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Everything posted by Schoock

  1. Good news for you, nerf is coming. Whether it's going to make sorc healers just as bad as the rest or will simply make even having a merc in the team more preferable than a sorc, we shall see. From this post of yours I'm guessing you're playing a damage spec. It's a common request from DPS players to be able to just point at anything and that thing should die, without considering overall team balance or tactical play. FYI, a team full of healers, while annoying, is not a particularly good setup. Sure, survivability is top notch, but such a team has very low damage potential. I do not know how people imagine PvP with no or just minimal heals, but personally I don't find dying 10+ times in a match fun. If I have to choose between spending most of my time waiting for the spawn door to open and pointlessly unloading damage into healers, I'd rather do the latter. The proper soultion to the "healing problem" would not be nerfing healing into the ground, but proper matchmaking, that guarantees no team will be "full of healers", sorc or otherwise.
  2. I'm willing to admit that even after years of PvPing I still don't know what the tie breaker is in Voidstar if both teams get to the same point, but pass the first door. I'm certain it's neither killcount (just have had a match where we had a lot more kills/less deaths and still lost) nor timer (had matches where both teams got to the 2nd pair of doors; the wz wasn't shut down when we opened the bridge, but we still won). Is it total objective points? Or something else?
  3. So.... I did some solo queuing. 1st match: Backfill into a badly lost Civil War. 2nd match: Backfill into a badly lost Hypergates. 3rd match: Crappy new wz with reps in the team. 4th match: Novare Coast. I went to heal mid and was both trying to keep myself alive (guess I had that nice marker above my head) and interrupting their capping attempts, because I seemed to be the only one trying to do that. 2 guys went to take west, both died without a call and west was capped by the enemy. 5th match: Hypergates. A jugg decided that he will stall their pylon long enough that we can take all the orbs. That stalling didn't last long, but the enemy team managed to stall the other pylon for the entire round. 6th match: Arena, won 1st round, lost 2nd and 3rd on acid RNG. 7th match: Queshball. I went for the ball but got farmed by 4 DPS. One guy tried to help me, but the concept of "stand for pass" seemed unfamiliar to him. I stayed for being farmed for 2 more goals, where a slinger scored without basically any damage taken. (Used my knockback on a sage trying to stand for a pass, so I couldn't knock him down.) Most enjoyable, all of them. And you people still wonder why we group up? Lol.
  4. Non-random PvP groups are not necessarily more organized than pugs because they have access to superior ways of communication, but because they are better players and simply tend to play more organized and are also more willing to communicate. You can blame premades all day, but the sad truth is that for a quite large part of the playerbase simply using chat is hard, both in calling, responding to calls and also for any discussion of group tactics. Just a small, but regular example: I (sorc healer) ask the operative pug in the team if he's going for the ball, as he can get to it faster. No response. The total unwillingness of most players to do any kind of communication, not to mention to do it in time, should not be blamed on premades. As a member of a guild that's widely hated on TRE for running premades and "farming warzones", I can tell you that 95% times when we group we're NOT on voice comms. It's also worth mentioning that there are only a handful of guilds whose premades are feared: the rest are so bad they just go unnoticed. Also, I rarely (more like never) encounter people moaning about premades when we get in their team and carry their behinds to victory, only when they happen to be against us. Tl;dr: What you're suffering from is not the automagical superior organization and operation of premades, but simply the concentrated presence of skilled players. This is not a difficult concept.
  5. Hackz! Next match I'll tell that guardian to farm you instead. Meh. Nice job.
  6. It's an MMO. It's not MY fault that YOU don't group up. Stop trying to punish me for it. Assuming it can be done without significantly longer queue times for either parties, it's OK to ask that premades be put against other premades. But that would require matchmaking, and if Bioware ever decides to implement it, maybe it will turn out that simple role-based matchmaking solves the whole issue.
