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Everything posted by kronomandar

  1. there, i fixed it for you. if you want to try to compare classes, try comparing assassin tank vs jug tank and assassin dps vs jug dps. P.S. my main is a jug, i have been leveling an assassin (lvl 48), so i have some idea of how they compare. i can assure you the assassin does lack in some areas vs the jug, and vice versa.
  2. my main is a juggernaught but i've been leveling an assassin, and i have to say the assassin is far more fun. the juggernaught can jump around like mad and has a great knockback, but the assassin has aoe knockback and can spec into a pull. stealth...sprint...ranged stun...the assassin doesnt have every toy, but it has some good ones.
  3. yes. as already stated, both tech and force attacks ignore shields. both these attack types are very common. the differences between tank gear and dps gear, shields and foci, are such that the dps/focus is always the winning choice. this is true across all classes
  4. buy whatever pieces of battlemaster you can, fill the rest out with recruits (EVERY slot, implants and ear too!) grind warzones, buy more battlemaster as you come to afford it. some of your crafts can make augements, make the ones appropriate to your class. buy or craft battlemaster gear - dont settle for anything less than crit crafted (augement slot). start moving mods into your crit crafted set. repeat last two steps with warhero gear when you can. repeat last two steps with conqueror gear when you can (it may even be have been added to the game by then, lol)
  5. if you have champion pieces.... why arent you in full battlemaster yet? you've had more than enough time to replace them with the better set.
  6. but you can sprint with the ball. and use other abilities. stealthing is a completely different mechanic to leaping as the leaper remains visible and attackable the entire time. my main is a jugernaught, however i've set that aside and have been leveling an assassin. of the two, i would consider the assassin the more powefull and flexible class. an assassin is perfectly capable of scoring in huttball. better over short distances, but far harder to stop when using sprint with defensive cooldowns. if specced to have force pull is far better than a jug in stopping an enemy scoring. to hinder a jug scoring, you need to deny him targets to leap too, both friendly and enemy. this comes down to your battlefield awareness and your teams positioning skills. a sorc/sage on the far side of a fire, friendly or enemy, is bad news for you and good news for the jug. do something about it before the jug does. sometimes, the ball carrier is not the best target for you to be hitting.
  7. are you seriously suggesting a fresh 50 can have a full set of rakata within minutes of dinging for just 300k creds, or even pre-farmed before dinging? 600bd +16% vs 700bd....negligable difference. if thats vs rakata, the recruit gear wins hands down simply on ease of aquisition. the additional mitigation is icing on the cake. icing that your rakata does not have. enjoying being an un-iced cake while those recruit equiped players eat you alive. also, for those who thought ahead, they'll have 4 pieces of BM and the remainder recruit when they ding. for the thoughtless, its full recruit or face the rage of players like we are seeing in this thread.
  8. i will accept your selfishness if you pay my sub everytime your undergeared self lands on my team and i have to carry you through a match. the thing that your arguement ignores is that in this game, and other MMOs, you are required to interact with other players. while you can play as you like, when you are interacting with others how you play effects their game too. it is totaly reasonable that they expect you to meet a minimum standard as to how you play. in pve raids this isnt that much of an issue. if you dont have the gear, dont know the fights, or are just generaly bad, you will get booted out fast, if you were even lucky enough to be accepted in the first place. pvp is a different story, you can queue solo and get put on a random team of other players. if those other players see you as a weak point they would rather do without, they have no means to remove you. your selfishness, bad attitude, and poor social skills become clear very quickly. thankfully we are spared your low standards of personal hygiene. you want to get carried and think we dont have the right to complain about it. we dont want to carry you and think we have the right to say so, loudly!
  9. recruit gear was added in 1.2.... why would it drop prior to that?
  10. at lvl 40 you get a quest to go explore the zone where recruits drop. how much more hand holding do you need?
  11. in the outlaws den pvp zone. you can collect a full set before you ever reach lvl 50 or you can buy it at lvl 50 for a modest sum of credits. keep this bumped if you dont want pve geared fresh 50s in your warzones.
