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Everything posted by Aleeha

  1. Oh, because you've never seen it that means it doesn't happen, gotcha..
  2. Amazingly, I've cleared all the content in the game including hard modes and nightmare modes, and I don't do random groups because I have no need to get any of that crap great that drops from fps. Furthermore, when I actually cared about fps back in November and December of 2011, I did them with guild members. As it happens I have a great career in the technology sector.
  3. Says whom? The players? Last I checked BioWare designed the game so that the gear could be rolled on and the gear could be used by my companions which are very much apart of my game play and can affect my game play. Again, don't like it? Don't do fp's with random players, find a group of players in whom you can group with that will treat you like a special snow flake.
  4. Cuz this has NEVER been in the game since launch, amirite? Oh, wait... yes, actually credit sellers/farmers have been in the game since early access.
  5. 1) Do FPs with guild members 2) Do OPS with guild members Problem 100% solvable. Buuuut, I don't have a guild that does any of the aforementioned. Yeah, and finding a guild that does is hard, right? Lastly, companions can use all the gear that drops in the game and it could be that someone is needing on gear that they're actually going to use.
  6. As soon as all the F2P folks hit 50 and are like derp to do, derp bugs in ops, derp problems with pvp ect. ect. ect. They'll leave just like the millions of player left 10 months ago. Don't any of you stop and ask yourself, "why did MILLIONS of people buy this game and quit within 3 months?" "Why did BioWare reduce the number of servers down to the current numbers?"
  7. This post was directed at BioWare with regards to the MILLIONS of players who've quit the game because of the issues which have plagued this game prior to launch. So I was never speaking for you, to you or about you unless YOU are one of those players in which case you should be glad that someone playing the game is asking BioWare to get their **** together.
  8. Furthermore, I'd bet my account on you not knowing good dps from poor dps and what each class should be doing based on their "gear score" of which you have no solid way of knowing.
  9. There are MILLIONS of players who really, really want to love and make this game the primary game, let me say this again there are MILLIONS of players who really want to love and play this game and support it. However, until you decide that it's time to fix the core problems which have been beat to death, add content which makes sense in expanding story lines for level cap players, expand warzones and reassess QoL, the F2P model isn't going to keep people in the game and make them want to sub. Creating stickiness is the end goal. You want people spending money on the game. There'll be short term gains for sure as people come back to check out what's new, there'll be new people come into the game via F2P but there really isn't much to KEEP them there. I played during the stress beta Thanksgiving weekend 2011, played in early access and was one of the first level 50 marauders on my server at the time, raided EV and KP through hardmode and nightmare and made it to valor 50 prior to the Ilum fail which allowed people to exploit (not that it was a bad thing, it was a game mechanic in the game and it is BioWare's fault not the players fault)... I quit because the ability lag, ops bugs and total crap that pvp was. There are a few guys in my office who play and I decided after 1.5 to come back and take a look, re-upped my sub and jumped back in the game. There's some new content but it's disconnected and doesn't seem to really flow with any story line that helped my toon to level 50, that's a problem. I don't really care if I have more levels to grind out but I do care if the content doesn't seem to really tie in with the whole story line, which is a major part of this game. The bugs and problems are still very much there that were there more than a year ago. Just because YOU haven't seen ability lag or ops bugs doesn't mean that they aren't there and have a dramatic impact on others game play. They do and are. I freaking love the idea of flying around the galaxy with a couple of lightsabers and force choking things that piss me off. That's fun. I love seeing smaller group runs (flash points) with boss mechanics like that of an ops (raid). That's very cool, I point to the droid boss in Lost Island, the mechanics of that fight are ****** and a lot of fun. BioWare, again, there are millions who will pay and support your game and want to, there are millions who love the SW franchise and want to support it, listen to your fan base, fix what's broken, give us content that is meaningful and challenging and we will be there. We don't give a crap about F2P and all the other non-sense and we don't care about playing dress up, we're gamers and we want to game and love your title, MAKE IT SO!! Dave aka Krystia lvl 50 Marauder The Hardbringer
  10. 1) ABILITY LAG 2) EV,KP OPS BUGS IN NM/HM PLUS FP BUGS 3) INABILITY TO VIEW COMBAT LOGS (this isn't a bug but a gigantic shortfall in game play)
  11. Movement - E, S, F Ability key bind - 1-7, q, w, r, t,a,z,sd,g,h,x,c,v plus the 12 key binds on your naga... Yeah, shifting to E-S-F for movement creates a LOT more versatility in being able to key bind.
