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Everything posted by Jeffko

  1. Definitely. I went with the "sunglasses" look for my female IA, and while it looks pretty ****** (especially with DS black veins coming out of them lol!), I do admit to feeling gipped when encountering other cyborgs. The Rattataki get all those cool tattoo and bling options, while all IAs get is the eyewear and some thin "cheek enhancements"... lame.
  2. Just rolled a male SW, and while his voice is alright, there's nothing quite like a DS-aligned, female Imperial Agent (voiced by Jo Wyatt, FemHawke from DA2) to really get the deliciously evil vibe across. Her execution scenes alone are beautiful. *creepily polite voice* "Thank you. You've been most helpful.* *BLAM*
  3. I ended up letting Chance die because, as was mentioned above, they ALL made use of the brainwashing, even him. My IA is already pretty much a hair away from Kaliyo-grade ruthless, so their fate was sealed as soon as Kothe made me jump and pull my weapon on him. My IA is all about tieing up loose ends in the most absolute ways possible, so she usually goes for her pistol. I may have missed some opportunities because of that, but nothing's come back to bite me in the *** after 46 levels, so I guess I'll just keep on keeping on. Again, that cutscene with Kothe ending up on the wrong side of that barrier, with the shot of us just staring at each other, was absolutely ******, and a great example of why this MMO stands out from the pack in my book.
  4. Anyone care to share their experience dealing with him and his team? Personally, as a Dark Side IA, I couldn't wait to give this guy his comeuppance, and the scene where I actually got to do just that was among the coolest scenes I've ever witnessed in a game! "Yeah, I see your fancy Soresu form blocking my pistol shots, but what's this? Look at that, you're behind a barrier now... Time to say goodnight, nurse."
  5. Saw one named Agent Provocateur. Nice choice. Also, saw a Chiss agent named Bhoom Hed'Shiot
  6. Count me in among the male players with a fem IA. I was sorely disappointed that BioWare didn't include same-sex romances like they usually do, since my DS-aligned agent meshes so well with Kaliyo's psycho anarchist attitude. Unfortunately, Kaliyo is Jack from Mass Effect 2, basically: all that angst waiting to be broken through, yet dead-set on men. Hell, they're both bald, too. I may have a Tank Girl fetish... It would've been beautiful, Kal... Sex and 'splosions, all the time. I would've have shown you that being on the Empire's payroll had some perks, you heavily-pierced rebel you.
  7. QFT! If she happens to end the fight with her defensive blast (basically a loud shotgun blast), then casually strolls back to my side, "LIKE A BOSS" immediately springs to mind.
  8. One thing to also watch out for when doing companion quests is to have them as your active companion before you land on whatever planet they want to visit, as having a different one out will sometime cause the quest to bug, even if you subsequently summon the right companion.
  9. The only issue I've had with this chain is when I was asked to go to Dromund Kaas, and said "Hey, I'll just get there by running BT for shiats and giggles". Apparently, you need to get there using your own ship, or else the quest chain does not update when you arrive on DK. Hope that helps, if this was your issue.
  10. I'm lvl 41 and have used Kaliyo exclusively since I've gotten her. All my other companions work on crew skills. I've basically geared her up as a Powertech, with slotted orange gear to put my Cybertech mods in. Green level, Kaliyo-exclusive gear you get as quest rewards are barely adequate and mostly focus on boosting her endurance. Use your commendations and gear her up properly. As previously mentioned, the key is to put her on the strong and elite mobs while you mop up the regulars. If she dies, she still brings down the tougher mobs enough for you to finish them off. Also, make sure to make full use of her abilities! She has a damage mitigation talent that you have to manually add to her rotation that helps her soak 50% damage. She usually pops that when she's at half health. For tougher fights with, say, two strong mobs and two regulars, I just put her on a strong while pulling the rest to me, since I have more CC, mitigation and absorption talents than she does. I off the regulars within the first 5 seconds, then split my damage between the strong mobs. Works like a charm. I use Lokin when running FPs without a healer and barely give Vector any thought at all.
  11. I went cybertech/scavenging/underwold trading and haven't looked back since. Cybertech: The mods I make have been selling really well and new blue/purple recipes are easy to discover. Scavenging: Supports Cybertech. Underworld Trading: Kaliyo has a nice bonus for this, so she always brings me back good stuff, especially blue/purple lvl metals for Cybertech crafting. I did think about getting Biochem for HP packs, but the money I make from selling mods means I can get those easily anyway.
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