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Posts posted by usmarshal

  1. While its not directly covered in the story, Harkuun is an Overseer. They are pretty much the bottom rung of the Sith power structure. An overseer is basically someone who showed promise but was never taken on as an apprentice. Harkuun can never be a Lord and at his age and experience would make him a poor apprentice. So he never will move beyond where he is now.


    My take on the Fawn situation is simple. He wanted his chosen student, his "apprentice" to move up. To him this would of proven he was capable of much more than an Overseer is credited with, not to mention having a eventual Lord or possibly Darth in your debt is a strong motivator as well. The problem was that your SI proved to much. You had to much raw power, ability, talent...ect to fail. Like Zash said had you placed Fawn in any other group he would of succeeded.


    Plus you can't fault Harkuun for the other slaves who die during training. Its a common fact that failure as a Sith is usually a death sentence. That point is driven home very earlier and is even more apparent in other story lines. Harkuun may enjoy what he does, it doesn't change the fact that the hate he makes you feel keeps your butt alive. Even the old guy in the ruins that you meet up with at low level says it. "Use your hate for him to make you strong.".




    The codex here says that Overseers are just Sith Lord teachers, what your probably thinking of is Harkun's codex saying that due to being a staunch traditionalist his ability to advance is crippled.

  2. Remember that this game takes place in 3,643 BBY (before Battle of Yavin in Episode 4) and beyond the 600 years the span of time from 2000 BBY to 1000 BBY is completely unexplored. So we have a lot of time for more adventures but the New Sith Wars start in 1000 BBY so the Sith Empire at most has the possibility to survive for approximately 2500 more years.
  3. Grevious was a a Kaleesh general who was terribly injured in a starship crash and was rebuilt as a cyborg by the Intergalactic Banking Clan who promised they would help his starving war devestated people if he served them and the Separatists. SI's get a Kaleesh apprentice named Xalek.
  4. What a mary-sue.


    Sometimes but not always true:


    In Legacy of the Force he lets his anger get the best of him and he kills Lumiya based solely on the suspicion that she killed Mara Jade. He will later regret this greatly though.


  5. Basically the EU written before the prequels (which Lucas never referred to) completely invalidates the prophecy, by having many Sith fight the New Jedi Order after the end of the films. That being said one could say that the prophecy was not meant to bring order to the force in the way the Jedi expected it to by destroying the Sith. Or perhaps neither Anakin or Luke were the Chosen One and the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled.
  6. Which makes me wonder, now - why are Miraluka a playable race when in KOTOR they establish that their entire species was wiped out by Darth Nihilus.


    Are we to believe that Visus Marr managed to not only achieve parthogenesis but also do it enough times to repopulate their entire race?


    Katarr the homeworld of the Miraluka was destroyed but many members of the species were offworld when the devastation occurred, in fact they adopted an Expansion Region planet called Alpheridies as their new home after Katarr's destruction. KOTOR II says that Visas is the only survivor of the Katarr attack not the last of her species.

  7. Should I remember you tha the Revanites are not accepted by the Dark Council ?

    And therefor they are NOT Sith ?


    They are hunted by the Sith Order it self... that is way they are called THE REVANITE ORDER



    Actually, despite being outlawed at least some of the Revanites still consider themselves Sith. A Chagrian Reavanite along the Pilgrim's Path says that he considers himself both Revanite and Sith.

  8. Sorry, but Sith are inherently Dark Side. Kinda the whole point is that following emotion instead of tranquility and reason IS the dark side, it always, inevitably, leads to downfall. Always. Period. Sith ARE Dark Side. So, while I understand from a game mechanic perspective the choice of light or dark, if a Sith went light, they wouldn't be Sith, they would be Former Sith. Which is why I think there should be a 'Betrayal' quest (as in EQ2) once you get to a certain level of Light Side as Sith or Dark Side as Jedi. Actually it woul dbe more like a breaking away from the Order or the Dark Council thing. Become independent. You would still work for the empire, but not for the Order or for the Dark Lords respectively.


    The Sith are inherently Dark Side, I never said their not. The Dark Side is a force philosophy that involves feeding on emotions to become more powerful, exactly what Sith do. What I said was that Sith are not inherently evil, the Dark Side usually corrupts but doesn't have to.

  9. I assume that they are tolerated as long as they serve the Empire and never go against it, because if you play as a Light Side Sith your way of doing things will be questioned but you still serve the Empire and are useful because of that.
  10. Something I never understood is if your playing an alien how Lord Kallig is your ancestor, I suppose you could say at some point there was hybridization with Sith (species) or Humans, but the Sith Empire plotted extremely isolated in the Unknown Regions for thousands of years and Kallig is implied to be ancient.
  11. The Sith are not inherently evil yet their philosophy can corrupt easily. The Sith are different from the Jedi in that they seek to gain Dark Side power by taking advantage of all emotions especially ones that could be considered negative. IE: they use their rage to give them strength and fighting ability, they use their passion to empower their drive to succeed, and use fear to increase their desire to destroy the enemy. Doing this allows the Sith to have access to more powerful abilities than the Jedi have. However using emotions like these cloud judgement just like how in real life we would say or do things we normally wouldn't when were angry, thus usually leading to corruption and evil. However it doesn't have to be that way. A Light Side Sith would be a strong willed force user who used their emotions to to give them great power yet at the same time exercised restraint and calm along with negative emotions, and used their power to help people.
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