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Posts posted by PaniMauser

  1. Same problem here. I can mail the items (not only via legacy, but to friends too, with timer or without it, so the timer does not matter). Which means that items are not bound. It is impossible to mail bound items to anyone. But I still cannot put them on GTN or donate it to guild bank.


    The worst thing, I see other people selling same items on GTN. Why it works for some, while it does not work for others?

  2. They fixed wrong thing(( Who even uses non-mobbadle lightsabers and offhands? They used to be companion fodder at best, and now companions do not need them. So they might've rid of them at all.


    And crystals - the main seller of artificers - still requires slicing.


    Which kinda implies that it is working as intended. Ugh.


    I would not be mad about change is they announced it when they announced crafting changes, before KotFE, so I could get rig of now-useless stacks of materials.


    But no, lets screw artificers even more and make the change stealthy, so now crafters with tons of recipes (and I have all the crystals from operations RE'd) have exactly zero of materials to crafts them.


    Why was the change made? To put artificers who supported this game for years on even ground with insta-60 noobs or something? Well, nice to know how much our support is appreciated.

  3. I can tell you that i got Yuun and Xalek and Talos on my JK main and that they have slots for gear - these were my alts' companion, so presumably, any old companion from the original game seems quite likely to retain their equipment slots (except for droid companions who only have the appearance customization slot). When I temporarily had access to Kira, Doc, and Scourge, they had equipment slots just like Yuun, Xalek, and Talos before being separated from me in Chapter 1.


    Now I like to mix things up and try new outfits and will experiment a fair bit if I see something nice, so my point was ONLY that while this situation with the newer companions is somewhat disappointing, one can at least look on the bright side in that the original companions can still be customized if you choose to - which works out fine for me. If you like sticking with one look, hey, that's your thing. *shrug*


    If the current situation is permanent with the newer companions because of cinematics or because the devs want them to have an iconic look/whatever reason, that's unfortunate. Maybe it could change later at some point and the devs will eventually add slots for armor so that you can customize them more - who knows.


    I don't think anyone can actually tell you what the reasoning for it actually was except for a dev, but good luck getting an answer about it from them on that.


    I was not asking about slots. I know they have ones. I was wondering when you re-recruit your old companions on the characters you had them (like Yuun on Trooper or Pierce on Warrior), do they have the gear you gave them or those dumb new outfits too? And if they have new outfits - what happened to gear they used to have before KotFE?


    As for bring side, sorry, it does not work for me. I have set looks for old companions which I like. I was looking forward playing with looks of new ones. So the fact that you can equip cosmetic gear on old companions does not sweeten the pill at all.


    I wish we were warned in advance about such approach. It is frustrating to stumble upon something like this without announcement.


    And no, I was not expecting them to reply. I know they do not give a **** about community.

  4. Devs don't only make some dialogues in KotFE one sided, they deleted all 1-60 lvl heroics cutscenes and "sent them to the letterbox"... And old heroic NPCs are still standing. Why? They wanted heroics organized in one place, then why don't make first stage of the quests like "go to specific NPC"?..


    I understand, when they have no money and time to make new content as good as old (it's not god. but it's life), but why ruin old content? People that don't want make heroics on low levels won't make them both ways.


    Iirc, the old NPCs are supposed to stay there and if you wish, you can go and pick heroics up manually, with cutscene and all. Or they were outright lying about it? I didn't get to doing heroics yet.

  5. Though it's unfortunate that you can't alter the new companions' appearances substantially (beyond the face thing), at least your cartel armor, etc. won't completely go to waste since you can stick that stuff on your older companions if/when you get them back.


    My old companions were all decked out before KotFE was out, so the point still stands.


    (not to mention that I pick each outfit for a character specifically, so I'll never put an armor I intended for Senya on Corso or Akaavi, so it would be wasted for me, if I bought it. Thankfully, I decided to wait.)


    Also I really hope they do not destroy the gear I put on my companions by giving them 'new looks'. There's no smuggler companions returning in this expansion, and I didn't get to play other classes yet, so I cannot check. But anyone who player Warrior, Inquisitor or Trooper - did Pierce, Yuun, Xalek and Drellik kept the outfits you gave them?

  6. I would be happy if they just add a bunch of customization's for the customization slots for the new companions...As others have mentioned it would be really weird to see them in the slave girl outfits people would put them in as it would not fit the characters at all.


    You say as if wearing slave outfits was ever fitting for Jedi Like Kira or Nadya, or for soldier like Elaram or Raina.


    Well, not seeing Lana and Senya in slave ourtfit is the only good thing about this situation, I admit. But it could be achieved by simply removing that gear from game. It should not been in there in the first place, since it does not fit any of female characters thematically.


    It's just, the game has these of awesome armors I would like to use, but never will, unless they change their system. Like, Thexan armor for be fantastic on Lana and Zakuul Knight would be amazing for Senya. But I do not need neither of those outfits on my characters. So BW lost sales of CCs here.


    I'd love to hear reasoning for them voluntarily cutting the cartel armor sales.

