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Posts posted by GrandMike

  1. They didnt listen to anybody in beta. They just copied WoW.


    I have written a lot of why what they are doing isnt good and will kick em in the hiney, pretty much in the lines of what article says, to forget hardcores and self-proclaimed "MMOers" but nothing came out of it.


    Now they are like fish on land, all squiggling and water is far far away, theres a small chance they will make it but...it isnt likely since they STILL listen to the hardcores.


    Another thing i said is that this generation of devs is just too old and too deep into "traditional ways" and (from all the evidence) it seems thats hardly to change.


    Oh, and in case of WoW, BLizzard said that taking ultra hardcores from EQ to help design vanilla endgame was a mistake and that if they started from scratch they wouldnt do it again.

  2. Well, I already stopped subbing once for about 5 months, and came back in October to give it another chance.


    So, rest assured, I will do so again. This time, however, whether or not I ever give it a 3rd try will depend on EA and the cash shop. Magic 8-Ball says: Unlikely.


    Which is a shame. It isn't SWTOR that I dislike, but EA.


    Same here, only unsubbed even longer.


    Gave them a chance, gave them second chance, and i dont give third chances so when sub runs out - BB SWTOR.


    Aww, that is adorable. This has nothing to do with liking or not liking Bioware, and everything to do with how much disposable income I have. Sometimes I buy digital goods and services(Cartel Packs, etc), sometimes I buy other things. Bioware doesn't have to trick anyone, people are buying these things willingly. The fact that you don't like it is irrelevant. Since you decided to break out the tired old internet speak, how about U MAD BRO?


    Read what you quoted again ,again and again. Maybe eventually sits where it should rofl

  3. I think he was simply trying to clear up what has now been demonstrated to have been a large exaggeration, invented solely for the purpose of trolling, that was taking this thread off topic.


    On topic... did none of you guys actually watch the Holiday Special???? Are you...really sure that you want a Life Day event that isn't confined to the shop? Have you really blocked the cooking show from your minds so quickly?


    I want new content, even if its some crappy event. At least to show they are actually producing something since all we got till now was done long ago.

  4. You need to find more words because right now your vocabulary seems very limited to me.


    You are on purpose trying to avoid what i said because i hit a nerve with you. it is all right...now you can take you ball and go home. SWTOR fanboy saying Rift is bad because of its raid or die end game design...lol!!


    Wow insults start flying, sorry i pointed point out your selective reading and strawman.


    And you STILL havent figured it out, do you really miss words like that when you read, i find it fascinating.

  5. Sigh..you say Rift is not a good game because it focuses on poor world and end game design of raid or die. Considering this is forums for SWTOR which follows the exact same formula. Either you are missing the irony (in case you think SWTOR is a better / good MMO) or you equally dislike both and are just not into raiding.


    There is no strawman here but an attempt to make sense of your vague post.


    Selective reading and strawman is strong with this one.


    You knw, if you actually read the post and try to make non - exisitng points in it (things that you fabricated as strawman) then it will make sense to you like it does to everyone else.


    Now you even know what strawman means. Ill leave you to it.

  6. Recruit does matter though; just for fun, I respecced my usually tank Juggernaut, got him the Recruit set and entered a warzone as Vengeance.


    Let's just say it was a considerably different experience compared to playing my Vigilance Guardian. Healers didn't even have time to heal me after a Charge, I was melted so quickly :) Also, I hit like a wet noodle.


    My healing Sorc was effective enough from day one though (and I could do some great numbers when respecced to Madness, not that I seemed to actually kill anyone). Any problems I had were L2P issues. So yeah. Not quite sure what my point is here.


    Point is that when you do 50% less damage, have 60% HP, take 30% more damage its hard not to notice.


    Many people refer that against bads it doesnt matter that much. But wth does that matter?


    If your only defence is "well you at least dont suck that much against bads". Yeah, well, even if you are skilled gear noob it isnt really anything to look forward to.


    And, of course, some classes/specs are much more gear dependant than others and in some classes you will suck with recruit gear no matter what (well, with some classes you will suck no matter what :p )


    Thats why they need to intrduce player ratings and matchmaking with ratings, not gear.


