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Posts posted by Fubbik

  1. Making mods at midlevels for profit is not easy when you can buy a purple of equal level for almost no credits. Assuming you don't care about looks, it's usually quicker and cheaper to just go with purples (or blues). Sure, some might have a subpar stat, but it's usually a lot easier than trying to find sellers for 3 (or 4) different mod-slots.


    People are too spoiled with AHs/GTN/similar to even consider making personal relations with crafters, which is too bad. Next time you need an upgrade (or just before), check who made your last one (assuming it was crafted), send a friendly mail to the player and ask if they have anything worthwhile to meet your coming need. Even if they don't have anything specific REd for the slot/level, your request might actually make them put some time and effort into getting something as they know they have at least one customer (and a potential market due to the request).

  2. You can only learn recipes through RE from items made from schematics (trainer or dropped). I believe you actually need to know the item schematic of the item you are REing in order to be able to learn the new schematic (though I could be wrong on this one).


    Too bad though, as REing everything for schematics would be a lot more fun than the current system. Of course they could put restrictions on certain items to avoid unbalancing (i.e. non-manufacturable).

  3. I was probably labeled "fanboy" in the early stages of the game (late beta, EGA and first weeks of release) as I really liked the initial feel of the game.


    Lately I must say there is really nothing keeping my interest in the game, even though I log on every day, it's mostly to craft and do some trading.

    First of all I must say that I do think that BW managed to bring the "feel" of Star Wars into the game, regardless of the many shortcomings. The first few weeks of leveling, with voice acting and settings that were familiar from the movies, really made it feel like I had hoped and expected.


    Unfortunately BWs lack of understanding the MMORPG world has been made obvious the more I have played the game. Not gonna go into details, but I must say that itemization in this game is among the worst I have seen over the years. Has anyone at BW heard about balance ?


    Too bad that there is nothing (else) worth playing on the market currently.

  4. Would you like me to show you the math that proves you are wrong. There have been many posts by people who can prove it if you use the search feature.


    Do you know how probability works. You must because you brought up RNG. Do you even know what RNG stands for? I bet you don't, because I bet you are one of the people who THINKS it stands for random. It doesn't though.


    Honestly, you shouldn't start assuming a lot about people just because you think you "know" something. I have a university degree in math and can teach you all day long about how probabilities work.


    Even if a computer can't generate a truly random number, for math purposes we have to pretend it can. Not gonna comment on the RNG used in Swtor as I think blaming it for being more flawed than others is just a lame way of excusing bad streaks.


    This has nothing to do with being random at all, there is clearly an error in place. I've re'd over the 100 mark trying to get a redoubt shield. That is over 100 res on a green, I got a critical, and overkill but no redoubt. Should it really take over 30 res to get one blue schematic. By that token if we doubled the difficulty it should take 60 res of the blue to get a random purple.


    Let me give you an example of some of the experiments.


    100 res learned 2 blues

    45 blue res no purple


    even if you just say 145 res to learn 2 schematics there is something wrong. If that is intended then the bug is in the brain of the developers. If it's not intended the bug is in the code. Either way there is an issue. With people leaving this game like it's got the plague they should try to hang on to some customers.




    My personal opinion but "random" is a bad idea to start with. Putting a players fun into a slot machine isn't wise. I won't bother trying to post a good idea, there are plenty on these boards already.


    Noone knows the chance to RE a single item of a specific level of a specific tier in this game (among players that is). You could have been extremely unlucky or the chance can be extremely small per attempt, but as long as there is no set boundary or convergence number for a streak of REs, you could theoretically go on forever. What YOU consider to be a reasonable number and what the designers have intended, do not necessarily need to be in line with each other.

  5. From 1-50, I have NEVER had to RE more than 10 greens to get a blue. I just spent two hours RE'ing greens and have yet to receive a blue schem for it. (artifice)



    It was either nerfed or it is broken.


    Random is random.

