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Everything posted by Rheemus

  1. If you want to self delude yourself wiith imaginary "greatness" from unconsequencial microsscopic stat increases when much bigger things influence outcome of pvp, by all means
  2. WHY even augment at all then for PVP ? if Health goes DOWN by equiping Advanced augments (over the prototype blue quality which is in bolster in 3.0) for what LESS HP and microscopic more power ????????? that in the randoness of PVP is completely not going to give you any advantage whatsoever
  3. YEAH ! i want to know *** BioFAIl was thinking yet again, WHY even augment at all then for PVP ? if Health goes DOWN by equiping Advanced augments (over the prototype blue quality you said is in bolster in 3.0) for what LESS HP and microscopic more power ?????????
  4. So Will there be new PVP gear when Season 4 starts ? And when does season 4 start ? Cheers
  5. I AM ALSO F.............. ANGRY !!! BIOWARE THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE ! P.S as someone that was stupid enough to spend +300 E on Cartel Store i feel even more stupid for stil being around. UNACCEPTABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Bioware must have done something since now it works afte ri choose any server i like, but all servers show Light population and they where at heavy or standard before this startet, so it seems this issue must have kicked off a lot of people
  7. Its Several servers then ..... :-( If it helps You then i saw it manifest while on Alderaan and the server lag icon went straight to red, and everyone in general chat said they couldn't move or moved in slow motion, however i was logged in at same time on my second SWTOR account on fleet and nothing was wrong there. But when i logged out BOTH accounts and tried to log back in one of my accounts said "maintenance mode, cannot login at this time" and the other account just keeps staying at loading screen. Also its seems its at least Tomb Of Freddon Nadd AND Red Eclipse server, but i suspects its more servers than that or actually the Login server for those affected server
  8. PFFFFF FIX it BioFAIL ! ive about hadded it with all the myriad of bugs and failz in this game, including the abysmal game engine they still use :-(
  9. Soooo was on an alt on ALderaan when everythign started moving in slownotion, then MEGA lag, it said SERVER lag with red icon , havent seen it like that in 2 years of playing this game. Then i swithced to my second SWTOR account (i had 2 open at same time with Inner SPace) and talk to ppl on fleet noone seemed to have problems, then i log out of game, and try to restart game client now i cant login to any server anymore... *** is going on Biofailz ?
  10. Im sure that was for existing items already in the game files.. All the new armors, mounts etc surely must require new game-files with the graphics for those new items in them.
  11. So it seems there will not be any new Cartel Pack this week either, even i think next one was named something along "Freelancer's Bounty Pack" so i thought it would come this week with the Bounty Hunter Event, yet i see nothing in this weeks notes (apart from the Server consolidations and Bounty Hunter event). Is it just me or has it been a long time around this time between new packs ? Maybe BW can be more specific if next batch of Cartel Packs had a delay for some reason ? I don't hope we have to wait all the way to patch 2.4 for a new CPack ? I am so looking forward to new stuff especially the new Bounty Hunter armor set :-) Sincerely, a CPack fan
  12. SO it seems Bioware fixed the Partisan and Conquer power relic proc stacking. Now we also know they recently said that the power and damage relics interferring with each others proc timer (meaning you get either or proccing) was "intended" by design ... (i can only LOL to this reply) So i ask now since we cant stack Partisan and Conquer power relic anymore, and using one of these with a damage PVP one or even a damage PVE one will again interferre with each others proc timer (ppl confirm this from their combat log after latest patch) then does it mean we just have to accept that the procs are basically somewhat useless, and only the flat stats is counting ? In that case Bioware can we PLEASE get some relics with flat values instead of this almost useless procs which nobody even the programmers seem to be able to fix ? Cheers
