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Posts posted by Fubbik

  1. I know that this is a positive review, but are we really supposed to appreciate this review more simply because you're a "long-time" gamer?


    I put more trust in a "long-time" gamer than any of the spoon-fed brats who started playing MMOs 2 years ago in WoW and have no idea what a "real" MMORPG is about. (Don't get me wrong, I played WoW for years as well :p).


    Good post OP, mostly how I feel as well, although I am a bit worried of how slow BW reacts to bugs so far.

  2. I concur, both of these would be good additions to the ship(s).


    Mailboxes are all over the place so adding one to the ship wouldn't change anything. One might argue that it's illogical as noone would come empty the mailbox and deliver it, but that's nitpicking :)


    GTN would be a great addition. I detest spending 20 minutes zoning a bunch of times just to get to a GTN terminal and back to where I came from, when I have no other reasons for going to Fleet at that time. Not to mention that Fleet is horrendous with 240+ players and a lowend machine... Add terminals to the personal ships and I can bet the GTN would be used by a lot more players than currently.

  3. In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


    In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.


    You go back to WoW so you can spend days on crafting ? Seriously, WoW's crafting took minutes to do, the hours and days were spent gathering, which you can do in swtor as well.

    Now if you had referred to a game like Horizons (best crafting ever in any MMORPG) I could have taken you seriously, but WoW ???


    Personally I think the "delay" in crafting an item is more logical than the instant gratification in other games, as it does take time to build something from raw goods in reality. You just have to work around the bottleneck and plan ahead.

  4. I lift my hat to you, Sir. A perfect, well-constructed explanation of how it works and why slicing is where it is right now. Unfortunately your post will go swoosh over the heads of the whiners as they most likely lack the patience to read that much text at once :)
  5. I love the system as it is an actual craftingsystem and not something where everyone gets access to the exact same things without effort.


    The RE part reminds me of Earth & Beyond where the only way of getting schematics was "REing" a drop (or purchased item) and hoping it was succesful (success was based on skilllevel and level of item). Spending hours/days farming specific (boss)mobs for a drop and crossing your fingers that mapping the item would be succesful. Trying to have as many items mapped as possible to retain customers as they leveled and needed to upgrade their gear. Sure, it was costly as heck to do , but it separated the "real" crafters from the hobby ones and players could make a name for themselves on the server.


    Hopefully BW will implement the possibility of REing drops later on, instead of just the trainer ones (and dropped schematics ones) that we have now. Not all of course, but a large portion of them.

  6. Healing as OP feels a bit like old school EQ to me (dungeon crawling, not raiding). Keeping some HoTs up, trying to stay as close to full as possible, letting people take damage and not do anything about it until energy permits, and saving resources for those "oh crap" moments. It's a juggle and not for someone looking to press 1-2-3 and get by with it.


    I still don't have the SP which I assume is gonna make it a lot easier, but once you get the HoT at 20 you have enough in your arsenal to be a competent healer fur sure. I definately do not agree with a post above saying it's terrible pre-30 :)


    Gonna love getting SP though so I don't have to deal with the stupid cases where a heal stops casting 0.1 sec before completion because the TA timer ran out. They should really change that to checking on cast, not after...

  7. If the current state of slicing had been the only one ever known to players there wouldn't have been much fuss about it. Much less players would have picked it, used the missions to gain skill increases at no other gain and then gathered nodes for the real profit.


    Since BW introduced a way to get infinite credits without even having to play the game, many players took slicing and are now complaining that BW nerfed the "exploit". Suck it up and be glad you got to gain sick amounts of credits while it lasted.


    And for those comparing with other gathering professions, I personally stopped sending my companions out on scavenging missions as the cost kills your bankroll like nothing else. The loss of credits on slicing missions is nothing compared to the loss for other gathering missions.

