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Posts posted by Vetril

  1. Are you talking about the quest that ends Chapter 1? Where you fight so and so and wind up with a companion? If so, then dont judge the class by what happened in that fight. I got tore up. Had to have a guildie help me. Turns out all SW in our guild had to have help at that point.


    I am lvl 48 now and that fight was the toughest one I've had yet.


    Look forward for what you'll face at the end then :D

  2. Annihilation is amazing

    Deadly Saber + Rupture > Beserk > Trinkets/Adrenals > Annihilate > Repeat,

    10 second 80% Group Sprint that can be used twice in a row? amazing

    100% Damage reduction in vanish? amazing

    Bleed healing sustain? amazing

    Annihilation hitting for upwards of 4.5 - 5.5k? amazing


    Rage is fine

    4x Shockwave > Smash > Repeat,

    In a premade group, rage spec marauders really shine.


    Carnage needs some re-tuning to be a viable spec, the damage output is pretty low, but the peel/root ability of the spec is nice.


    Cancel Ravage on two tick, keep everything on cooldown, time Undying Rage correctly, use obfuscate, Quad interrupt healers (Disruption, Grip, Intimidating Roar, Charge), Biochem is a must (should be for all pvp players).


    PvE wise our damage output is ridiculous as well. Annihilation single, Rage AoE.


    We have our weakness in being susceptible to root/snare kiting, but our power in 1v1s and small group encounters is undeinable. A good marauder is a terrifying class to run into alone.


    Complaining to devs is going to make them over tune this already great class, please don't ruin this, we have a good thing going right now. It's a "high-skill cap" class, if any class in this game is high skill cap.


    Go watch a video or read a guide, the class is amazing.


    I don't need any of that, I've got my good old tracer missile.

  3. Soresu alone is actually a huge improvement if compared to marauder. I've seen only one guy able to pwn people with the marauder, quite skilled player that is over the top compared to me and the average derp playing tor. I'm pretty sure that switching class would only make him stronger. I won't talk about guardian / jugg cause the one I'm playing now is overleveled and undergeared for the areas I am going through.
  4. I am not a trooper or merc, and I will say anyone relying on tracer missiles to hurt people is an easy kill. Seriously, if you are dying to tracer missile spam, the problem isn't tracer missiles, the problem is you in that equation.


    Gotta love these answers - cause obviously you can stick to the BH shooting in the back lines long enough to kill him, without his team noticing and ripping you a new one.

  5. this will be my last post for you and then if anyone would like to know how im doing it just ask an ill be more than happy to help....

    this class is the most complex class out of all of them because BW made them that way for ppl who wanted a challenge.


    Stop saying this. It's not true. If it's true, give us a link; else, stop putting your own words into BW's mouth to give them authority.


    They are not Overly complex like you say to the point that we suck.. they are complex enough that if you push the char you will see amazing results, if you dont then you will fail.. im sorry you dont know how to play but that is your fault not ours


    Derp, no one here said he's failing with marauder. Problem is, you shouldn't hit buttons on your keyboard like a typist to play. I guess you don't understand the 101 of system usability and user friendliness? Cause they are not damage, as you imply. They don't even mean that the abilities won't "mess up" anymore.


    Example: why have savage kick AND pommel strike? One works only on slowed or immobilized targets, the other works only on stunned targets. Why not make ONE ability that works on on slowed, immobilized or stunned targets? Or, Vicious Slash, Battering Assault, and Assault could all be the same ability, for what it matters. What's the point of Retaliation, if it hits as hard as Vicious Slash, while having that situational trigger condition? That's streamlining bro. Cool story.

  6. if im a fanboy... then im a fanboy of liking a challenge. you want easy? roll another class case closed. the class is fine if it were broken all the mara's would be complaining but seeing as how there are so many kicking *** i say nope it is l2play or roll an easier class issue


    lol ok, so pick up fraps and show us your leet skills, so you can clearly shut me down forever :) go ahead

  7. no they dont need tweaking... we have all the tools we need at our disposal. and if used CORRECTLY we slaughter. BW said this was the class for the ppl who like a challenge.. some ppl are kicking as swith this class and are having a blast cus its fun to be challenged... if your getting rocked its your own fault for not applying yourself and/or learning... stop trying to dumbdown the class and steal our fun.. go roll a jugg or assasin if melee is ur game and you dont want a challenge


    The class does need tweaking, don't be a fanboy - no one's gonna burn your house down if you admit it. Quote me where BW said it's a class for the people who like a challenge, or it didn't happen. On the other hand, I can totally quote BW saying that they are looking into the class to improve its user friendliness, ie, it's gonna be streamlined (which is quite needed). They did talk about buffing melee, and marauder is melee. Some people dance on a steel cable, doesn't mean it's practical. I'm not "getting rocked" with my marauder more than anyone else here, thank you very much (ad hominem fallacy, cheers - nice try though), but I like to have fun when I play. Guardian, Scoundrel, Sniper, Bounty Hunter, to me, all play better than marauder. Am I just good at everything else but marauder? Really?


    You still haven't answered the question - it's not like anyone's personally attacking YOU, for god's sake.

  8. I don't mind dying cause 90% of the time something else is gonna die with me. So yeah.....


    He was complaining about the marauder being complex and hard basically. So I said go roll a ezmode class if you can't handle it


    lol that's so worthless


    I don't mind dying if I accomplish something, but killing a random scrub in pvp? I'd like to have a K/D ratio better than 1 XD


    What's the problem with all the guys bashing whoever says that marauder needs tweaking? It's true. The stuff the OP wrote, it's true. Why get so defensive over it? Does it make you rage, if someone points out the class limits?

  9. People only seem to be able to get 2 tracers off before being focused down in about 5 seconds on my server. Heck, I can kill an arsenal merc as pyro merc easily enough. I could even out power shot their tracer spam along with my thermal detinator, incendiary missile, and railshots he'll be dead before I'm even 1/3 of the way down if he just tries to tracer me. I don't see how anyone has a problem with this. I don't really care what they do about it, if anything, but it's so easy to deal with it's rediculous.


    1. you don't have problems staying in range to answer his damage with yours.

    2. you are decked out in heavy armor.

  10. He should be ashamed of himself for posting how bad he is. What a cry baby.:p


    Not sure if serious.... XD


    Damn I hope you're not - I mean, he's not bad. Nothing he can do if he gets pushed away or slowed; it's not like he can really counter those.


    Spamming it builds up to 2 other attacks and a buff. If played right your hitting more than one button. I kill bh's all the time when they are spamming it, they are sitting ducks while doing so.

    This is just another case of omg his class can do that and mine can't!


    Roll the class learn it real mechanics before running your mouth on the forums. Every class in this game has a easy mode spec .


    What's marauder's? I wanna pvp too while looking at a movie :\

  11. My guardian is 50, and AT 50 there isn't a class out there that, by virtue of class alone, I'm going to lose to. I feel very competitive in pvp at the cap.


    However, leveling him up was rough compared to other classes, and there is a significant difference in pvp when you're talking ranged vs. melee -- and it's horrible in the teens and 20's, and starts trying to level out in the 30s as you get a few more tools. The ease of which ranged can apply damage to the target is a whole different universe then low ot mid level melee trying to stay on a target and swing.


    This made me laugh :)


    I rolled a guardian after reaching 50 with my marauder and it seems a walk in the park by comparison. I'm level 21 and I've yet to die once XD

  12. I do, I pull them up onto the huttball ledge and they are killed and booted for inactivity for one. A few are kinda afk where they are watching the screen, and take action so they aren't booted though. Really sucks.


    lol, pull them in the acid or in the reactor core? XD

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