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Everything posted by WolfpackAW

  1. Tranquility is looking for a tank for one of our weekly progression raiding teams. Our group runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are working through Hard Mode TFB and S&V at the moment. Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining. And now, a little about us: We are Tranquility, a pre-launch LGBT guild originally from Keller's Void but now here to stay on Jedi Covenant. We are a semi-hardcore guild that manages to balance raid progression, PvP, real life, and dirty jokes to form a fun, friendly community of gay and straight members ranging from 18 to older than dirt (Humpher). If you have any questions feel free to whisper or send an ingame mail to Charlz (our "Illustrious" Guild Leader), or any of the officers (Aridian, Bigblockhead, Gobien/Junnol, Tehito) and we will be happy to answer them for you.
  2. My confusion was when you wrote DPS (first line), you meant HPS. I keyed on your use of DPS. I've run both high crit and high power in raids, and cleared everything up to Styrak in S&V HM (full clear on TFB HM). So far, I have not seen a huge difference either way.
  3. To the previous poster - yes, Nibbon did make a DPS thread. He ALSO made a healing thread, which is what I linked. Please check that link again. It ALSO states ZERO Crit.
  4. Check out Nibbon's excellent thread on the Sage forums at: Sage Heals Theorycrafting TL;DR Zero Critical Rating As much Power as possible 6 Alacrity Enhancements, 4 Surge Enhancements (Enhancements also count implants and earpiece) Always use enhancements with this stat distribution: 41 Endurance 47 Secondary 72 Tertiary The Power/Surge and Power/Alacrity Enhancements are Adept and Quick Savant respectively. If you want to know why, read Nibbon's thread.
  5. Tranquility is looking for a tank for one of our weekly progression raiding teams. Our group runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are working through Hard Mode TFB and S&V at the moment. If those times don't work for you, we have another group that runs ops as well (Wednesday, Sunday Monday). Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining.
  6. Due to a shortage of raid personnel this week, I ended up tanking for my raid group (normally I heal) on my vanguard. I have healed this fight MANY times, so I understand the basics, but there was one little nuance that seems to have me stumped. Hoping to get an answer before we give it another go tonight (raid was called last night due to time constraints). When I am tanking the TFB, I know that the other tank taunts once Scream begins casting. This way the other tank has the boss, and I get the Scream debuff. In order to clear the Scream debuff, our regular tanks jump off the platform (not sure if they walk or jump) and get "ported" back to the 1st platform. It's my understanding that this is a quicker method than traversing the 4-5 platforms individually. Problem is, when I tried this last night, I was killed by falling (heard myself do the yelling thing as I fell). How is this supposed to work? Am I supposed to drop off, jump off, what? And if so, which way do I fall off? Any help is appreciated - We are going to try to finish up tonight before moving on to HM S&V.
  7. Tranquility is looking for a tank for one of our weekly progression raiding teams. Our group runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are working through Hard Mode TFB and S&V at the moment. I know you said you are looking for a spot for both a tank and a DPS, and I am sure we would be able to accommodate you. Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining.
  8. Tranquility is looking for a tank for one of our weekly progression raiding teams. Our group runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are working through Hard Mode TFB and S&V at the moment. Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining. And now, a little about us: We are Tranquility, a pre-launch LGBT guild originally from Keller's Void but now here to stay on Jedi Covenant. We are a semi-hardcore guild that manages to balance raid progression, PvP, real life, and dirty jokes to form a fun, friendly community of gay and straight members ranging from 18 to older than dirt (Humpher). If you have any questions feel free to whisper or send an ingame mail to Charlz (our "Illustrious" Guild Leader), or any of the officers (Aridian, Bigblockhead, Gobien/Junnol, Tehito) and we will be happy to answer them for you.
  9. TFB Republic side - the circles you are referring to are purple and DO NOT look like a Sage's healing circle. I know from personal experience being a sage healer myself. <happy dance>
  10. Note: This thread just appeared today on Dulfy: Dulfy Well-Connected Guide Maybe we can contribute Republic information and she will add it.
  11. @Slopster - yes, that can be done. I can't get to it right now, but that seems reasonable to me. I'll see what I can do about merging it over the next week or so. Is there an already-started thread out there for bugged achievements? I have not found one yet.