  12. Back when this game launched folks like me who play marauders complained loud about this problem, it is especially present when using "ravage", which is a key element to your rotation. Also there are times when you press an ability and the ability just doesn't work or it works and doesn't go on GCD and you press it again and it doesn't work and then goes on GCD... The community response was, "you're so full of crap, there are no problems with this game, ****" There were some changes but the problem appears to be with game design and at this point it seems unlikely that BioWare is going to do a full re-design to fix the problem. You'll have to live with the frustration of ability lag or play a different game, it isn't going away.
  13. Last week the Harbringer went down twice, the first time for an hour and the second time about 15mins or so. On the second server crash when I went to log in the que line was 1700+ and the game said there would be a 3hr wait. Turns out that having a sub got me back into the game in about 10mins. Not. The. End. Of. The. World. There are so many more important things in life to worry and stress over and get mad at, a video game isn't one of them. Furthermore, you're paying 15 dollars for 1 month. 168hrs / week, 672hrs / month (roughly), that's about .02 / hour. Tell me, what fun things can you do that cost money which are only .02 / hr? Yeah...
  14. If on your way to work there is an accident and you are delay getting to the office by 30mins, should the city have to compensate you for your lost time? Should the people involved in the accident compensate you? No. So just accept that sometimes things break and it takes 15mins to an hour to fix but they always get fixed. Furthermore, there are ALWAYS options to avoid peak server times, if YOU choose to do so.
  15. Took me about 12mins to get back into the game with a 1300+ wait in the que... not to bad really.
  16. So quit and find another game to play. Guess what, that game will probably have issues also. As for subs sticking around? Well nearly a million people have suffered through utter total crap for almost a year, so clearly a lot will put up with more than just a few mins of down time. You clearly never raided nightmare EV back in December of last year or KP.
  17. You're crying over 15mins to an hour of down time? Seriously? You're getting angry cuz you have to either back away from the computer or find something else to do for a bit. Oh wait, f you brah I can only play for 20mins every 6 days and this is when I play, that was gonna be your retort, amirite? Meh, so the game's down for a bit, it really isn't the end of the world.
  18. DKass you're about to enter into a rogue Sith Lords house to kill his son, you're having a conversation... You: "..great in another year you may perhaps learn his shoe size." Him: "He wears boots smart mouth." I wish this game had more sarcasm in it, it's funny to hear the npcs get sassy.
  19. Cuz every piece of software you've ever purchased is 100% bug free and or never crashes... mmkay...
  20. I'm looking for the official guidelines (ToS) from BioWare on the use of general chat on what is allowed and not allowed. For the life of mine I can't find the line where it says you are allowed to only discuss the following topics. Could you please point that out to me, thanks.
  21. It is after all the weekend and free 2 play...
  22. I'll bet most of you do and I'll bet that most of you are going to say, "LFG totally wrecked the WoW community." I'll bet most of you never played on Blackrock prior to the LFG, for that community was a miserable crap hole long before LFG ever hit. If you take a little time and go to the WoW forums you'll find that many hundreds of players are grouping together now from across servers to raid. They're actively seeking each other out, adding each other to RealID and Z**** creating community where previously they would have had to re-roll and spend a few hundred hours before they could really game together. This doesn't destroy communities, if you find the good in it it can build a much broader and larger community. But if you're an anti-social hater you'll find the BAD in everything. LFG/LFR can be a great benefit if you WANT it to or it can be a cesspool of crap if you WANT it to, the choice is up to the player base. Seeing what's going on on the WoW forums it looks like people are really enjoying the cross-realm RealID raiding and finding new folks. That's an amazing + for the community.
  23. I'm disappointed to find so many selfish jerks who play MMOs. It's a 100% optional tool that you never have to use, ever. However, you want to begrudge others from being able to expand their game play to others they would never have to chance to game with.
  24. I go back and work on my achievements on my DK in WoW. I'm so close to 10,000 nerd points. SWTOR is an OK game but there just isn't much replay value. ZOMG we have voice overs. Yeah and? Each race in that 'other' game has a different starting area with different quests and stories. See, I love to read and having someone read me a story is just lazy to me. I can understand why BioWare would want to do voice over acting. Given the state of our school systems and so few people reading books now-a-days. ZOMG I was in Barnes & Nobel 4 years ago and read a book. Sure ya did. Once you've hit 50, spent the 12 days necessary to get the daily Rakata gear, completed the stupidly easy OPS raids on normal/harm/nightmare assuming that you didn't give up with all the goddang bugs, there's nothing much more to do if you don't pvp. But, but, but.. you can level more. Hmm.. No.
  25. This is an amazing idea but there is ZERO possibility this would ever work in the current game engine. This game can't handle 50 people in the same spot without crumbling in on itself.
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