    In any competitve game i participated matchmaking was made based on ratings, and i played against evenly skilled (+geared in this case) opponents. Never ever was the goal of matchmaking to pit me, with high rating, with bunch of people with low rating because its clear NPE for both sides.

  7. You need gear progression in pvp or there is nothing to work for. I don't understand all of these people saying it should be the same blah blah blah...like seriously....


    Would you play end game PVE if the only gear you got was one set of armor and that's it..nothing, done.. nodda. NOPE. dumb ppl.


    Theres goes another PvEer because of whom PvP was fudged since day 1.

  8. So you don't like SWTOR either? and you are here just to tell us that both MMOS are bad? or am i missing some deeper hidden meaning your post?


    Oh my gosh, selective reading IS your specialty.


    Ans your strawman...is very poor.

  9. I wonder what are you doing here then since SWTOR is just that.




    So, is selective reading your specialty or just side activity?:rolleyes:


    AND if i was actually interested in that (PART of what you bolded) i WOULD be playing Rift since its much much better. And will always be.

  10. He is just trolling. Hes using things like Group Finder as content. What a joke lol


    Yah, not to mention RIft had merges/free servers transfers not long after launch, as soon as there was need for it.


    I must admit, Rift was best example of how launch and post launch stuff has to be dealt with, their anticipation/reaction/timely provided solutions to problems are pure contrast to SWTOR.


    Now, dont make mistake, i think RIft is not a good game (lackluster story/world, focus on raid for gear or die endgame, Rifts became boring too fast because every one was same...), but the way they actually handled the game during launch/post launch was admirable and shoud be put as example in textbooks.


    And EA should read those textbooks.


    And i must admit, when i played RIft in few open betas i took quite a few things for granted (basic functionaliy) but SWTOR has proven its way away fom granted.

  11. Up until the expansion Rift has had 11 content patches in 20 months, an average of 1 patch every 1.8 months. SWTOR has had 6 patches in 12 months, an average of 1 every 2 months. I think your math is a little off there.


    Post exact amount of CONTENT released pls, otherwise youre just trolling.

  12. say there is a 15 minute lockout debuff for leaving early.


    you start a Civil War. 2 minutes into youve lost 2 turrets, and its clear you have bums for teammates. you could then:


    a) continue fighting, maybe try to organize a comeback, w/e. you'll get valor, comms etc after ~15m when the wz ends

    b) leave the warzone, get no rewards, and wait 15m


    without being able to potentially get into another WZ right away, people will be more likely to choose option a), and get something for their time invested, rather than get nothing AND have to wait the same amount of time to get into another wz


    Nope, people would just quit faster since you would have to decide withing first minute how its going to go or just afk for rest of the WZ.


    And people would quit Huttball a lot more since theres no node to afk at, or, even worse, help other team score so it goes faster.


    As it is now you can at least give team a chance for few minutes and then quit if it really sucks.


    Yes it does matter!


    Just one example:

    I've played several thousand warzones since launch and I have NEVER seen a comeback on Alderaan Civil War when the score required a 3-cap to do so - not for my teams and not against my teams.


    Yes, it is possible and somebody probably has done it, but I'm not wasting my time on such a remote chance, especially not when I'm getting backfilled into it.


    Weve done it several times back when we were playing as a premade, we screwed around a bit too much and then when it mattered we took all 3 turrets and won. It didnt happen often (screwing around of course) but we had our days.


    And, a funny thing, pretty much nobody ever quitted on us, mostly because we were somewhat known.


    But yah, not really example you wanted lol



    And yes, option not to backfill, agreed with OP.


    only if they gave a 24 hour ban( full ban from game ) to people who quit WZs. strange that people who dont want to be backfilled into a WZ are usually the same people who leave WZs all the time.


    Fixing the issue itself >>>>>>>>>>than dealing with symptoms.


    When they fix PvP itself, symptoms will be gone or radically reduced.

  13. how about u whine on a form about marauders ?


    How about you whine about issues that actually matter?


    First things first bro. From big issues to small ones.


    And maraudeds need fixing from launch, thats a heck of lot of time with issue unattended.