  12. For the record, in case anyone was wondering. I can verify the following: Unlock the bonus objective: "Securing the City" I did the following: Stage 1 - Reverse Engineering (required, as it unlocks Signal Intelligence), Too Close to Home, Into the Fire Stage 2 - Signal Intelligence (required BEFORE Taking Back Talaos), Taking Back Talaos (do immediately FOLLOWING Signal Intelligence), Stone and Steel Diverted Turret Placement from Stronghold One I did the following: Stage 1 - Reverse Engineering, Too Close to Home, Into the Fire The following interconnect is the only one I have not gotten: Regulators Diverted Troops from Gravity Hook Four Docking Ring to the Cartel Mining Mesa
  13. Thanks Aurojiin. Fortunately, I knew enough not to take any Accuracy as a Sage Healer, and until I saw your new guide for 2.0, was maintaining the same priorities as pre-2.0, which was (approximately) equal amounts of Crit, Surge and Alacrity (about 300 rating each), and stack Power after that, with Willpower augments. This was VERY productive for my operations team pre-2.0, as I never had any difficulty healing any content unless someone did something stupid. I am a bit interested in your 6:4 Alacrity:Surge ratio, and may try that out soon. Right now, my Alacrity and Surge are still 1:1 as they were pre-2.0, just at higher levels due to now wearing a mix of 69 and 72 gear vs 63 gear.
  14. The hidden achievement you are missing on Tython is the MCR-99 Espionage Droid Achievement. I just completed it and now have 100% on Tython. Follow this guide: MCR-99 Espionage Droid Achievement Guide.
  15. I have reached subject quest in the Macrobinoculars line. I am at the step that says "Follow Lord [whatever's] Skiff." I know that I am supposed to click on the platform (it's glowing) but each time I do so I get the error message "You are not eligible for that conversation." I have reset the instance a number of times and reset the quest a number of times to no avail. Anyone else seeing this error?
  16. Check the "Known Issues" thread in the Customer Service forum. There are no Terentateks on the planet Tython as of yet.
  17. Anyone been able to fully explore all of Makeb? I'm missing Brakan Mesa - anyone know where I go to pick this up?
  18. If you are still looking, try Tranquility We are a mature, LGBT-friendly guild. We have 2 ops groups, are 5/5 TFB HM and 3/4 EC NiM. We are a very active guild, with an operation of one sort or another going on every night. Contact myself or one of the officers in-game: Charlz, Aridian, Gobien, Tehito, BigBlockhead, Tyrien.
  19. On SM it could certainly be under-manned. I soloed far enough in to it to get some codex entries (DG-geared heals Sage). If you are in Tionese gear, I would recommend at least a 2nd live player, plus your companions.
  20. Don't go into Lost Island Hard Mode in the "free" Tionese gear. Columi gear recommended. As far as schematics go, you can buy the Exotech stims' schematics for daily commendations from a daily commendation vendor on the following planets: Belsavis, Ilum, Corellia, and Section X.
  21. So following previous suggestions, I submitted another in-game request for codex entries to be granted. I got an email response: Greetings, I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human Cyborg Relations. Thank you for contacting us regarding your issues with the Codex. We are aware that there are issues with certain Codex entries not being granted when the player is eligible. Unfortunately, in this instance I am unable to grant the specific entries you have mentioned to your character. Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer) responded to a question about the Codex in one of our Community Q&As. He stated: "The Codex will get a clean-up pass in the not-too-distant future, and at that time, we'll be either removing the entries that are no longer obtainable or re-enabling some of those removed entries if it makes sense to do so." The full Q&A can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-july-13th-2012 Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this may cause. Should you require further assistance with this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Galactic Support is our specialty... Sincerely, Protocol Droid M0-T0 Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service WOW. Just WOW. They reference a 9-month old thread, with the quote "not-too-distant-future." No changes were made to my codex. Interpretation is left to the reader. /rant off
  22. In the help interface in-game, which area did you submit this ticket to? I have never had any luck with any of the areas I submitted to.
  23. I have had all three (Scoundrel, Sage, Commando) as my partners. Each are quite good. My best success (probably just due to most experience) has always been with a Commando.
  24. Istari-kv (Republic) is looking to buy (or have crafted) either one of the following items: Hazmat Striker's MK-1 Chip Hazmat Force-healer's MK-3 Relay I have all the materials on hand. Hope someone has the schematic!
  25. First of all, feel free to message me in-game on either of my toons in my signature block, or my new alt, Somera (Sentinel). A Sage Healer is my main, and I have been playing since launch. I have cleared MOST (but not quite all) the operations content in the game. I'd be happy to discuss any healing stuff with you regardless of whether you join my guild or not. Anyway, on to the recruitment message: If you are still looking, try Tranquility We are a mature, LGBT-friendly guild. We have 2 ops groups, both of which have cleared TFB HM. We are a very active guild, with an operation of one sort or another going on every night. Contact myself or one of the officers in-game: Charlz, Aridian, Gobien, Tehito, BigBlockhead, Tyrien.
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