  7. Let me share my opinion here. I used to queue solo for a long time. In the 2.0-3.0 era, when I was a beginner PvPer, 2 rep guilds used to farm regs. Usually when they were in queue, you could call it a night, or stay being slaughtered. Lots of times I just quit; there was simply no point going against them, they farmed everything they came across. As those months and now years of experience came, and I got better, I started to see how insanely badly the average players play. What I did was that I asked random people I found good if they want to team up - they usually wanted to, and so my first premades were born. Now I'm a PvP guild and almost exclusively roll premades. Unlike some people believe (and I'm pretty sure will continue to believe) I don't roll premades to roflstomp the enemy. Sure, it's fun to stall the whole 8-man group with your premade at the pylon, but, frankly, it gets boring pretty fast. The best matches are those when the enemy team also has a premade AND the pugs can pull their own weight. By teaming up, you can ensure 2 things: The roles (classes) of 4 people in the group. The quality of 4 people in the group. Now getting to the part why I'm rolling premades: because I want to win, or at the very least, not getting stomped. Shocking, I know, it's not what's taught nowadays, when everyone is a winner, and the 2nd place is just as good as (no, it's better, because it was honorably lost) the first one. While I'm not the best player out there, I believe I can pull my own weight in a warzone. This is something most "casual" players sadly cannot do. As for why I don't queue team ranked: As someone wise said on these forums, team ranked is not a queue, it's a player-organized event. It simply does not pop, unless you take extra effort to make sure other teams are queued as well. Ranked only has arenas. I do like arenas, but the warzones are fun too, and you can't get them in ranked. In ranked there's an expectation to do your absolute best to win. I don't always run with fully geared toons (I admit, I'm lazy to fully augment every single toon, some only have 204 gear), and we also play classes that are not viable for ranked. Ranked has its place, but it's not a replacement for regular queue with groups. As I said before, I'm well aware how frustrating it is to play against good premades in a pug. (This is where I should note that not all premades are good. Some are just plain bad, and you wish you got some pugs instead.) There's one solution to that: team up. Really, it isn't that hard, and certainly doesn't require a PvP guild. Of course you can not even try and keep going solo, but then accept the consequences. Also, as lots of others mentioned before, the solution to the "premade problem" would be proper matchmaking. It doesn't even require premades for a match's outcome to be decided before it even begins. Usually, if you get an arena with 4 derps and the other team has 3 derps and a healer, assuming equal skills, the team with the healer will win. Same applies to warzones. Yes, I know, I also have a screenshot where we, a full pug DPS team stomped one with 3 healers in Hypergates - but that requires some extremely bad play on the enemy's part, while your team is capable of doing its job. Tl; dr: I'm doing my best to secure victories against any group (premade or pug) for myself. Of course you don't have to do the same, but then you'll have to suffer the consequences for not doing so.
  8. Good. Nobody wants you stinky reps in our teams. You'd just wreck our win ratio. Empire for life.
  9. Hey Boba, Just wanted to leave a note here: You're bad. Me and my friends always have a good laugh when we get the pleasure of seeing you in a wz. Grow up.
  10. Because? You said so? You mean posting single-use codes and trivia about himself so that a few of the many people affected can get some cartel coins? And the others are shown the middle finger, as usual? I'm aware that the whole issue is not ultimately his fault, but this is ridiculous. Cuz once again... you said so? Respect is earned. When I'm happy, I pay my subscription, they get their paycheck and everyone is happy. When I'm not happy, I come here and complain. Also don't become a community manager if you can't take the heat.
  11. I'm sick of you guys sucking up. You all need to remember they didn't make this game for YOU, they made it for profit. There's nothing to be thankful about that. Eric and his team are probably doing everything they can to get the game fixed and back up running, now that stuff hit the fan.
  12. This is ridiculous. To begin with, I don't care if you delete this post, ban me from the forums or the game itself, look, here's my middle finger for you. With that said, you might not have noticed, but I am a paying subscriber to this game and your company fails to deliver the "early access" (or, rather, any access) because of improperly tested software. It's simply infuriating to see you throwing single-use cartel coin codes here, then making your subscribers play trivia about BioWare's most famous mouthpiece's personal life. A bare minimum would be to grant those cartel coins to EVERY subscriber, or, rather, add an extra day of subscription or two to compensate for your incompetence. I was foolish enough to buy 60 days just a few days ago; I swear, here and now, that after this you will never, ever get a single penny from me again. Voting with my wallet, so to speak. Don't bother telling me how I won't be missed.
  13. We do not queue with guildmates to roflstomp pugs, we queue to win games and to minimize the dependency on random players - who, when facing an opposition of any skill, are often useless, if not outright disadvantageous to have. The world isn't about participation - there are winners and there are losers, and in every match one side is declared to be the latter. Believe me, roflstomping pugs is getting boring when it happens 5 times in a row, and we welcome any skilled players to queue and challenge us in warzones. We can be beaten, but you have to break the 300 DPS barrier. There are lots of issues with PvP - premades are not the cause of the problem, they are the solution (at least for the members of the premade). If you want better PvP, as a start ask Bioware to implement matchmaking. Most of the time team setup almost entirely determines the outcome of a match. And one more thing: our groups are far less "carefully assembled" than many would believe, and we are usually not on voice comms. (Anything said above is my own personal view on the matter and is not to be taken as TaS's official statement.)
  14. I don't want to start a new thread on this, so I'll just post in this one. I'm looking to buy the Wings of the Architect, Imperial side on the Red Eclipse. If you are selling a run for it, please send an in-game mail to Ne'laa with the details.
  15. Gotta disappoint you: I didn't exploit, so I wasn't banned. P. S. to you: My comment wasn't about whether I think the actions of BW were justified or not, it was about your style. P. S. to the thread in general, not you personally: If I didn't know people better, I would be shocked to see how you moral crusaders think that anyone who doesn't agree with you must be an exploiter.
  16. I bow before you, sir. Everyday fanboy suck-ups are just annoying, but you've just taken it to a whole new level. Well done, this is a real piece of gold.
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