  13. So that item is ANOTHER mistake by Bi"fail" ? i mean ALacrity on a crafted artifact item with strength.....
  14. So is the following crafted item ANOTHER bioware bug or who would use alacrity as maruader/sentinel, when everyone seems to agree You need so much of it to get GCD to 1.1 that its waste of stats, and better spent on accurace, surge etc. Item: [Artifact] Microfilament Might D-Device: +163 Strength +166 Endurance +79 Power +74 Alacrity Its a shame really since these crafted artifact level 53 items have really good stats, except it seems for this one :-( ( the COmbat one has much more end than str, and i guess is for tanks and not dps)
  15. So is the following crafted item ANOTHER bioware bug or who would use alacrity as maruader/sentinel, when everyone seems to agree You need so much of it to get GCD to 1.1 that its waste of stats, and better spent on accurace, surge etc. Item: [Artifact] Microfilament Might D-Device: +163 Strength +166 Endurance +79 Power +74 Alacrity Its a shame really since these crafted artifact level 53 items have really good stats, except it seems for this one :-( ( the COmbat one has much more end than str, and i guess is for tanks and not dps)
  16. So is the following crafted item ANOTHER bioware bug or who would use alacrity as maruader/sentinel, when everyone seems to agree You need so much of it to get GCD to 1.1 that its waste of stats, and better spent on accurace, surge etc. Item: [Artifact] Microfilament Might D-Device: +163 Strength +166 Endurance +79 Power +74 Alacrity Its a shame really since these crafted artifact level 53 items have really good stats, except it seems for this one :-( ( the COmbat one has much more end than str, and i guess is for tanks and not dps)
  17. Hmm a bit confused, i get it i need accuracy on the enhancements, and cunning on the augments, but what for the mods then ? crit or power ? ( my alt can craft both advanced versions, but dont want to waste beryllium on doing the wrong ones first) cheers
  18. Thanks for answering :-) Hmm but i dont see accuracy MODS, i know for enhancements yes indeed. By the way how much accuracy i need in 2,0 on my sniper to be capped ? Thanks again :-)
  19. To clarify i mostly play sniper at level 55 so this is mostly towards snipers but would also like to know for Marauder/sentinel as i play those classes as well. Im posting here because i need i quick answer and might not get it in the Sniper forum (seems slow in there today) So for 2.0 for sniper after the crit nerf and its much higher diminishing returns, is POWER now the birst third stat (after Cunning and endurence) ? or is it still worth to stack some crit even with its nerfed state ? Note, i was thinking both which MODS and which enhancements here. Thanks for your help !
  20. So for 2.0 for sniper after the crit nerf and its much higher diminishing returns, is POWER now the birst third stat (after Cunning and endurence) ? or is it still worth to stack some crit even with its nerfed state ? Note, i was thinking both which MODS and which enhancements here Thanks for your help !
  21. No stats dont go up.... you loos e HP , loose DMG, and loos Armor rating... And WHAT F.. part of the official statement by Bioware is not getting into your thick melon head ? Or go to their official facebook page or follow Mr. Austin on twitter he again CONFIRMS all naked is better. But YOU ofc know better than Bioware suuuuure....
  22. SIMPLY WRONG and its easy to prove just ADDING ONE SINGLE ITEM in ONE slot DECREASES your armoring and thus damage reduction by many percent... also empty orange gear if then equipped lowers then the armor significantly, then if you put in even crappy green mods your HP and damage goes DOWN. I have tried this on my 16 chars across my 2 SWTOR accounts extensively over the last two days and made a video on Youtube showing results as well. So STOP that NONSENSE that naked is not better than some gear ! Know what tell the main developers in bellow official statement that YOU are RIGHT and THEY are wrong. DAMN it these "i know better" players.... Here is the essence of above statement by Bioware: It is important to note that “naked Bolster” is never intended to be better than wearing gear, this is a bug and is going to be fixed. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6121757#post6121757 WHAT FREAKING PART OF THAT DONT YOU OR THE REST OF THE "naked is not best" not understand !!!! The developers admit and recognize that naked IS better than equipping gear CURRENTLY and are TRYING to fix it, though many people doubt they have the intellectual skills to do it, since they ignored the hundreds of threads on PTS forum and just released it to make some much needed money before they close down completely. (people have the right to doubt ANYTHING Bioware claims to do after the pure CHAIN of F..ups over the last year)
  23. HAHAAH IDIOT OP its NOT working as intended now read Biowares lead developers OWN words here and **** ! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6121757#post6121757 Short story its a BUG they ADMIT and they even admit its so broken that 10-54 WZ is frustrating..now eat it !
  24. So am in holiday in Austin these weeks. And at SXSW i hear mentioned all new lightsaber colors coming at this tuesdays patch ! As i missed most of the presentation has anyone else heard more about this .. Im suprised to see Dulfy has nothing on the website about this....
  25. EXACTLY ! The kids that claim that the people who have legitimate critics of SWTOR are just out of sync with reality, are infact themselves COMPLETELY out of sync wit reality ! As you mentioned the VERY APPARENT DECREASE in quality of Bioware games (since Electronic Crap, took over) is staggering and very obvious. Not even realising this is being completely out of sync with reality.
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