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Posts posted by Crimsane

  1. To be fair, this forum is always full of angry customers.


    Sometimes they're not even customers.


    Touché on both points. Regarding number two, I suppose people who cancel aren't really customers anymore, but I'd also wager the number of them on this forum is relatively low. I mean, people generally don't get this angry over a game they dislike and have cancelled, they get angry because they like it and want to enjoy it but they're currently not (for whatever reason.)

  2. The OP doesn't even recognize the facts.


    More spoiled entitlement from gamers who need to get a life.


    Which facts?


    Also, pretty sure he has one, since he mentioned not being mad since he has exams and other things to keep him busy, and not being angry or upset.


    So, your post equals... more not reading threads from internet white knights?

  3. I agree, it's great fun not being able to find a group to do a heroic because there's all of sixty people on the entire planet of Korriban, a number which will only continue to decrease until tomorrow's invites. It's amazing being able to gain 20 levels in a couple hours via PvP because the game gives you full victory xp when the warzone isn't full, which it usually isn't due to light server populations. Best launch of all time, easily. </lol>
  4. My fav part is when they deleted the main thread where people were expressing their displeasure so they can hide how pissed off people are and call it a successful launch.


    I was a bit confused by this. Instead of one thread where feedback is gathered in a single place, they'd rather have 500 threads all over the place about it, I guess.

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