    I went through 18 greens to RE a level 9 (yes, 9 !) pistol and then another 22 blues to get the purple schematic for it. This at max level skill. Same pattern for a L45 pistol, 19 greens and 25 blues.

    Last night I got 3 blue schematics from 4 REs on L37 implants (on my alt)...


    It's all about the RNG.

  6. efficiency does nothing more then increase the speed at which you complete them.


    Incorrect according to BW themselves. At least they have a loading screen "tip" that says:


    "Affection improves a companions mission and crafting results as well as reduces the amount of time required for them to perform crew skill tasks"


    Wether this is actually true or not in-game is a different issue.

  7. Lots of useful pointers above, thought I'd add some.


    Don't expect to upgrade every slot at every tier through your crafting. Check the GTN to see what slots are lacking wares for sale for the next tier and focus on those. RE until you get a blue schematic (aug slot for yourself) and sell off a few extras to make a profit (or just fund your skill/crafting). If you have extra mats for the tier, then you can go for a purple schematic for a slot or two.


    If you find a niche (i.e. an item that sells really well), keep making those and use the profit to buy good stuff for the slots you don't have blue/purple schematics for.

  8. 1) Get rid of the "You already know this scematic"

    2) Get rid of all useless recipes. Vibroknives with Aim ? Really ?

    3) Fix broken recipes/missing itemization. (Can't RE scatterguns and vibroknives, no orange recipes for armstech L1-49, severe lack of dropped recipes for many crafts for many level ranges)

    4) Re-organize your RE structure to make sense. Maybe something like this:


    Redoubt (+Defense)

    -Anti-Armor (+Defense, +Power)

    -Exactitude (+Defense, +Crit)

    -General's (+Defense, +Absorb)

    -Veracity (+Defense, +Shield)

    - ?????? (+Defense, +Endurance)


    Critical (+Critical)

    -Endowment (+Critical, +Surge)

    -Fervor (+Critical, +Accuracy)

    -Leadership (+Critical, +Power)

    -Supremacy (+Critical, +Alacrity)

    -Tempest (+Critical, +Endurance)


    Overkill (+Power)

    -Leadership (+Power, +Crit)

    - Expert (+Power, +Surge)

    - Hawkeye (+Power, +Accuracy)

    -Rampart (+Power, +Endurance)

    -Vehemence (+Power, +Alacrity)


    XXXXXXX (+Presence)

    -yyyyyyy (+Presence, +Crit)

    -zzzzzzz(+Presence, +Accuracy)

    -nnnnnnn (+Presence, +Endurance)

    -bbbbbbb (+Presence, +Power)

    - sssssss (+Presence, +Defense)


    Disregard the names, it's more about structuring the stats to make sense.

    Adding Presence as a T1 prefix as it a) Is non-existant at L1-49, where it is actually the best stat available and b) It's occurence as T2 prefix at L50 is the worst possible idea ever.

    Also removing all useless combinations, streamlining the stats in a logic way (I am sure there are improvements to above list, just an idea of what it could look like).

  9. Never played SWG, but it sounds like something I would have loved :)


    Personally I think the crafting system in Horizons was excellent. Unfortunately not many people ever saw that game, but it is by far the most addictive crafting I have been sinking time into over the years. Oh, and it had playable dragons :D

  10. Well, since it doesn't have anything in common with EA or BW, it seems to me quite insecure to work with my account using 3'rd party software. If it just were by BW...


    I don't have an android myself, so can't say how it works, but I think it's a remote desktop variant that requires you to log in to your Swtor account before you leave home. Then you remotely control the in-game stuff through the app, so no input of any secret information if I understand it correctly.

  11. I think Swtor should consider making a Crew skill app to allow players the opportunity to Send their companions on missions from their cell phone. It would be a great way to allow players to stay hooked to the crafting system.


    There is already one for androids. Iphone not yet.