  7. It is pretty jarring that none of the new companions are customazible in regards of their looks. At first I thought that maybe it is for the story, and new cutscenes cannot render the old gear, or something. But I finished the story already, and still cannot change gear on companions.


    Like, what is the point in buying cartel gear now? I got perfect look for my character months ago and not panning to change it in foreseeable future(if ever). But I was planning to buy Zakuul Knight armor for Senya. And now I won't. That's pure money loss for BW right there. Boxes lost its appeal as well. I do not need any one new arnors for myself and have no companions to put it on.


    So what made them decide to cut the branch they are sitting on?


    Also, cutscenes ignore existing customizations. My HK51(with bounty hunter customization equipped) and Treek(with customization as well) both looked default in cantina cutscene. So if old gear is indeed a problem for new cutscene engine - they could just force default looks on new characters as well. They obviously have the technology for it in place.


    So I really want devs to answer, why this decision was made. I'm curious.

  8. I get KOTOR reference, and game were great. But they are old and outdated now. I never wanted to go back to the old format. I really hope they just did it for first nine chapters because they had their hands full.


    I do not mind not having proper cutscenes, it might be indeed technically difficult, considering the amount of contacts we have. But I will never believe they didn't have enough money to voice our characters. VAs getting such low pay they planning to go on strike for it, so it would be the biggest part of the budget.


    And considering the amount of money they dropped on KotFE trailer, it does not look that that were tight on finaces. Because it was absolutely unnecessary to make fully rendered trailer to tell the story (they could've used new ingame cutscenes style for it), so they apparently have money for such frivolities. So why make cuts on actual necessary parts? Especially when VAs were already int he recording booth, so they could voice another couple dozens of lines right there, without any extra scheduling.


    If I wanted silent protagonist - I would go and play ESO or something. SWTOR's main appeal for me is fully voiced main characters.

  9. Slicing just needs to be available to everyone, with the way they have it implemented. Practically no one can fully perform their chosen crafting skill without it.


    It's just baffling that they treated it that way. People would take Slicing on its own if it was just a pure money maker (doubly so if it included Companion Gifts or something similar in addition to Lockboxes and the world nodes). There was no need to make any other profession dependent on it.


    Indeed. With ability to farm credit boxes and providing components for the augments slicing was nowhere near the decline. It is top money-making skill if you do not have well-developed library of popular recipes. Aka, any newbie could pick it up and never regret it. It didn't need any more boosts.


    I really hope it is a bug.

  10. Actually, it is not only lvl 56 stuff.


    All color crystals require purple slicing mats instead of TH purple crystals. Which is odd.


    And I haven't found a use for purple TH crystals anywhere(haven't trying REing relics yet though).


    If purple crystals are useless for crafting, it would be nice to get some refund from BW, if they stealth-changed it all. Or maybe 1:1 exchange rate or something.

  11. Really wondering it myself. So weirtd and is not in patch notes too. I assume it is a bug. Still, woudl be nice to get confirmation.


    If it is not a bug, it is frustrating to learn it after the launch, since I'm loosing a lot here. I have stockpiles of crystals and no slicing parts. Early warning would've been nice! I could at least spent materials I had on crafting before 4.0 or something.


    So now my stockpiles have zero value and I have no mats I actually need.

  12. Corso cannot use his Torchy anymore. The log says he can use both blaster rifles and sniper rifles. But Torchy - which is both blaster rifle and story-based weapon (like, there's a least three dialogues where Corso whines about loosing it in chapter one and wanting it back) - cannot be equipped anymore. Why?


    EDIT: Oh, nevermind, Torchy is a blaster pistol now. Which happens only when you take Torchy for yourself instead of giving it back to Corso. So KotFE ****ed up my ingame decisions?!


    What else they changed?!

  13. Alderaan palace

    Manaan apartments (with one lvl under water and one lvl above water!)

    Voss homestead

    Rishi waterfront property

    Corellia apartment would be also nice, but I'm not sure how it will work between the factions lore-wise, considering that rep and imp Corellia has several month of storytime difference. Maybe some post-4.0 state, idk.



    And ability to have more than four SHs. They can keep 4 SHs requirement for 100% conquest bonus, whatever, just let us have extras with no influence on conquests, so there's no need to rebalance anything.

  14. Why you hate cybertech so much? I mean, you removed all the armorings, all the droid armor and what you gave instead? Some enhancements?!


    It does not makes up for the loss of two things we could craft. If you took droid armor away, at least have some decency to add some cosmetic shells of cybernetic armor for players. It won't make up for it, but it would be at least something.


    Not to mention that artifice got nothing to replace enhancements at all.

  15. Hey folks,


    Thank you for all your feedback today. Based off of that feedback we will be reverting the change to the reputation vendors. We are still condensing down to a single vendor per reputation, but it will contain all items that are currently available on Live.


    Please keep the feedback coming.


    Dan Bunten

    Cartel Market Producer


    Now just revert mandatory level sync(keep it optional if you want to have it so much), and it all be great))

  16. well it's true, aside from achievements(which don't matter at all imo), there is no reason for a 65 to come back to a 20 planet. They don't need any gear that drops from any of the world bosses, they don't need the 100-2000 credits the repeat quests give since the 65 quests will pay out more. Absolutely no reason for a level 65 to do any lower level content at max level


    You don't RP, do you?


