. There isn't any realistic group opportunity in game at the moment for regions and just letting us have better rewards for enduring longer would be great.


    I am a completionist or what ever they are called, I like the RPG and I like the working through all the content. But bags are a pain and rewards are poor. In the end we will out level the zone and need more gear anyway. I have never understood why creators of games dont reward epics for hard work without doing some kind of dungeon. I think any player that 'spends a lot of time' and pays for it in game should be rewarded for their effort. So PLEASE can we have some long winded grind mechanism to get better gear from a zone. I just don't know why grind is such a dirty word in games given that its time based sub game.


    Last thing: My appearance. I have now found a piece of gear in this hood and cloak pre-occupied world of the Jedi that I like. Its comfortable on the eye and I can see the movement of my character. So what is the next range of gear ? Its a big curtain that hangs from my shoulders. It looks like a vampire cloak and yes... a bloody hood. I really cannot abide these monks robes. Please can we have armory slots for wardrobe like in Rift so I can wear the stuff I want to wear. As in Rift the creators here are crap at designing gear. They really should let the player base design stuff cus the college artists they employ obviously don't play MMOs. Come on... do something to make playing the game fun and interesting. Feed the real MMO players and maybe you will be anble to sustain us.


    Anyway.. I will continue to struggle with your bags, and vendor trash, and greens, and hoods, but maybe at sometime you could actually get a better balance and make the whole leveling process a touch more fun.


    Thank you for reading.

  18. I recall that from the getgo my companion cat in WoW would not follow me in various places. Like along the pier to feathermoon, onto boats, into the Inn where I trained for cooking and funniest he would wait half way up the tree house in Darnassus and still be there when I came back down the ramp. Took all the way to Cata to actually fix it. And now I am pleasantly amused in this game at the antics of my companion with moving platforms. I am sure the creators know of the problems, but I guess its not so game breaking as to need them to divert resources. At the moment my Jedi Knight is stuck with a Dark Side level of 3005.1999511719.. I have had a response from the GM and they say they have no time frame for a fix and I shouldn't worry cus its just cosmetic. As long as I know I guess. So not a problem.
  19. Rift.

    They are quite amazing at keeping content flowing.











    Fluff and nonsense you mean... Lets take the last one... Smash balloons for a week or so... Then follow a balloon for a week or so... Then one shot drunken guys in your own capital for a week... Yeh Super interesting. And all for what... A new mount. And er beads... er beads for what... all the stuff from the last events, which involved plant pots, killing dancing girls, racing around Sanctum as a sea urchin.. and now its the carnival. Rift is a real kids game and is struggling to find any big content to release. All they have conjured up in one year is an Isle of Quel'Danas... They are a million miles from an expansion. All they will keep doing is feeding sweets to the kids so they can get their new mounts. So next month.. I dunno... more Dragon Tears to take down for some kind of reward. Its all fluff and nonsense... I have grown to hate the bloody thing. Its truly crap.

  20. Its an mmoRPG... As such its a very good game. Just depends on what you want to do. If you're talking about massive multiplayer 'group' content then I guess in six months to a year I'll be able to comment. I am on my fourth character at the moment and am yet to get to 50 with any. I am just taking in the sights, the adventure, the story and a deeper understanding of the whole content. Not that bothered with the multi player part given that I can get that from other games... and to be honest I'm just about spent when it comes to the attitude of other players. Something I can do with out right now. The game permits many players to be online at the same time in any one region, but just because massive group activity is not the norm I wouldn't suggest that the game has an MMO flaw. In time the game will have lost all of those that want that kind of game anyway, so it won't matter.
  21. As much as I like the game I have to say that the companions are very badly programed. They struggle worst with lifting platforms and do like to stand on the edge and then get knocked off. In WoW my pet would insist in standing right on top of me on the tram and I guess when on the elevator the companion needs to centre on your character. Sometime they will rejoin you and other times will not. They also don't jump down anything with you, opting to take the long way round then get tagged.


    Next gripe is the constant running in front of you when you go to loot or scavange when you get the inane comment rather than the actual looting etc. Also at certain locations you lose the companion cus it decided to tag something on a different level or just wait cus it thinks your going to fight. You really can't do anything intricate whilst you have the companion with you. Its like having a ball on the end of a bit of elestic. Try doing the Datacron in Taris and see how utterly annoying it is trying to run the and jump the platforms.


    When you are fighting toe to toe it can also get real annoying as you try to tag the thing in front of your companion.


    I have to say I'm on my fourth character and now have finally found a companion I like and thats the female that comes with the Jedi Knight. The others were just so annoying. I had thought that the game would let you craft your own characters. But I guess that would have caused issues with the cinematics.


    They were a good idea but there is just not enough choice and they do behave like they are on a bungee rope most of the time. I also don't think they do that much for your street cred. When I see two guys running with those big cannons I always smerk. I just think they look so silly... dunno why.

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