  12. Prices for items have been on gradual decrease over the past few weeks. You guys are always talking about your metrics, try looking at them. As more people have been learning the schematics the prices continue to fall. The markets are already saturating because these "epic" items are really easy to craft and will soon be as common as blues and greens if not more common.


    In addition, by increasing the RE chance you will put an even greater strain on the Mission professions to provide the mats to create all these newly discovered purple items. The inflation on these mission items is already getting out of hand. On the Jedi Covenant server the TH tier 6 purple gems are selling for 25k a pop. It takes 4 of them to craft any of the epic items that use them (2 for offhands) and those finished products which also take other materials only sell for about 50k due to the abundance of people selling them.


    Yep I have to take a 50k loss per item (at market value, I can acquire the mats myself for cheaper, but why not just sell the mats then) to sell the items that you claim have "too low" a proc chance. If anything, if you want to improve the long term stability of the economy you will cut the rates even further, not increase them.


    You are making no sense whatsoever. Try learning the basics of supply and demand first please. If there is such a demand for the mats, then don't make the bloody items with a loss, seriously. You don't gain any points or achievements for being poor at business.

    If you can't find products to sell for a profit, due to the "value" of the mats, then that's a totally different issue and has nothing to do with RE-chance.


    An example would be the currently inflated prices of Bio-mats to feed the players powerleveling their skill to 400 in order to use the reusables. This has a sideeffect of high inflation on implant pricing, which might make them impossible to sell in the end.

  13. Players need to start realizing that crafting in this game is not primarily to equip yourself at a reasonable cost. It is a system that rewards dedicated crafters and diversifies the market.

    If you want a specific purple item for personal use then the best way is to simply BUY IT OFF THE GTN ! (assuming it's not BoP :p). If you want to proc a specific pattern in order to sell it and make a profit, then buckle down and enjoy the RE cashdrain ride as a true crafter.


    Unfortunately there are too many players that only have WoWs system as a point of reference and think crafting means everyone having access to everything.


    (Remove the "feature" "You already know this schematic" for the love of all that's good though)

  14. Not a cybertech myself, but I am guessing that there is no profit to be made from mods as I think they require the same amount of UT mats as earpieces for instance. A mod only fills a third of the slots in an orange item, hence pretty darn moot to make them.

    Mod vendors of course take away a ton of potential buyers too, so even less incentive.


    For instance, if you can get a purple blaster pistol in your 30s for around 15k, the price for a single blue mod can't be more than 3k tops. Personally I'd rather sell earpieces at 12-15k a pop instead :)


    As an Armstech I stopped making barrels as I realized it was much more profitable to craft purple weapons straight up instead.

  15. Heres how you start fixing crafting:

    Just remove the MOD commendation vendors. None, no more, all gone. Either you buy crafted gear, loot it, or get it from quest rewards.


    Fixed your post.

    I see nothing wrong with the equipment vendors. They usually only stock two slots of items which are outleveled once you leave the planet.

    Removing the mod vendors would a) open up the market for mod crafters and b) open up the market for blue/purple crafts since orange ones would be MUCH less used.

  16. This game was released about 6 months too early.


    In a world were production quality makes or breaks your mmo, I'm surprised bioware allowed this game to be released in such a state. Rift and GW2 are examples of how it is possible to release games with good production quality.


    It's not 2004 and arguing that wow released with more bugs is a fundamental misunderstanding of the mmo market. Wow was able to release with many bugs because their competitors had even more bugs.


    If SWTOR's business strategy was to take subscribers from wow, it better be sure that it's as good as wow.


    Bugs isn't really the issue with the success in this case though. The launch was better than most launches and server stability was excellent.

    The big failure has been game balance and itemization. Not surprising though as singleplayer games (BWs stronghold) rarely care about these areas, but for MMORPGs those are the most important areas normally.


    I am hoping the genre will become more niched (is that a word even ?) again in the future, as the attempt at satisfying everyone generally leaves the product subpar in most areas.

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