  8. Ask for tech help, there are a zillion things to change to improve performance.


    Personally I run a P4 (yes, Pentium 4), HD5450 gfx and 4 gig ram (in XP, so not really) which is way below minimum specs recommended and apart from Imp Fleet I have no issues performancewise. Running at low settings (duh) I get around 30-35 FPS in normal areas and 15-20 in crowded places. Not gonna be raiding until I replace this pos as I probably would have issues keeping up in that environment right now.

  9. I have no idea what you all are talking about. Every zone I have quested in so far has had competition for basically every spawn I wanted. Last night we were 8 players trying to tag the exact same quest mobs on one of the sidequests. Traveling to fleet is something I try to avoid if I can as the lag from all the people there brings my computer to a halt (I have a ****** rig, yes).

    And this is all *with* instancing (yes, there are multiple versions of the same zone in this game on the crowded servers).


    Granted I am on one of the most crowded Euro servers with queues galore, but from this to being "totally empty" on heavy loaded servers seems like a huge step. Maybe I am just leveling slow enough to be where the masses are, shrug. (L25 currently)

  10. Some of you people are astoundingly stupid. Contrary to popular belief, it's not that simple to "give you control" and turn an on-rails shooter into a free-range shooter. They are two COMPLETELY different animals.


    On-rails shooters are, by definition, extremely scripted. Those interceptors that keep coming up behind you. They don't exist until they start shooting at you and if you don't take them out before they fly away, they don't just keep flying around. They vanish back to the digital void they come from.


    If you had the ability to free roam in the missions, fat lot of good it's going to do you. You'll be floating around empty space for the most part because all the action is, by design, going to be where you should be on the rails.


    More importantly, that's what the game is balanced around. The whole point of the genre is "take out the target before it goes off-screen." That's where the challenge comes from.



    Free-roaming combat missions require a completely different, and significantly more elaborate, type of game design. It's not something you can just crank out over the weekend. Especially for a mini-game.


    Thank you for pointing this out, too many don't think twice when they argue about this.


    I like the spacecombat for what it's worth, a mini-game as a break from regular gameplay.

    Sure I would have loved if it was as extensive as a new version of Earth & Beyond but that's just not realistic. Hopefully they will keep working on it as we go and make it include more things down the road.

  11. The choices do change the way the quest plays out. I have had situations where I didn't even get to use the quest items due to "smooth-talking" an assistant etc. No, they aren't game-altering choices, but that's because it would be griefing to some players making the "wrong" choices and then not being able to rectify them.


    Feel free to spacebar the convos if you like, I enjoy them immensly and think they make the game actually feel like an RPG instead of the FPS versions we have been spoonfed the last few years.

  12. First of all this is the situation at launch in basically any MMO. There aren't enough (spare) credits in circulation to establish any kind of demand, hence the supply will be too high.


    Second, being able to gather materials without any time consumed, as you can send your "excess" companions out without interfering with your regular gameplay, will even more diminish the need to buy to skill up. Even if it's cheaper on the GTN, players will still want to skill up their gathering professions (and it's less hassle) at this point in the game.


    Until there are many more players at the max level the only things moving on the GTN will be rare drops, and even those will be severly underpriced.

  13. Please do enlighten me how you can tell the difference between some guy doing 200 dps and another doing 6k without an actual meter. Obviously not talking about being totally afk, but one spamming random skills.


    In a 16-people raid environment. Please i'll be waiting.


    If you have to ask this question you have clearly not learned enough about the game you are playing. Back in EQ there were no dmg meters, but it was pretty easy to tell who were sub-par dps wise and who were top-performers. Without external tools you get to pay attention to things such as positioning, animations of attacks, spell effects etc.


    Can't say if Swtors mechanics works in a similar way, but I've never had to check a dmg meter to know who is poor at their role be it in a raid or in a group.


    Besides in a raid environment there are many more factors to consider than pure dps, such as crowd control, positioning, handling adds etc. Use your brain to figure out which parts need improvement and who isn't living up to their role.


