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Everything posted by Ravaran

  1. Thats interesting because I thought there were schematics you could get that were lower than lvl 20. I'll do some myself later cause these are faster/cheaper than doing rank 2 missions if you dont need the other stuff.
  2. No, un-crit versions are a near 100% loss, you can only vendor it...or use it.
  3. So it seems schematics for orange gear learned before 1.2 can now produce augmented versions. I must have been extremely unlucky making 20 pairs of pants with no crits with maxed companions.
  4. Ok well that makes me feel a bit better. From investigation tier 2 so far I also got: -Blue earpiece schematics (lvl 19) -Blue synthweaving pieces (lvl 20) -Blue implant schematics (lvl 21) so the only moddable ones so far I've gotten were for weapons.
  5. So you're saying low lvl critted oranges are useless to 50s, and that they need the highest lvl oranges? This would be completely opposite to the goal of allowing people to wear any gear they wanted because of how it looked, and not just stats. Now everyone will be wearing the same endgame orange-gear instead of purple. Unless you are wrong..which I hope is the case.
  6. You gotta give people a few days to learn the schematics, make the greens, RE greens, make the blues, RE blues....and then make the purples that people will actually use. OP, yes stealth nerfs shouldn't happen, and I hope BW comments.
  7. If everyone will be running the tech mat missions just for the crits, their prices on the GTN will be forever garbage. Just like smart cells are garbage with everyone trying to crit for radioactive paste. The only way to try to fix it is to make critting not return the one-time missions, and just return purple grade 6 mats. People will then continue to run lockbox missions to get the one-time missions from crits. Even still the blue slicing mat will remain garbage like smart cells while the purple mat will be sought after.
  8. Do you mean level 2 mission? cause I believe the level of the schematic matches with the level of the mission, and '20' is in the level 2 mission range. Also I do not think base power means anything after you put your modifications in it, but I am not 100% sure.
  9. Campaign gear only I believe. These drop from the new raid on heroic difficulty. It may be black hole gear as well, but I do not think we know for sure yet.
  10. If there is no % to learn schematic, you will ONLY get mats back. I just want to add, either the chance to crit oranges is very low, or critting oranges only works on newly acquired schematics..or certain ones. I made 20 low-level orange pants (light armor) yesterday, and not one crit. This was a schematic I learned before 1.2. I believe it was Sith Apprentice Leggings or something. Normally at that level you will see several crits out of 20 crafts.
  11. From Investigation tier 2 missions I have not found pistol schems yet, but I have found: Custom-built Blaster Rifle Custom-built (trooper cannon) Custom-built Techblade Custom-built Techstaff I'm still trying to get the pistol/sniper/vibroblade, but the rifle isn't bad..which I am trying to crit now.
  12. Yes I agree but many have already paid a 6 month sub with a couple months left on it....who are now feeling that money has been wasted. They do not want it to be wasted, and are now just attempting to rationalize logging in to the game for the remaining time or not.
  13. Yes Inquisitor is excellent. The female inquisitor voice-acting is the best I've experienced so far. The Agent story starts off kinda weak.. 'get them terrists', but gets better in Act 2 onwards with some twists and surprises. Sith Warrior was my first, and I thought was pretty bland and standard. It isn't bad, but it just felt standard. The male warrior voice acting however, was my second favorite.
  14. Except...they wanted everyone to spend all their millions BEFORE 1.2, on crystals and speeders that would never be attainable again.
  15. ..there were plenty of posts on the PTS forum about the PvP rewards all throughout.
  16. Man..I hope the new raid is fun cause these changes are not gonna get me back into PvP.
  17. thats a good idea, I think legacy level should reduce the costs by some %. Good luck buying upgraded rocket boosts for all 8 of your characters.
  18. Are you sure about the missions? And we may only be able to RE newly crafted Augments, not ones that came into existence pre-1.2.
  19. So it looks like we should be re-equipping everything when we log into 1.2 today. thanks for heads up
  20. Its called expressing "impatience". If the moderators do not get the sense from these forums that the players are impatient regarding 1.2, then they cannot pass this along to those that they report to. Anything we value enough to take the time to post about the game will be read by a moderator. Unless it is off-topic or 0% constructive, even throwing a fit has some value to those that pay attention to the community. Whether mods report general community sentiment or enumerated lists, virtually all feedback is appreciated to some degree.
  21. Mumble is leaps and bounds above Ventrilo. -higher quality, smooth sound -auto-volume equalizer -more user-friendly, more options -customizable overlay ..to name a few
  22. Either guilds need to be cross-faction or there needs to be a way of linking guilds so that they share a chat channel and they can view each others rosters (additional roster tab). Too many people will be rolling both factions, especially when there will be bonuses to having characters leveled on both sides.
  23. Radioactive paste sells for 12k each 340 Bio mission grants 4 Radioactive Paste - costing 20k Net gain from mission, GTN'ing mats = 28k Columi Implants sell for 200k+ needing 8 radioactive paste each Net gain from selling implant using two missions = ~150k Net gain from selling implant buying paste on GTN = ~100k One of the reasons they are not more expensive is that they can fail, but they won't in 1.2
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