  14. how about bubbles on team m8's don't stun ? any problems ? or like i said at start should only stun twice before full resolve, full resolve doesn't last to long lol.... how many stuns dose a class need lol not saying its OP its just annoying and there not even trying to annoy u, vid was just to show some that didn't now and i never said that it was them playing normal lol ofc they are trolling


    How about they fix most glaring issue first - marauders.


    Then they can concentrate on less important stuff like bubble stun.

  15. bubble stun is broken. that is all


    So is whole marauder class since launch. And ironically its been buffed few times in meantine.






    Funny that you dont mention:


    giving any class i win buttons= NOT FINE


    Of course, that would mean that youd have to L2P.

  16. I know pre-launch, BioWare was mocked a bit for always talking about story anytime they talked about this game. The most common criticism you heard about SWTOR before it launched was that it sounded like a single player game with co-op content thrown in. That MMO gamers wouldn't buy off on that, and that they are mostly concerned with progression. As in, gearing up their characters once they get to max level.


    This has proved to be a double-edged sword. Though hindsight is always 20/20, it's clear that if BioWare really did want to do something different or tweak the MMO model, they should've by and large ignored MMOers. I've come to this conclusion after playing a Jedi Sentinel to 50, and then being consigned to the dailies/hard mode flashpoint grinds.


    SWTOR became instantly unfun to me. I even made a thread about it a few weeks ago about how I don't enjoy being 50. However, I recently started playing a new character who is now only level 17, and I'm having a blast again.




    Because of the story. This game shines from 1-49. This game becomes like any other MMO at 50: boring, tedious, and redundant. MMO'ers will always demand content. And they will always demand it at an unrealistic pace, and then once that content is released, they will consume it much faster than any developer cam make new content.


    In this way, the game becomes a never ending self fulfilling prophecy of doom. People will always complain there's not enough to do and that the game is boring. And developers will always continue putting out content that is essentially more of the same in different skins. You hear this in nearly every single MMO out there today, including WoW.


    SWTOR could have - and still can be - different. Because what it needs the most right now is not another raid or warzone (though I know that's what we are getting.), but Chapter 4. That's what it needs right there - Chapter 4.


    You advertise a game as being all about story and the fourth pillar, and create a really enjoyable experience while leveling. Why, then, are you surprised that no one is sticking around when the story ends? This could have been the best way to make SWTOR have longevity and truly do something a bit different than anyone else on the market. By putting out new content that is focused on your hero's continued journey. Flashpoints, warzones, operations, all that stuff is fine and dandy, but these play into MMOer's hands, a fickle demographic that is a) never satisfied, and b) always says they want something different when in fact, they only want more of the same.


    Not saying you can't focus on those things: we have to gear progression and all of that, but end game is truly a different game than the journey.


    And SWTOR is probably the first MMO I've ever played where the journey was truly what the adventure was all about..


    They should have concentrated a lot more on class stories (and the audience they already had instead of pipe dream of taking on WoW), have much bigger class stories and way less generic crap quests.


    I have many friends who were loyal customers ( since Baldurs Gate days) of BW and didnt touch SWTOR with a pole because its just WoW clone and even class stories are quite bland (yeah yeah, best in MMO but far far away from best RPGs out there).


    Sad thing is they are now moving completely to generic MMO crap quests, mission dropboxes and failed raid for gear endgame. And, TBH, other MMOs do it much better, they are dropping their strenght and embracing their weakness, dont really see which genious in EA thought its a good idea.


    Anyway, BW lost majority of its fanbase since DA2 onwards, SWTOR was just finger in the eye by EA.


    RIP Bioware, it was a good run and we still have BG :D

  17. I agree with OP. Leaving early should be penalized. In most cases whether a warzone is a win or loss is determined in its' first minutes. So what usually happens is the original team fails to successfully establish itself in those first minutes - for example loses two control points in Civil War - and the parties responsible simply drop the warzone. Man up and take responsibility instead of thrusting it upon the person who gets a into a crappy scenario right after you leave. WAR did it. Prevent those who dropped from queueing for the next 15 minutes. They go afk? 2 minutes of that and they should be booted from the warzone. Problem solved. And yes, it did work in WAR, which had a very similar problem and much better pvp to boot.


    Oh yea, WAR is such successful game that its should be example for all other games :rolleyes:

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