    (Note: In EQ we did parse combat logs after bossfights, but mostly to analyze the dmg output and patterns of the bosses)

  14. OH man i remember Earth and Beyond!! Loved that game!! It was pretty cutting edge for its time lol. I didn't think anyone remembered that game! I wish you could paint you ships here like we could in Earth and Beyond.


    I agree, loved EnB, too bad it's lifespan was too short. Could have been really succesful with proper owners.

    You can still play it btw, a group of diehard fans reverse engineered the code and have been running a server for a few years now :)

  15. 30 min estimated wait time to Frostclaw when I started queueing, looking more like 50-55 before I get in. Been like this three days straight now...

    Not gonna reroll on another server away from my guildies and friends, so a disconnect (not that I have had one yet, knock on wood) means no more swtor today. Just surprised that BW does nothing to ease up on the queues, this is definately not goodwill for them.

  16. In the ****** ones perhaps yes...


    WoW beta and launch, never queues over 20 minutes on EU servers


    Don't pretend that 4 hour queues are common for MMO's. That just makes you look stupid.


    WOW had hourly server crashes, emergency maintenance several times a day, gamebreaking bugs, gamebreaking exploits and stupidly overcrowded servers where mobs were insta-gibbed almost before they spawned (no insta-range attack=you lost). This went on for more than the first week, I think they even gave extra gametime due to the ****** stability. I'll take queues over that crap any day of the week.

  17. There are currently 6, count it 6, European PvE servers up and running. All of them with large queues. There are a total of 10, yes 10, French servers (all kinds combined), most of them with low pop.


    Who on earth at BW decided this was a good way to assign servers ? You do realize that a majority of people from France and Germany play on the "English" servers as they have friends there, their guilds play there and people playing MMOs are generally comfortable with the English language ?


    Not surprised that knowledge of Europe is lacking in the States, but I am very surprised to see this coming from BW/EA.

    Not looking forward to server splits or large queues, whichever the "solution" is gonna be. (And no, new servers won't do diddlysquat to lessen pop as players are already established). Hope my guildmates might consider a restart if issues aren't resolved...


    Here's hoping they know what they are doing.

  18. I am gonna give BW the benefit of doubt here. Hearing from friends online last night, during peakhours, that although there were short queues to get in-game, the zones were still less occupied than during the stresstest.

    This makes me believe (and hope) that BW put soft caps on servers during EGA to get a wider distribution of the players "without server preference" and that they increase the caps as we go (probably on a daily basis).


    If not, then I am not looking forward to the queues come Saturday.


    Edit: As of right now they have added ZERO new servers since the same time yesterday. I find it hard to believe that they would keep giving 100'000s of players EGA to "full" servers without adding any. I think this speaks in favor of my statement above.

  19. People should take a chill pill and get some objectivity into their heads. I was hoping to get in before the weekend and as I registered on Dec 2nd I wasn't too sure about it. I am glad that they let everyone in by friday and can't understand the fits people are throwing in here.

    You do realize we get 4 days of EGA, starting one day after the original time set and all that despite being slackers who ordered just over a week ago ? Get over yourselves and stop whining.


    (I didn't preorder earlier since I didn't think my computer would run it properly, but Beta showed me it did :o)

  20. This is actually the only part of the EGA that had me worried. Being a late preorderer, I knew all my guildies would get to play before me and most likely all start on our "assigned" server.

    When they got in today (most of them) the server was light, but atm during peak hours (EU) there is a 15 minute wait to get to character select (the actual waiting time, not the displayed one).


    Sure, that doesn't sound like much, but remember that we probably have twice as many players more coming online in the next few days and it's easy to see what might be happening to the queues.


    My only hope is that BW are putting soft server caps on as population increases and that those caps will be increased as the EGA progresses. I would hate to see a 1h+ queue to the server my guild is on once I get access...

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