    Many locations on low-lvl planets are great for RP sessions. Take a walk into Tython mountains with your padawan. Go on search of ancient artifacts into Belsavis tombs. Sneak into sand people village. Go feed your enemy to sarlacc. Free a hostage from pirate den. And so on.


    There are a lot of great location populated with enemy mobs. When they are grey, they ignore you, unless you step on them. So you can have your RP session uninterrupted even in the middle of heroic area.


    In 4.0 it will become impossible, because mobs will aggro to you no matter what, no matter how many levels you are above them.


    For some people it is not about stomping weak mobs or easy commendations. It is about going into nice locations and have uninterrupted conversation. Which will be absolutely impossible when 4.0 hits.


    And trust me, having to stop conversation every four minutes to kill respawning mobs is NOT fun.


    ((But I understand, everyone must play the way you play. How dare people enjoy the game differently!))

  17. Yea, now they need to work them. How terrible. Even i need to work for the mats if i need them! Even more terrible! Abort abort this is terrible expansion!

    No, really. Especially now with the scaling gathering, you'll even get more lowbie mats if you kill a few mobs more on that lowbi planet to get said mats.

    Nope, still not upset. I will respect your time gathering those lowbi mats more now.


    Not upset! Good for you!


    Also I love how you ignored my other points. That it will hurt RPers who want peaceful RP session in open world without being interrupted every 4 minutes by respawns. That it will hurt people wanting to get exploration achievement in peace without being knocked down from their vehicles by random aggro pull.


    But I guess you just don't care about that as long as you make those horrible vile high-lvls players who dared to step on your precious lowbie planet feel annoyed.


    So enjoy your little petty victory, I guess.



  18. This is exactly why I like the scaling. To stop max lv from snatching and farming mats and mobs you wanted to do on appropriate level. Atleast now they'll need to ask a group to kill that WB.


    As if you never went to low-lvl planet because you needed some mats that grow there. Pffff. Don't make my slippers laugh.


    Also, it won't stop high-lvls from killing those mobs and getting those mats anyways. Now we will be more annoyed about it, and that's all.

  19. So a lot of people seem up in arms about the new level sync system and I have just one question: why? Everyone I see complaining is just saying that they don't like it. Again, why? It's not like at-level content is that difficult -- when was the last time any of you died to a mob on Yavin? Can't go back and solo heroics? Fine, but how often is that an issue, even for dailies? Want to gank lowbies? Well, screw you and good riddance. You're the reason people don't like to play on PvP servers (although you still have an ability advantage, so there you go).


    Really, are people that upset that they have to be modestly challenged?


    Convenience. I don't give a flying sith about soloing heroics. I'm annoyed that I cannot be left in peace on lower lvl planets anymore.


    I do not want to fight my way through mobs on the way to PR spot, or on the way to datacron, or the lore object I missed previously. Or just while gathering crafting materials.


    Now grey mobs ignore me. After downscaling they won't.


    They will be easy to kill. They were easy to kill on level. What challenge are you talking about? Or being annoyed by random pulls on the way to your destination is a nice fun challenge for you?

  20. It seems it is going to be like GW2's system which is great. Please read my posts! If you don't understand what it is, I will be happy to explain further if you have questions! :)


    Please, trust me on this. I know what I'm talking about!! I was against it at first also. But you have to see the bigger picture here for the game


    I ABSOLUTELY do not understand what you mean in your post. Never played GW2, never will, so comparison is mute.


    I do not care if I will still be able to kill mobs easy. I could kill them easy while leveling too. What I care about is the fact that I will pull their aggro now when I just wan to get crafting mats or lore item, or do some RP.


    Now that mobs are grey, they do not notice me unless I step on them. But if I'll be on their level, they will attack me and distract me from what I'm doing. So how is that good?

  21. Credits, gear for yourself or also sell, crystals, helping friends, guildies.


    Rewards from flashpoints and operations will be better anyways. So why would anyone want to waste their time on looking group for heroics for crappy vendor trash gear?


    Now it makes sense, because you can go in alone and do it in few minutes. But if the amount of time and effort spent on heroics becomes the same as flashpoints, so where's the benefit for a player to waste time on heroics?


    Also, if downgrading would be applied only to heroics, I would not mind it.


    BUT the problem is regular mobs in open world locations. So you will not be able go and farm crafting materials in peace anymore, will not be able to go and grab forgotten lore items and datacrons FAST (emphasis on fast, killing trashmobs is not a challenge, it just a hassle on the way to destination), because now mobs are on your level and will attack you instead of ignoring.


    So what is good and beneficial about this **** when you do not even need the extra xp?!

  22. I just want to know, how this *censored* level synch benefits players who are already at lvl-cap? They do not need any extra xp from quests and kills.


    So, please, explain how this is supposed to be appealing for players who reached lvl-cap and give exactly zero fricks about xp and need no time-waster fights on the run for some lore item they forgot to grab during leveling?

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