  12. you're attitude is what is making you quit playing. if you want to claim to be any kind of pvper, you should have had the full recruit set before you even dinged 50 at level 40 you get a quest from the pvp terminal on the fleet to go explore Outlaws Den. within the Outlaws Den pvp zone boxes spawn. those boxes drop 2-3k creds, 20 wz coms, AND RECRUIT PVP GEAR you have 2 ways of obtaining recruit gear. one is to buy them at level 50 for a modest sum of credits. the other is to spend a bit of time farming boxes. however, you would rather be a parasite on your teammates and have them carry you for a week or more until you have BM because you are simply to cheap and lazy to gear yourself out beforehand. 1. ignorance has never been an acceptable excuse for anything. 2. shouldnt they have figured this one out around lvl 10? lvl 50 is a bit late to start looking at pvp. 3. recruit can be obtained for free for those to poor/cheap to buy it. farmed in the tatooine pvp zone 4. see 3.
  13. YOU DONT NEED CREDITS TO BUY RECRUIT. IT DROPS FOR FREE ON TATOOINE IN OUTLAWS DEN. get over your pathetic excuse, it no longer stands.
  14. lack of credits is not an excuse for your failure. the recruit gear drops FOR FREE on tatooine from the boxes in the pvp zone (outlaws den). you dont even need to wait until your 50. my alt had a full set of recruit from there by the time i was lvl 45. fortunately i'm on a server with fast queue times. i always inspect players before a match starts, and if i see two or more pve geared scrubs, i leave. i wont waste my time carry lazy players when they cant be bothered to gear themselves up.
  15. for those too cheap to buy recruit gear.... you can farm it from the boxes in the pvp zone on tatooine, and have a full set before you even hit 50.
  16. likewise, vulkar highway still enjoys instant pops at all times of the day both 50 and pre-50 warzones.
  17. thats the assassin pvp war hero set. looks awesome. doesnt look like anything that belongs in starwars though.
  18. server transfers and mergers would be a bad thing for Fatman. if/when this happens, all those players that rerolled to fatman will have a reason to return to the geared high legacy characters they left behind. the population of fatman would drop overnight to just the remaining server natives. even so, the game needs mergers/tranfers and it needs them sooner rather than later. the longer its held off, the more subs will slip through your fingers.
  19. also, lorewise, the quest cant help but turn up mixed bloods. there hasnt been any pureblood sith for generations, even those with the red skin are mixed bloods.
  20. you mean he 1v1ed a max level full war hero geared jedi who was so bored with pvp he had been hanging around on tatooine trolling sand people while waiting for his next warzone to pop. (20 year queue time....and you think you got it bad with just an hour between matches!) then as an encore he went on to kill steal some random fresh 50s 1v1 with the servers acknowledged top pvp sorc, waiting until the lowbie was all but pwned before making his move to essentially oneshot the sorc down a hole. sounds pretty epic to me.
  21. Sorry lvl 46 assasin - Vulkar Highway slave girl social armor from nar shadar, noble skirt social armour from kaas city, legacy belt http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg618/_kronos-/inq1.jpg http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg618/_kronos-/inq2.jpg http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg618/_kronos-/inq3.jpg http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg618/_kronos-/inqdance1.jpg http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg618/_kronos-/inqdance2.jpg
  22. i think this pretty much sums up GW2 vs SWTOR (and vs Tera) my next hope for pvp in an mmo is with Dominus, or, failing that, the eldar scrolls mmo. hopefully bethesda is reading swtor forums like bioware should have been reading Rifts, but obviously wasnt.
  23. i rolled on a pve server in warhammer at launch and saw more pvp in the open world pvp lakes at level 5 than ilum ever had at level 50. i rolled on a pvp server in RIFT and saw more open world pvp at lvl 25 than i ever saw in ilum at lvl 50. i rolled empire on a pvp server in SWTOR and never saw a republic player in open world until ilum at lvl 50... ...and he ran away before i could finish picking up my box
  24. alternatively you could spec dps, use soresu stance, and start actualy being usefull in a warzone yourself. only thing a tank specced jug is good for in a warzone is....wait, no, there is nothing a tank specced jug is good for in warzones.
  25. being able to interupt what is supposedly an instant ability, while not game breaking, is more than just a little broken. if you dont mind less frequent big smashes, you can drop the 31 point builder and go up vengance for indestructable. leaves you with enrage and force choke as your shockwave builders, but atleast you know your smashes will land as your immune to CC after using force charge. also, rage specced jugs have raged about this issue since launch.
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